Amidst the cheerful chatter, Wang Lian's eyes sought out Meilin. She was seated at the far end of the table, her posture graceful and composed. It was as if she had seamlessly integrated herself into their family dynamic, her presence adding a sense of serenity to the lively atmosphere.
After a hearty meal, as the dishes were being cleared away, Wang Lian decided to take the opportunity to continue their conversation from the morning. He excused himself from the table and made his way towards Meilin, who was helping his mother in the kitchen.
"Hey, Meilin," he began, his tone slightly hesitant. "I hope you don't mind me asking, but I'm curious – how did you end up at the club last night? It seemed like a rather unexpected place to find someone like you."
Meilin's lips quirked into a thoughtful smile as she dried her hands on a kitchen towel. "It's a bit of a long story, but I'll give you the abridged version. I wasn't actually at the club last night."