
The Beyonder Esper (A "The Legendary Mechanic" Fan Fiction)

Meng Min, an avid "The Legendary Mechanic" reader, transmigrates into the world of "Galaxy". Equipped with knowledge from the novel, an NPC model, and two Esper abilities, Meng Min is overwhelmed by the initial thrill of transmigration. But questions linger in his mind. Why is he here? How should he play his advantages? How should he interact with Galaxy's main character, Han Xiao, to prepare for the looming threat of the World Tree Civilization? Hidden threats bare their teeth as he realizes he is far from the familiar Shattered Star Ring. This is a fan-fiction of the novel "The Legendary Mechanic", also known as "超神机械师" in Mandarin Chinese. This is my first published work, so there are bound to be errors. If you notice any typos, inconsistencies with the story, or other mistakes, please make them known in the comments! I will address them as I can. Thank you for giving this fan fiction a chance. This fan fiction is tailored toward those who have finished 'The Legendary Mechanic' in its entirety. Therefore, hiding spoilers is not a primary prerogative of mine. I have compiled an introductory chapter to give the basic groundwork of TLM's world. You are by no means obligated to read it, but I think it'd be helpful. To stay the most up-to-date on this story, one can join the unofficial TLM discord server! The link is here: https://discord.gg/8PhaRPSK Currently on break to plan the next arc! ...Upload schedule? What's that? The cover is an ai-generated placeholder. A replacement will be produced soon™.

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Chapter 11: This Esper Ability Keeps Pulling out Surprises...

Since Min did not plan on staying at Agonlu Station for too long, he could only take temporary jobs. While one might think that rushing to Brighton to make an impression on the Players was more important, this wasn't the case.

In real terms, the Beta test had a limited effect on the public release and therefore the general attitude of the Players. If he were to somehow meet a Player while cluelessly wandering around Brighton, the likelihood of that player being a professional player was high. A professional player was very greedy and wouldn't share Min's presence with the world. This is what Frenzied Sword did with Han Xiao.

Additionally, the benefits of being in Galactic society were great. Compared to the "market" of Planet Brighton, many crucial things like knowledge were relatively cheap in the universe. On a novice planet, one had to cultivate a connection with the local powers just to obtain advanced knowledge. On the contrary, one just had to stop being broke in the galaxy.

There was also the matter of the Ena. Similar to the US Dollar, the Ena was the galactic reserve currency and was extremely strong. Having a decent amount of this currency not only helped his future endeavors but could potentially get him out of a pinch on Brighton if the governments there tried screwing him over. This was part of his consideration for getting these odd jobs. However, leveraging his status as a Galactic citizen had its cons, such as being illegal, so this strategy's use case was still being considered.

After accepting a few jobs, Min mentioned the application to visit Planet Brighton. The secretary fetched a manager, who assisted in filling out the application. Completing the application wasn't difficult- all he had to do was state what motives and purpose he had there along with what would be brought. 

Of course, our Elf couldn't be fully truthful. No government employee or AI assessing the application would accept leek farming as a purpose and an existential threat to the universe as his motive. However, Min had prepared for something like this. Taking a page from Han Xiao's book, he tried to create the image of a fledgling oracle.

Though the reason he woke up in a cold sweat every night was not due to visions of the future, linking that to some mental awakening worked to his benefit. Additionally, he had tailored his search history to make it appear like he was someone exploring newfound abilities. These were all of the avenues he could think of to create this type of persona and could only hope it was enough.

After finally finishing today's bureaucratic business, Min took a bus back to his new apartment and entered it. While beginning work on the job today was possible, his excitement about the upcoming class advancement overshadowed that decision.

"Now that I'm certain we can get the knowledge, let's consider which tree to pick."

After a simple search for "Super Knowledge", Min clicked the first link. It led to a website built by an international organization that the Three Universal Civilizations created as a way of ensuring no misinformation on Supers was spread. There were other motives of course, but they should be obvious.

Min navigated to the Esper tab and from there the knowledge tab. Since basic tier knowledge was most relevant, he reviewed it first.

