
The Big O: The Final Act - Act 33: Preservation of the Present

The battle to decide the fate of Paradigm City and the world has arrived. The players on the stage will now have to choose: Shall they remain on the stage forever or choose a life of their own, not predestined by Big Venus? Their decisions from this point onward will determine the fate of their lives, the lives of their friends, and the fate of the world.

ReikaR33 · Romance
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8 Chs

Chapter 5: Showtime!

Roger was running on the street, the shaking starting to get worse as he continued down it.

"Norman, what's going on?" he yelled into the comm.

"There's a series of strong tremors coming from the sea, sir. Judging from your location, you are heading straight toward them. They appear to be making their way toward the main channel where the river meets the sea."

"Not my bridge! Goddamn them!" Beck came across the comm.

Dorothy's alright. She should be past the bridge now or nearly finishing crossing it. Damnnit, I can't see from the ground!

Roger shot the grappling hook onto a nearby building and rode the line upward, vaulting himself on top of the roof. He saw something slowly rise from the sea, water cascading down its body. It was massive, at least two heads or three heads taller than Big O. But all the details were there. The crown at the top of the head, the skull-like face filled with sharp pointed teeth, the spikes around its collar, the claw-like hands with saw cuffs at the wrist with the chain wrapping the arms. Crystals dotted through the arms like Big Fau's. It was glowing red, which added to its intimidation factor. As the water gave way, Roger saw the monster from Dorothy's nightmare move and become alive. It was much scarier to see in person than on paper. It definitely didn't qualify as a Big. It was what Beck called it, a Gigadeus. But even though the mecha terrified him, his response to Big Ear's words before he left The Speakeasy dissuaded his fear into a calm and collected anger.

"You know Roger, the world's a stage now, and all the men and women, merely players on that stage. We have a time when must enter and when we must leave. However, you've never seemed to abide by those rules."

Roger turned back, looking at Big Ear.

"That's because I make my own rules and live my life how I choose."

"Is that a fact? Technically, according to my role, I'm to inform you that there are no memories prior to forty years ago. So it's pointless to solve the mystery, let alone fighting this enemy who seems hell bent on being foolish with their power. Everything I just told you was just narrative to satisfy your curiosity. The stage will reset and we'll be alright."

Roger eyes trembled with anger, as he closed his fists.

"Tell that to the woman I love who's been suffering from nightmares about the past. It's real to her, and therefore, real to me!"

"This world is condemned now, condemned to play the part of the stage and hold us all together with our assigned roles, Roger. Why can't you fall in line like everyone else?"

"Is that what you were told to believe or is that what you want to believe?"

Big Ear tilted his head. "I'm not following."

Roger firmly stood his ground as he turned his head to look at Big Ear.

"Not everyone has fallen in line. There are those who continuously seek to repeat the past by changing the formula around, hoping for a different result. They don't care about the costs to achieve those results. And, despite that, there are other people, besides me, that are fighting right now, because they believe there's a different answer than the one that was given to us. Who cares if you what told me was narrative or true. At some point, a man, no… people have to decide what's true and what's not, and then with belief and conviction, honor and defend their decision through what they have been given to do so. I know there's an answer that's different. I believe in it. There's life beyond this stage, a life that's mine, yours, everyone's, the world's. I'm going to go find it and bring it into existence. Those people who are fighting? They believe it too. It's in that strength of that belief that unites us all. And, I'll use that strength to protect us!"

Roger steeled his resolve as he unlocked the door and ran out into the street. Big Ear shook his head and began reading his paper.

"The folly of youth," he muttered, turning the page as the door closed.

Roger pulled his sleeve back, knowing it was now or never.


Roger ran across the rooftops, not taking his eyes off the monster, Big Gamma, as it slowly made its way across the harbor.

"Norman, how much longer?"

"Mr. Beck had fortuitous thought to go ahead and have Big O ready as Big O had been picking up small tremors. If you continue in your current direction, it will be fifteen seconds."

"Thanks Norman."

"And Master Roger…?"

"Yes Norman?"

"Be careful, sir."

"Understood. You do the same."

"Crow Boy, I'm gonna be manning the console and watching the fight. I'll try to help you with the systems."

"Thanks Beck," and Roger jumped from the building as Big O exploded through the pavement, lurching forward. Roger jumped on to him, riding Big O outside the cockpit.

"This is it, Big O. The fight we've been waiting for. This is the fight we have to win, for us, for everyone, and for her. We'll do this together as we have before!"

The cockpit opened and Roger climbed into the gyrosphere as the cockpit closed. CAST IN THE NAME OF GOD, YE NOT GUILTY scrolled across the center console as the controls dropped and the joy cons moved forward.

"BIIIGGG OOOOOO! ACTION!" bellowed Roger as he grabbed the joy cons.

Big O's eyes flashed as he crossed into the sea, taking an intercepting course to stop Big Gamma.