

Anabell's pov 🌑

Woken up by the the delicious aroma of granny meal

I walked happily to my grandma

"Good morning granny"

I said as I kissed her on her cheek

I was so happy it was my first say in Lake high school

I couldn't sleep all night long

I kept staring at my new uniform

I am so happy and just couldn't wait to be in my new school

Ms Carly's pov😻

Good morning bells

I can see it in your face that your really happy

Oh,yes I just can't wait to be there

She said flaunting her arms around the kitchen

Then go get ready

You don't wanna be late on tour first day in school right

Oh yes,yes,yes

Bell's pov😻

Thank you so much granny

I said rushing to my room to get ready

Ms Carly 🌑

Oh she looks just like her mom

I whispered

You all probably should be wondering where her parent are

Well her mom which is my daughter is well a slave to the right ever since she was a teen.

She was impregnate by her boss son and sent out of there house

But due to the fact that the pierce were well know in the city of Los Angeles California they decided to accept the child but not the mom

My daughter was not ready to leave her child for anyone else to take care if her so  we had to leave the city

After few month's

She gave birth and died

But before she died her last words were


"mom I love you and thanks for always being there for me

I just need one last favor from you

No matter what happens never nev "

Those were her last words I still don't know what she wanted to say till  now

Bell's pov 👧

Oh my gosh

Am gonna be late to school

I said rushing to dress as fast as I can

I wore my well fitted uniform and a black with white strips sneakers

And carried my black bag pack

Well am not like all those rich and babyish folks always claiming pink is there favorite  color. Don't mind me but I think black is super cool like a rockstar

After I finished dressing I ran downstairs picking just one cookie and drank a little orange juice

I ran out before my granny could as me to come back for a tip

You know I hate stressing her or collecting money from her but she won't stop giving me either so the only way is to avoid it

Ms Carly's pov 👵

Bell's come back

You haven't collected your tip I said running to the door if I could catch up with her

But she was gone

It was more like she disappeared Into the air

Bell's pov 👩

After a few miles of walking

I finally got to the school gate seeing a signboard


Motto: we build the leaders but beware of the breakers geng

After reading the motto

I just kept asking myself what they meant about that

Cause the only breaks I know if are heart breakers and dream breaks 

I greeted the gate keepers and entered the school

Okay this is fucking big

It just like a state


But I don't know anywhere in the compound

Then I saw some group of girls doing towards my place

Maybe I should ask them

But this girl's dressing are just too cool


Expensive shoes and bags

The one in the middle seems to be like the boss

I cleared my throat before they got where I was


I said waving at them

But they just passed my side like I was an invisible ghost

Seriously I looked at myself

To confirm that I was still alive

Okay I am

That good, I signed

Those girls are just so rude and stupid and proud

Okay I didn't know when I said that out loud

Until a girl tapped me


They rude and proud and stupid

She said

I was scared and shocked

Oh my gosh

You scared me to death

I said placing my hands on my chest

Am sorry

She said and giggled


Am Anissa

She said pushing her hands toward me

I was still trying to recover from the shock that I forgot about her hands

Then she pointed it nearer making me snap out of my thoughts


Am sorry

Am Anabelle but you can call me bells