Gene Chain (Basic): [Tier 1 Gene Chain - Strength Enhancement], [Tier 1 Gene Chain - Dexterity Enhancement], [Tier 1 Gene Chain - Endurance Enhancement], [Tier 1 Gene Chain - Intelligence Enchancement], [Tier 1 Gene Chain - Mystery Enchancement]

DNA Tree (Basic): [DNA - Simplistic Control], [DNA - Simplistic Utilization], [DNA - Simplistic Power], [DNA - Simplistic Efficiency], [DNA - Simplistic Resistence]

X-Gene Tree (Basic): [Gene Expression - Intrinsic Implementation], [Gene Expression - Basic Energy Manipulation], [Gene Expression - Basic Attribute Enhancement], [Gene Expression- Basic Organic Biomimicry], [Gene Expression - Basic Power Abjuration]

'Okay, I have to think about the early game here. While every other tree looks nice, attributes seem to be more valuable in this period of development. Each additional point provides more relative value both to the stat itself and when compared to my peers. At least, that's the evaluation I made.'

This was an inflection point. Choosing the wrong tree to invest in could be the decider between life and death while on Brighton, so Min decided to go with what he saw as the safe option. While he could theoretically get every knowledge in time due to his potential point reserve, it was best to be frugal. The Esper class wasn't like the Mechanic class, which had a trillion different abilities, so potential points were far more precious to him. 

There didn't seem to be anything more for today, so it was time for his sleeping ritual. Earlier, Min had bought some of the most efficient-per-Ena foods that could be found at the local store. Afterward, the Elf brushed his teeth and hopped into bed. He suppressed his excitement at tomorrow's prospects and entered a calm state, drifting off to sleep.

Over the night's course, a lamp in the windowless room slowly decreased and increased in luminosity. This was to simulate a sunrise since such a thing assisted many biological creatures in waking up on time.

Feeling the light in his eyes, Min covered his face and slowly rose from the bed. He groggily reached for his communicator and grabbed it, reading the notifications from the night prior. 

To Min's joy, his entry into the Super Registry was approved! After clicking on the notification, the communicator opened a secured page. It confirmed his entrance into the Halmetistan Supers Registry while explaining the conditions for his reward.

First, he could only choose one knowledge tree to receive at one time. This made it harder to pawn off the free knowledge one would receive. Secondly, he could not share any knowledge whatsoever. Thirdly, he could not receive another tree within six months. Information required time to learn and digest, so this restriction made sense. But with the NPC template, such a limit only hurt Min.

Since he only required one tree of knowledge for his class advancement, these conditions were fine enough for him. After confirming his understanding of the guidelines, Min chose the Gene Chain tree basic knowledges. These enhanced his body, which was very important at this low of a level. Every stat mattered, which was something showcased by Han Xiao with the close call with brainwashing in at the Germinal Organization. Additionally, without that 50 INT, Han Xiao would have been affected by that one assassin's illusions.

He'd need to survive on Planet Brighton for around 6 months before the Players returned. The Beta test was in full swing, but it was far too short to take advantage of. 

After his selection, the information was transferred to his communicator. 


Basic knowledge detected.

[Endurance Enhancement]

[Strength Enhancement]

[Intelligence Enhancement]

[Mystery Enhancement]

[Dexterity Enhancement]

Use 5 points to learn all? Y/N


"Do you even need to ask?"

Min smacked the "yes" button before a surge of information crashed into his mind. The Elf's eyes slammed shut as he grabbed his head in discomfort. While the entire process only took a few seconds, to Min, it felt far longer. Not even those study sessions right before a test felt this long…


Learning in progress, do not cancel.

0%... 9%... 17%...


Min's head abruptly flung backward as his 'learning' was completed.


Success! You have learned the following knowledges: 

[Tier 1 Gene Chain - Intelligence Enhancement] 

[Tier 1 Gene Chain - Mystery Enhancement] 

[Tier 1 Gene Chain - Dexterity Enhancement] 

[Tier 1 Gene Chain - Endurance Enhancement]

[Tier 1 Gene Chain - Strength Enhancement]

You have unlocked the talents [Basic Intelligence Enhancement], [Basic Mystery Enhancement], [Basic Dexterity Enhancement], [Basic Strength Enhancement], and [Basic Endurance Enhancement]! 

[Lv. 20 Basic-class Internal Energy Control Advancement Mission Complete]

You may now choose one of the following three advancements: Conduit, Anima, or Pneuma.


"So this is my selection of specializations. I have no idea what any of these do… could the system maybe tell me?"

Luckily, there was a small "i" icon next to each of the options. Galaxy was not such a bad game that the player had to mindlessly choose an irreversible advancement.


