


As soon as he was inside he started up the engine and backed out of the airport and started on the main road his eyes checking his surroundings.

As soon as my seatbelt was on and placed my hand on his and he had it laying flat waiting for me to do exactly that.

He soon brought our hands to his lips and kissed it lightly.

/"how are my two girls doing tonight,/" he says looking over at me with a charming smile. Does he have any idea how much seeing him has made my day. I even forgot about my donut.

/"were doing great, I saw Mary and my uncle just now for dinner,/" I told him, beginning to open up my donut bag again to finish what I stared.

Renzo stared at me for a few seconds before laughing out loud. /"you just had dinner baby, how are you eating again/" you'll be amazed. /"I have to eat for two now Renzo, that means double/" he nods his head in a mocking way almost as if he's mocking me.

/"do I get a bite/" he wishes.