


After we said goodbye, Niall and I wrote all the time.

When I had to go back to Bamberg I was sad because I wouldn't see Katharine for a while.She wrote me everyday about good things ,but she also was frustrated , because Harry never answered his phone maybe a month later, I decided to text Niall and ask him what was wrong with Harry.

„ Hey babe, do you know why Harry doesn't respond to Katha s texts and calls", I texted him.

„ Hey, love, I was just going to ask the same , he is really sad,could you like send him her number ,again maybe she gave him her wrong number", Niall texted back.

„ Yeah sure I ll send it now", I wrote.

„ Hey Harry ,that is me Leni ,I just wanted to give you Katharine s right number", I texted Harry and sent him the right number.

„ What do you mean „right" number.I thought that she doesn't want to talk to her anymore, I m so stupid she will never forgive me", HARRY texted back.

„ Dont worry ,Haz. She ll forgive you and I have the perfect plan"

„Oh really ? You have to tell me!", he answered.

„ Are you free on valentines day?"

„Sure ,but what do you have in your mind…"


When I made my way to Katha s flat on valentines day, I was so happy, I would see my best friend, my „Boyfriend „ and a good friend.When I arrived she ran to me and took me into a tight hug.

Then I told her about the pub and the „ Live Musik „ , she agreed and we made our way to the pub.

After the man from the pub said some worts, Harry and Niall came on stage, I realised that Katha was trying to rush to the door but the other people were pushing her on stage. The whole song Niall was making eye contact with me , I was very happy to see him again I waved at me and than he waved back. After the song ended I was standing at the bar, when two strong arms surrounded my waist.

„ I missed you , darling", Niall whispered into my ear and placed some kisses on my neck.

„ Do you want something to drink, maybe some champagne ?", he asked me with a grin.

„ Do you want me to get drunk, Horran", I asked playfully.

„ Maybe …"

„ I ll take some", I said.

After a „ FEW " drinks , we made our way to look for Katharine and Harry.When we were at the backstage room, Niall shouted:

„ Harry, Katharine, were are you two love birds",than I laughed drunkly ,did he really called them „ Love Birds „

„ We are here", we heard Harry scream.

When we arrived at Katha s flat we disused where the boys would sleep at the and Niall was sleeping in my room.

„ So do you want to go to bed or do you want or watch a movie or something", I asked Niall.

„ Yeah a move sounds nice"

We were watching Titanic, because thought that it might be romantic and it was my favourite move.

When the film came to the scene with the car, I was getting a little bit uncomfortable, but than Niall slid his arm around my shoulder and lead my head down on his chest, and than he kissed my head.

A few minutes later, he said:

„ So I have to tell u something"

„ Ae you breaking up with me", I asked.

„ No of course not", he said and pressed his lips to mine.

„ Like Harry and I ve been talking and we thought that you and Katharine might want to go to Beverly Hills with us…"

„What …"

„What…", I heard Katharine shout from across the flat.

„ Of course we are going to LA with u", I said and kissed him roughly on his lips …


Did that really just happened? Did Harry asked me to go to LA with him wow I was totally overwhelmed.

„ So what do you say", Harry asked me nervously.

„ I…I…I don t know , please don't get me wrong ,love , but I m still at University and I can t just skip it or I had to find a job or something…", I responded.

„So you are studying ,to become an actress , so I think that I could find you a job in some small sitcom or something … would that be fine?" He asked me.

„ What Harry you can't do that ,it is too much"

„ It is not I m doing that because I love you ,why don't you want to understand that?", he asked a little bit frustrated.

„ I just don't know how to react to my feelings, all of this dating stuff is new for me okay , and than ,you came and say:" Ej I love you that is why I m giving u a job at the broadway", no that is not going to happen, I never had a fucking boyfriend before, okay?!", I didn t even realize that at I was screaming and tears were floating down my cheeks,I sprang out of the bed and ran to my bathroom.

I set there for maybe 10 minutes , when the door opened, fuck I forgot to lock it. I knew that it was Harry but I didn't want to look up,I was ashamed he didn t do anything wrong I was just… I don't know.

„ Hey …", he said and sat down next to me.

„ Hey"I said.

„I m sorry…"

„I m sorry", Harry and a said at the same time.

„ Can I go first", I asked . He just nodded.

„ I m really sorry that I just screamed at you , and sorry that I blame you for anything I did or didnt do and I m sorry for just being … a bitch , that didnt even deserve to have you you are just the nicest person I ve ever met ,and than I m being so rude all the time I m sorry okay", I said that and now the tears were streaming down my face and I was just sobbing than Harry took me into his arms and I lay my on his shoulder.

„ I think that it is my turn now…", Harry started, but got interpreted by Leni.

„What is going on. The fuck what Harry what did you do to my Best friend", Leni snapped at Harry.

„ Hey it is fine ,really",I said.

„Leni where are you, babe? Oh here!, What is happening guys", Niall said confused while hugging Leni from behind.

„ I think we need to have a girl talk, Katha!", she said and pushed me into her room.

„ So what happened?", she asked me when we sat on the bed.

„ I was just getting a little bit emotional ,about that all , the Beverly Hills thing ,than University and this boyfriend thing it is too much and I don't think that I can handle that by myself.", I said and realised I started crying AGAIN.

„Wow , I ve never seen you that emotional before…", she said:

„ But you know that I m here for you and we will get thru that together as always ,okay?" She asked me and hugged me tight.

„ Yes, we will thanks for being here for me , I would know what to do if I didnt had you in my life", I said and say Lenis eyes fill with tears.

„ That was the nicest thing that you ever said to me before", she smiled when a little tear slipped down her cheek. I think we spend hours of talking and crying till we fell asleep.

Then Harry and Niall came in the room to check if everything was okay, when they saw us lying on the bed asleep their hearts filled with joy and love.

„ I think that I ll bring Katharine back to bed", Harry said and slowly walked up to me and lifted me up. Then he brought me to bed and laid down beside me …