Conduit Espers specialize in the acquisition and development of their newfound powers during Class Advancements. Every Class Advancement for Conduit Espers improves their Esper Class Specialities and any supplementary power subsets drive from an Esper Ability. Another aspect unique to Conduit Espers is any Abilities, Skills, or Talents acquired will increase in potency, complexity, uniqueness, or level for each subsequent Class Advancement Mission completed, however, regarding the specifics. That's determined by the Esper Ability itself and Potential Grade. 

Anima Espers specialize in the acquisition and creation of their recently discovered powers during Grade Advancement. Each Grade Advancement for an Anima Esper will generate customized Class Specialties and Supplementary Subsets that are directly related to what has been invested in and prioritized; additionally, this process will create powers tailored toward the individual's own preferences and expertise. Class Advancement is generally focused on establishing personalized Esper Ability powers, but the potency, complexity, and uniqueness produced by this method varies by case, and is influenced by Level.

Pneuma Espers specialize in the creation and development of their newly acquired powers through Experimentation. Class Advancement for a Pneuma Esper will result in preordained Class Specialties that pertain to invention and the adroitness of their Esper Ability. Conversely, due to their nature, Pneuma Espers have credible significance and expertise in the development of Supplementary Subsets. In general, they dictate and ensure the specific direction of their Esper Ability, making it both personalized and standardized. 


This was not a lot of information, but the system couldn't just tell him everything. Min could only try to logic through this.

A Conduit Esper seemed to focus more on strengthening their core abilities and was a quality-over-quantity approach. This was attractive to Min, but the potential lack of versatility put him off to the idea. 

An Anima Esper appeared to provide a more personalized path that is altered as one continues to grow. It allowed for deviance from one's original strength plan, like how Han Xiao became the ultimate cockroach when he was really aiming to increase his damage.

Finally, a Pneuma Esper appeared to be an Anima Esper that had their path pre-ordained. Interesting, but the path could be randomized or hand-selected by Destiny's Child himself. Such uncertainty made him discard choosing this specialization.

Bleh, such a big decision with little information. However, this situation wasn't very unexpected. Classes had specializations, even one that varied wildly like the Esper class. Yet, a thought fueled his current hesitation.

What was the essence of the Esper class?

When Han Xiao chose the Technician subclass, he commented on it following the 'essence' of a Mechanic. Meng Min had a feeling with extremely little evidence that one had to follow a class' essence to reach Grade X or at least fulfill their potential more efficiently. With this in mind, he decided on the Conduit Esper. They focused on an Esper ability's core tenets and did not expand upon the 'Supplementary Subsets' mentioned. Perhaps they were a distraction of sorts.

So, with a heavy heart, the Elf tapped on the Conduit Esper's button.


Congratulations! You have succeeded in class advancement.

Class Specialization detected, [Wisdom of the Road] activated.

[Everlasting Journey] undergoing refinement...

[Esper Evolution] Skill discovered!

New functions unlocked! 

You have gained 20 Class Evolution Points!

Please use or store your Class Evolution Points before continuing with advancement.


"Uh, what the hell? When did I have an ability like that? I've stared at that interface page for hours- there's no way I just didn't see it!"

Two new buttons popped up on the interface, them being [Evolve Ability] and [Change Ability]. Min decided to take another step back and process this deviation.

"[Everlasing Journey] underwent refinement and specified the class specialization having something to do with it. That's really curious... But, regardless, we need to be careful. The book doesn't make any mention of this, and I don't want to waste the evolution points…"

Min realized something and slapped his cheeks. Since when was he this much of a scaredy pants? His whole life, you say? This is a motivational moment- keep your 'truth' out of it! 

"Hey now, Meng Min, did our boy Han let that stop him? No! He adapted. If I don't want to get left in the dust and taken as a golden leek, then adapt is what I must do. So what if I waste a few points? Some experimentation could open my eyes to a new path to power!"

His inaction and safe plays were one of the core reasons behind his inability to escape the Arena. It was only with that luck charm named Damira that he could escape, and such luck isn't common. One could only trust in their own power to secure their safety, and with his mere presence making the defeat of the World Tree Civilization more difficult, he had to grow. Otherwise, Han Xiao could view him as a net detriment and rid the world of him.

This was also a mindset Min had developed shortly after transmigration. Right now, he was a burden to the known universe and would only lessen that weight by growing to Grade S or higher. 

Since Min did not particularly care for [Internal Energy Control] anyways, he decided to pick the [Change Ability] button.


Due to a lack of points, the lowest grade was selected.

