


arriving to a resort on the Icey mountains of Switzerland, we stayed at a large cabins that consists of 4 rooms, 2 large bathrooms, a kitchen and a living room

Aaron has his own room, Me and Alex together, Katie and Nate and Brandon and Ethan stayed together

The view was perfect, and the cabin we had was amazing too, we unpacked our stuff then fell a sleep because it was nighttime

the next morning, we all dressed up into our swimming suits then wearing clothes on top since we were on icey mountains before heading to the resorts restaurant to have breakfast before heading to the hot water pool

/"I miss belle/" I said

/"I miss her too/" Brandon said

/"You know what I'm gonna call that idiot/" I said taking my phone and FaceTiming her

/"Babe at least eat first then do whatever you want/" Alex said

/"Can you please stop with the eating thing Alex?/" I said as he gave me a pout and shook his head