


Watching him change was like watching a live striptease. It's not like he was stripping his shirt off or anything but as soon as we reached his car after leaving the helicopter he was ripping off his suit jacket which was then followed by his tie.

I'm engaged I shouldn't be thinking the thoughts in my brain right now but that doesn't mean I can't look.

/"I was in the office before I got the call, so excuse me for a few seconds/" I stepped back and leant on the wall. I wasn't ashamed at the fact I was openly checking him out.

He knew it and I knew it. The pigeon standing next to his car knew it. I an imagine the disappointment in the pigeons looks. Hes judging me I know.

He rolled his sleeves up to his arms and he placed a jacket over himself making him look somewhat of a normal person.

I was impressed.

/"are you done/" I ask him glancing at my watch being wary of the time since I should head home soon. But I couldn't until Lorenzo fulfilled his promise to me.

His name is quite fitting you know it has that Italian feel to it and now that I look at him I can see the Italian in him.

I know that his parents are mainly English with a hint of Spanish and Italian on each side. He's quite the mix. Henry was just plain Italian.

/"yeah c'mon /" he tells me. I gladly run around the car careful not to stumble and make me look like a total idiot.

I don't really know much about cars but I can clearly see that this car is brand new I mean it still smells new. You know when you have that unique smell when you first get a car.

It was a Mercedes Benz I could see that from the unique symbol. It wasn't a big car like henry has it was more of a sport type car which I really liked, I myself have a BMW and it is more on the sporty side than anything else.

I relaxed into the seat letting the heat blow out of the cars heaters.

He drove through the city with ease, it wasn't awkward but I did want to have conversation just so it's not so silent.

/"so, what do you actually do?/" I asked.

He raises his eyebrow at me probably thinking, really?

/"well, I'm a Formula one racer but I have only been professional for about three years now/" okay I know he can drive well but I really didn't expect him to say that. Didn't he say he had a business.

/"I also have my own sportswear brand I was in a meeting for that before I came and got you/" oh wow I must have really disturbed him today then. Parts of me actually feel guilty.

/"Busy guy/" I smile at him he raises his eyebrow again, he was surprised. Yeah so was I.

/"I bet you thought I was running my own corporate business empire didn't you/" well I didn't want to say that but yeah, I mean I had only assumed he followed after his father.

/"I take that as a yes/" he adds on, turning into a road that led up to some big black gates. I wasn't shocked when he pulled up to the gate and they were opening for him I've actually seen this house on one of his others blogs I was in awe of it and honestly its surreal being here now.

/"my father might be ticked off that you're more excited to see my mum just letting you know/" he tells me as he drives through this massive driveway.

/"really/" I question him. He chuckles not saying anything else. Well I don't wanna be on the bad sad of him.

Well do something Tina because you're already walking to the door.

Shaking off my nerves I follow behind Lorenzo, he types a code before the double doors opened wide and I caught a glimpse of the man that was Nathaniel Tessoro.


Now I know how Lorenzo is so incredibly handsome, there are some strong genes up in here.

/"Renzo, come in/" his father says opening the door wide for us. I look at Nathaniel, he seems a lot more relaxed compared to what I normally see him in with the pictures online. A simple jumper over a white tshirt and jeans that fitted him well. He was incredibly handsome and fit for his age.

/"And you must be his friend/" he hugs Lorenzo before turning to me and reaching his hand out for me to shake. I don't know why I was so nervous to be honest he seems lovely and welcoming.

I grab onto his hand and shake it in a tight grip. His white teeth smile back at me and its infectious.

/"more of an acquaintance sir, it's an honour to meet you, you can call me Kristina, but Tina for short/" I'm honestly shocked at how confident I was whilst this huge man towers over me.

/"not even friends, wow has my son lost his charm/" he grins at me. I mean I just insulted him more than an hour ago so I'm definitely not going to be calling him my friend.

/"And please call me Nathaniel I really hate being so formal/" I nod my head, thank god it would be exhausting referring to him as Mr tessoro all the time.

/"And you wonder why I don't come home/" we heard his distance voice. I broke into a little smile. Nathaniel was about to turn and walk over to Lorenzo he seemed annoyed with his comment but someone beat him to it.

/"don't be so rude Renzo/" a woman's voice says after I heard the sound of a slap echoing in the room.

/"damn mum so violent/" Lorenzo mutters before walking off into another room.

Nathaniel moved out of the way to make space for Loretta who I immediately recognised. She was a stunning woman even with her age, this family ages well.

She had a white tank on and was paired with some simple blue jeans it made her look youthful.

/"sorry about him, driving seems to have messed with his brain/" she laughs walking closer to me. I'm surprised when she moves in and pulls me in for a hug. I gladly hug her back. She smells amazing and I recognise the smell as the latest Chanel.

One of the perks of being a blogger is that I get the latest products from brands. Loretta was practically the reason I became a blogger.

/"he's alright I guess/" I say, I smile when her mouth turns up and she's giving her husband this hidden look.

/"sorry for interrupting but I was a little star struck when Lorenzo told me he was your son I really wanted to meet you, both of you/" I say standing back a little bit. Loretta crosses her arms standing straight she didn't look very happy.

/"you're not interrupting anything Kristina, is it?/" She asks me, I nod my head, telling her yes.

/"If anything, we needed someone to interrupt us since my children no longer like to visit me/" she glares at Lorenzo who stands leaning against the wall in something that looks more comfortable. I stared at him a little too long, too busy staring at those muscles.

He smirks at me

Damn him.