



  Faith couldn't count how many times she had checked her email notifications in the last few days.

  The results were the same.

  There was no feedback from the companies, none had called for an interview, and she was still unemployed.

  For how long would this continue? Now, she was very impatient.

  She'd always heard her colleagues discuss how hard it was to secure a good job, but Faith had never thought it would be this tough.

  The door was nudged open and Sterling walked inside, he was dressed in a business suit, preparing to leave for the office.

  Their gazes met and Faith watched as his eyes scanned through her clothes, which consisted of a knee-length skirt, a sleeved shirt, and matching low heels, her hair had been nearly clipped in a bun.

  "Where are you going?" He approached closer.

  Faith realized she had not mentioned it to him, she just hadn't thought it was necessary.