Please choose one of the five options as your Esper Ability. Warning! The action cannot be reverted, so please choose carefully!

[Forcefield] - This Esper Ability allows the user to manipulate their energies to form a forcefield. (Due to a 71% compatibility with your current Esper Genes, this ability will experience a decaying penalty for three months. -10% effect and +10% energy usage.)

Primary stats: END and MYS

Grade Potential: D+

[Ethereal Weapon Projection (Bow)] - This Esper Ability allows the user to form their energies into the shape of a weapon, specifically a bow. (Due to an 91% compatibility with your current Esper Genes, this ability will experience a decaying penalty for fifteen days. -5% effect and +5% energy usage.)

Primary stats: MYS and DEX

Grade Potential: C

[Super Speed] - This Esper Ability allows the user to reach incredible speeds. (Due to a 51% compatibility with your current Esper Genes, this ability will experience a decaying penalty for six months. -10% effect and +10% energy usage.)

Primary Stats: DEX and STR

Grade Potential: D+

[Super Strength] - This Esper Ability allows the user to gain incredible physical strength. (Due to a 50% compatibility with your current Esper Genes, this ability will experience a decaying penalty for six months. -20% effect and +20% energy usage.)

Primary Stats: STR and END

Grade Potential: D

[Body Hardening] - (Due to a 62% compatibility with your current Esper Genes, this ability will experience a decaying penalty for seven months. -10% effect and +10% energy usage.)

Primary Stats: END and STR

Grade Potential: D-


"Wow, there's really only one unique option and it seems to be the most viable. Do I still have some residual luck from that lady?"

Min rubbed his fingers with a satisfied look. In his past life, Meng Min had a decent amount of experience in Archery and a slew of other weapons. VR games had began to experience a rapid advancement then, so he used the medium to train his skill with weapons. Certain people only agreed to allow him to play those games if he used them for 'training'. Anyway, even though the ability likely had a short-ranged handicap, Min could use a sword or another weapon to compensate for that. 

Additionally, if he saved the points, it appeared that he could roll for higher-potential Esper Abilities or upgrade his current one.


You have successfully changed class to [Conduit Esper] (Lv. 1)

+30 energy, +1 INT, +1 DEX, +3 MYS

3 Attribute Points gained

1 Potential point Gained

You have completed the first advancement. Endurance stat boost has increased:

1 Endurance = 15 Max HP

1 Endurance = 18 Stamina

You have gained Energy Affinity: Qi!

You have learnt Energy Training Technique!

[Basic Internal Circulation] (Lv. 10) was transformed into [Project Weapon: Bow]!

[Basic Energy Force] (Lv. 10) was transformed into [Create Projectile: Arrow]!

You have acquired a new ability: [Blueprint Standardization: Bow & Arrow]

You have acquired a new ability: [Heightened Core Genetics] 


Meng Min could immediately feel the changes in his body. The class advancement finally continued, forcing an indescribable feeling onto him. Within this feeling was a hint of weakness, likely derived from the penalty.

His senses visibly improved, allowing him to see the imperfections of the communicator screen along with the dust and other particles on the bed. The neighbor's snoring could be heard far better now- a clear benefit of heightened senses. 

After deleting his Civilian class when prompted, Min slammed 21,000 Exp into [Arena Fighter] to max it out.


[Arena Fighter] has been raised to Lv. 10

+2 END, +1 STR, +1 DEX

+1 Unassigned Attribute point

+1 Potential point

[Victory Scars] talent gained!


With that, Meng Min opened the Character Information tab.


Name: Meng Min

Model: NPC (Countdown to Version 1.0 launch: 130 days, 1 hour, 17 minutes.)

Level: 21

Main Class(es): { [Apprentice-class Ethereal Weapon Projection (Bow)] - Lv. 1/10 (Class Advancement ready), [Everlasting Journey] - Exp discount: 16% }


Arena Fighter Lv. 10/10

Race: Halmet Galaxy Elf 

Attributes: 25 STR, 37 DEX, 34 END, 12 INT, 22 MYS, 7 CHA, 1 LUK

Free Attribute Points: 0

Potential Points: 18

Esper Evolution Points: 0

Health: 654/654

Stamina: 712/712

Energy: 160 [Lv. 3]

Energy Type: Malleable Qi - Gives a bonus to range and Output Efficiency.

