

Being the prodigal daughter of her family, Cassandra is disowned and thrown out of her home. But she's relentless and prepared to get her inheritance back no matter what. Billionaire Chase London is exactly who and what she needs to get back at her family. He's in love with her but all she wants is a strict contract. Will one's desire outweigh the other?

Lyon_Lee_0926 · Urbain
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9 Chs



Matilda stood on the balcony and smiled. She folded her arms across her chest and was still grinning when Cassie popped out from behind and tapped her on the shoulder.

"The place looks great mom. Cassandra is going to like it."

Matilda turned to Cassie. "You and I should launch an event planning business you know; we did such a good job."

Cassie giggled and shook her head. "Oh, mother."

Two colors were picked for the decoration and they are Cassandra's favorite. Red and white. Red linen was used as a covering over the balcony. Multiple slender poles were decorated with white flowers and were placed a few meters away from each other. About twenty chairs were stationed from left to the right. The tables were covered with white linen and the chefs' Matilda hired were up and doing.

"Why don't we get ready? Cassandra will be here any moment from now and I'm yet to take a bath." Cassie told her mother.

"Let's get back into the house."

They turned around and Saw Mr. Briggs walking up to them. He was dressed in a black tuxedo over brown shoes.

"You guys are not ready yet?" he pointed out. Matilda was wearing a sleeveless floral gown while Cassie was dressed in a blue tee shirt on oversize gean trousers.

"We were about to head in. I've taken a shower an hour ago. I just need to change" Matilda replied. "You look handsome by the way." she quickly added.

Mr. Jonson glanced at his wristwatch. "Her flight will be landing in less than twenty minutes. The driver is already at the airport. He will pick her up. We need to be all set before she arrives." Matilda nodded and Cassie left.

"The guests are beginning to arrive. I'll usher them in. Why don't you get dressed quickly?" Mr Jonson suggested

Matilda heaved a deep sigh and turned to look at the scenery one more time. "I hope Cassandra likes it. She's going to walk into a surprise party."

"She'll love it. Today, I'll introduce her to some of my colleagues in the business world. She needs to know the people she'll be dealing with."

"I'll head inside and change quickly. Why don't you go downstairs? I'll join you to welcome the guests in a few minutes." Matilda said and departed.

Fifteen minutes later, the chairs were almost filled up with the people the Briggs had invited for their daughter's homecoming party. There were murmurs flying around and elegant dresses and flashy suits were all over the place. On each round table were three chairs placed around. Sumptuous meals and expensive wines were placed on the table.

The driver had picked Cassandra up from the airport and immediately texted Mr. Jonson that they were on their way.

"She's on her way." Mr. Briggs announced to the people and as planned; they all made their way out.

A range rover pulled in front of the mansion. Cassandra stepped out of the vehicle and before she could blink, she was surrounded by her family and a few people she could identify.

Cassandra immersed Cassie into a hug and whispered into her hair. "What are all these people for?"

Cassie smiled without a word. Cassandra pulled her parents into a group hug and slightly bowed before the crowd. She was then led by her father to the balcony and was shocked by the spectacle before her.

"You guys could have told me you were planning a surprise. I would have worn more suiting clothes," she whispered to Matilda.

Her father smiled and took her by the hand. He led her to the table, reserved for the family.

"Ladies and gentlemen, meet Cassandra, Jonson Briggs. My heiress and the soon be C.E.O.of the Briggs Group of company." Mr Jonson announced.

Cassandra faked a smile and waved at the cheerful crowd. She cast her gaze down and wished the party wasn't been organized in the first place for she was feeling guilty.

Mr Briggs continued. "As you all know, my daughter graduated from the London School of Business." Applause followed.

He turned to her. "Honey, can you please show them your certificate?"

Cassandra smiled. "I...It is in my bag." she stammered.

"Why don't you go and get it?"

"It's not necessary dad."

"Oh come on Cassandra. Go get your certificate. You might as well freshen up and change. The event will go on."

Mr Briggs leaned over and whispered into her left ear. "I need my business partners to see it. I need to prove a point to them so go get that certificate."

Tears were beginning to well up in Cassandra's eyes. "Dad...we need to talk."

"We will talk later. Go and get your certificate now."

Matilda pulled Cassandra by the left arm. "You know how your dad can be. I know you need to rest but just get the certificate so we'll be over with this."

Tears began to stream down Cassandra's cheeks. The guests were engrossed in their meals and the soft music playing in the background.

"Why are you crying, Cassandra? What's the matter with you?"

"Mom, Dad, there's no certificate." Cassandra blurted amidst sobs.

"What are you talking about?" asked her confused father.

Cassandra heaved a deep sigh. "There's a certificate but....."

"But what?" Mr Briggs thundered.

The act scared Cassandra and she was forced to shut her eyes. The scream from Mr. Briggs's table immediately drew the crowd's attention to them.

At that point, Cassandra didn't care about the event, the people or her family member's confused expressions. She just wanted to tell the truth.

"I switched from the school of business to the University of London. I studied law." Cassandra disclosed and broke into a torrential overflow of tears.

The glass cup Matilda was holding slipped out of her hands and crashed into pieces. Cassie covered her mouth with both hands while Mr Briggs stood there, motionless.

The crowd began to murmur.

"Did she just say she studied law?"

"Isn't she the long-awaited heiress?"

"Seems like she's not interested in the business after all."

Such were the comments emanating from the crowd.

"Get out!" Mr Briggs thundered. "Get the hell out of my house and don't you ever show your face here."

Cassandra fell to her knees. Cassie and Matilda were crying already. Some of the people took out their phones and began to make videos.

"Please don't do this to her Jonson. We need to sit down and talk about this." Matilda cried out. She fell to her knees beside Cassandra and hugged her husband's left leg.

"Cassandra!" he growled and she rose to her feet. She was trembling like a victim of severe electrocution.

"I give you three minutes to leave my house." She wanted to speak but he prevented her with a scream. "Three minutes else the security will escort you out like a piece of trash."

Cassandra nodded, turned around and began walking away. Matilda and Cassie attempted to run after her.

"If any of you go an inch closer to her, I'll consider you dead." Mr Jonson declared.

Cassandra didn't turn away to look at her mother or sister. She kept walking away like a chicken being beaten by a heavy downpour.

Mr Briggs turned to the crowd. "The party is over."

Cassandra traced her way out of the Briggs mansion. She aimlessly strolled down the street and stopped in front of a canteen after walking for about thirty minutes. She rolled her eyes around and couldn't tell where she was. She dipped her hand into her jacket and pulled out her cellphone. She called Ruby.

"Cassandra, I've been dying to hear from you." came Ruby's voice.

"He sent me away. Mr Briggs banished me from the family," she told Ruby, her voice, quaking.

"Oh my God dear. I'm so sorry. What are you going to do now?"

"Law school Ruby. I'm going to law school."