

Danielle,Orphaned at a young age, has been adopted by the wealthy and influential De Peyster family and Danielle's life is forever changed. Danielle,however,finds herself torn between her gratitude for their kindness and her desire to hold on to past when she turned 18, the age of maturity and is soon to be married to the man of her parents choice. Billionaire heir, 21 years old John De la Cruz, has his all - wealth. However, his world is turned upside down when his grandfather, the family patriarch, demands that he marry a woman of his choice, the kind and beautiful Danielle De Peyster. John is resistant to the idea of an arranged marriage, but his grandfather's ultimatum - marry Danielle or give up his birth right - leaves him with no choice. How would they resolve the hatred for each other? Not to mention John's girlfriend, Lexi Silver who has taken it upon herself to humiliate Danielle. "All is fair in love and war, there will be no mercy" - Victor Blackwood Finally,their arranged marriage, once a mere contract, had blossomed into an abiding love.

oghenevwegbaolomu · Fantaisie
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3 Chs


John was at a loss of words, when on this planet earth did getting married equates maturity. This was absurd, John was sure that this was another ploy for his Grandfather to get the upper hand.

 "Do you hear yourself, you really have gotten old to the extent of being senile." John picked on his Grandfather's weakness immediately. He didn't mind going low to that extent, his Grandfather definitely didn't care for that, if not, why would he make such a big decision without his consent.

 Speaking of consent, John turned to his father "You knew about this didn't you" he asked wanting to know where his father stood.

 "I didn't know, of course I didn't know, I would never let something like this happen to you and you know that" his Father immediately denied ever knowing. 

 "Look at that, questioning your own father, where is the respect, I regret ever letting you live with your father, I should have been the one to have instilled discipline on you, I've always known your father was soft but this, this is too much" Ethan made a very hard but urgently needed decision at that moment.

 "Stop this nonsense right now, I can't believe you called me for trash like this" John threw the invitation card on his Grandfather's face and walked away.

 "Stop right there, I have decided, you have left me no choice but to do this" Ethan stood his ground, he wanted to teach his Grandson about respect for his elders, especially to him Ethan De la Cruz, no one had ever defied him the way this child has.

 Ethan was a man who demanded absolute submission from his family, he wanted to control everything that went on in the family, one could understand how he became so successful all on his own, just by looking at his obsessive need for control.

 "Father please don't do this, it hasn't gotten to that" Lucas pleaded.

 Ethan's heart softened, despite everything, he loved his son the most. His son had always made sure to obey his orders, no question asked. But his grandson always push his bottom line.

 "Leave him father, what can he possibly do to me, no matter what I am still a De La Cruz, so let him do his worst" John said as he kept walking, not intimidated by his old man.

 "O, you want me to do my worst. Fine I will, get me the documents" Ethan ordered with fire in his heart.

 John stopped walking and turned back, he felt it, the shift in the air, Ethan really had something up his sleeves.

 One of the butlers came up with a brief case, he opened it and brought out a contract and handed it over to Ethan.

 "From now till you get married to Danielle De Peyster, you are ineligible to the De La Cruz inheritance, so John, either you get married and remain the only heir of De La Cruz, or you don't and let's see how far you can go" Ethan took his customized fountain pen from the brief case and signed on the contract.

 It was like a bomb detonated in John's mind, did his grandfather just disown him until he got married.

 John started laughing, Camilla looked at her son in fear, he had gone crazy.

 Lucas tried to calm John down, he stood up from his seat to assure John.

 "It's not as bad as it seems John, just do what father says and everything..."

 "I have had enough of this, if you would excuse me I have an important meeting tomorrow, good night." John left immediately, he didn't want to stay for another second.

 He entered his car "Drive to the penthouse" he ordered his driver, he brought out his phone to call Lexi. He needed to blow off some steam.

 Lexi Silver was awakened by the sound of her phone ringing. She ignored it, but it kept on ringing so she had no choice but to answer.

 Without checking on who was at the other line, she answered the call "What?" She asked sounding irritated.

 "Get to the penthouse now". And the call disconnected.

 Lexi immediately sat up, had John just called for her at 12am in the morning. This wouldn't be good she thought.

 She got dressed in a short,sexy red dress with slits, did her make up and wore a black high heels.

 She must always dress to impress when meeting with John.

 As she went down her luxurious apartment, she thought back on how she had to claw her way into becoming John's girlfriend.

 It's not even like they were official or anything, the only reason she could get away with using the title was because she was smarter than most girls.

 John was someone who liked control, he didn't like it when people don't know their place. He likes women who are gentle and weak, his need for control had gone into an extreme level.

 Dating someone like John is exhausting, especially when women didn't know how to act around him. John doesn't like it when women try to throw themselves at him when he isn't in the mood.

 John has multiple lovers but only she Lexi Sliver could come out boldly to say she was his girlfriend.

 Because she knew her place, she was left to do what ever she wanted. Lexi had become one of the world's most popular model in existence. Breaking records that people didn't know existed.

 Lexi would be dammed if she ever let's go of John, who was the very reason for her success.

 So if John wanted her at an ungodly hour, she would be there waiting for him in her most sexy look.

 She reached where John's penthouse was located in, and went up the elevator to his floor.

 She typed in the password and entered, walking to John's with her hips swaying.

 "John did you miss...". Before she could complete her sentence, John got up from the bed to kiss her.

 It was a kiss from pure anger and Lexi immediately knew that something had troubled her lover.

 John tore through Lexi's clothes without a second thought and pushed her into the bed. He looked down at her in anger before removing his shirt.

 The kiss continued, breaking the kiss, John moved his mouth down to Lexi's breast, he removed her bra and sucked on her nipple.

 Lexi moaned as John kept on switching between her two breast. John stopped, he stood up from Lexi and went to his closest where all his toys where.

 The night was going to be a long night.

 Morning came and Lexi who was exhausted by last night activities was asleep.

 John stood near his window glass with a cigarette on his hand. He still remembered how he stormed out of his Grandfather's mansion.

 The old man just didn't want to relinquish control over to him, what's this about him getting married to become more mature. He was the youngest billionaire in history for goodness sake.

 This Danielle must have had something to do with this. Even his father Lucas, didn't get married until he was about 30. The De Peyster family has be friends with the De la Cruz, he still remembered the time when he and his parents still lived at Hampton, a small city filled with unachieving people.

 The De Peyster family were the top socialist family there, Theodosius De Peyster the senator was a man filled with a sense of absurd righteousness, there was no dominating air around him.

 Last he heard about that family was them adopting a child, the child his Grandfather said to marry.

 This Danielle must be a scheming woman, she may have been able to get her way with her parents and his Grandfather due to her charms, but she would never be able to get a hold of him.

 His Grandfather wanted him to marry for the sake of his inheritance?, Fine he would do just that, but the consequences of this marriage would be upon the woman who started this.

 Danielle De Peyster.