[Lv. 1 Energy bonus stats: +1 STR, +1 DEX, +1 END, MYS +1, +20 Stamina Limit, +2% range, +1% Output Efficiency]

[Lv. 2 Energy bonus stats: +2 STR, +2 DEX, +2 END, MYS +1, +50 Stamina Limit, +4% range, +2% Output Efficiency]

[Lv. 3 Energy bonus stats: +3 STR, +3 DEX, +3 END, MYS +2, +100 Stamina Limit, +6% range, +3% Output Efficiency]

Energy Rank: 100-106 Ona

Grade: E


Lesser Willpower - +3 focus

Insignificant Sword Experience - +2 DEX when using swords


[Everlasting Journey]

[Wisdom of the Road]: As the User gains Exp, the Exp (or Potential Point) requirement for leveling up Talents, Abilities, Knowledge, Classes, and Skills decreases. Current discount: 16%. Upper limit: Unknown.

[Wisdom Partition]: The User can increase the level of another entity's Talents, Abilities, Classes, and Skills at the cost of Exp. Current discount: 16%. Upper limit: 20%.

[Esper Evolution] - Changes Esper Class Advancements into "Class Evolutions". Completing a Class Evolution grants "Class Evolution Points" and the opportunity to change or evolve one's current Esper Ability. The amount of earned points is equal to one's current level. One can save these points and use them in the future. Items that can enhance Esper Abilities have their effects turned into class evolution points.

[Ethereal Weapon Projection (Bow)]

[Project Weapon: Bow Lv. 10]: Create an Ethereal bow using energy. 

Energy cost: 20 upon creation, 10 every hour. 

[Create Projectile: Arrow Lv. 10]: Create a projectile using energy. The more energy inserted, the more similar to an arrow the projectile looks.

Energy cost: 1-20, Can insert a maximum of 5 energy per second. Energy:damage ratio: 1:15 

[Mental Image: Bow & Arrow Lv.1]: You have memorized an efficient blueprint for your bow and its ammunition, granting -5% energy cost when creating and maintaining your bow. -2% energy cost, +1% damage, and +1 insertion max for projectiles.

[Arena Fighter]

[Basic Armed Combat Lv. 5] - +5% damage when fighting with bladed weapons

[Basic Reflection Lv. 10] - +10% parry chance, +2 DEX

[Basic Movement Technique Lv.10] - +10% dodge chance, +2 DEX

[Grueling Conditioning Lv.10] - +110 Health.

[Victory Scars Lv. 1] - Through countless battles, your body has increased its durability. Health:END conversion: 1:1


[Energy Training Technique] - +10 energy, 0/80 times (Each use costs 800 experience and 500 stamina) 

[Heightened Core Learning] - Every class advancement refines your core abilities; granting experience toward all core skill levels. Exact gains depend on strength gain between advancements. The range is as follows:

50% of current level-5 levels

Class Knowledge: 


[20 Talents Not Learnt]


Gene Chain

[Tier 1 Gene Chain - INT Enhancement Lv. 1 (0/1)] - + 3 INT

[Tier 1 Gene Chain - MYS Enhancement Lv. 1 (0/1)] - + 3 MYS

[Tier 1 Gene Chain - END Enhancement Lv. 1 (0/1)] - +3 END

[Tier 1 Gene Chain - STR Enhancement Lv. 1 (0/1)] - +3 STR

[Tier 1 Gene Chain - END Enhancement] - +3 END

[15 Talents Not Learnt]



[20 Talents Not Learnt]


Racial Talent(s): None

Influence: 0


Equipment: (Expand/collapse)

END:Health conversion: 1:16

Esper Ability Description(s):

[Everlasting Journey] (Expand/Collapse)

[Ethereal Weapon Projection (Bow)]: This Esper Ability allows the user to form their energies into the shape of a weapon, specifically a bow. 


[You have finally taken the first step of transcendence. Don't get too full of yourself- there is still a long way to go.]


Sorry for posting so late! Right after posting Chapter 10, a major family crisis came my way. The next two chapters *should* come sooner since 13 should be the last chapter for this volume, after which I will take a break to plan and streamline the next volume.

Also, the class specializations and Esper Class frameworks have been a collaborative effort between me and @Kianx0 (mostly Kianx0) on this discord server: https://discord.gg/SGAHrPkVPr. It's the server created by the r/TheLegendaryMechanic subreddit. If you want to simply discuss the source material or work on fan fics of your own, then do join!

Poilscreators' thoughts