
The Best Bat and Bets and Games Desires in Multiverse

Even if the gods and men clashed, the gods did, they commanded armies and went to war. Until the Mafia war that has vampires and werewolves, between immortals as well as humans in a war of influence and power in the city, in addition to the growing power of the vampire and werewolf clans, with regard to the power of the supernatural that was growing in the city of Lovecraft County, back then, we have the wolf lords and the vampire lords, as well as conspiracies and manipulations beyond the truce of the gods, between their soulmates, and the myriad problems that arose with the town she had a company to run. So, in the town of Lovecraft County, we have businesswoman and socialite Selenity Delphos, she's rich, she's spectacular, she's very smart. Above all the woman's sin, seductive, sensual, her body and her mind captivate the men around her, she has the power to control and fascinate any man using it to have the control of the mafia gods and lords, in which mostly everyone in a war game, dividing the territories, between the mafia lords, in which they seek to be around her, are always kneeling at her feet, she is simply unbelievable with a air of seduction. even if they are among beasts that command the mafia eliminating their competition, without forgetting that they recognize men with power in their territories. Between trying to get more and more involved in the world of pleasure, lust and love,

Sasina Zariel Emerodo · Oriental
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Nathaniel couldn't help it, he had returned from a Society of Shadows mission, and he had a representative who was contacting him for negotiations.

Nathaniel was part of the human core among the avatars of the dragons, he was the representative between chaos and order, in which then, resting after he recovered from a series of injuries to save Apollo.

The shadow society had contact with the werewolves, in which the Amazon queen was trying to have a truce with the witch society, between the disagreements between the gods, the wizards and the vampires.

In turn, villains and mages renegades against the unification between vampires and werewolves invoked or would consider invoking the great wolf beast that would destroy the other races and bring about a new society that would eliminate human society, the sorceress goddess of darkness.

When the queen of darkness and vampires turned against the other witches, they were more than corrupted, to say the least, until they formed a meeting to try to bring reason to a myriad of problems, among the misunderstandings between the gods. .

That was enough time for a cartel within his company, in which several unscrupulous businessmen and shareholders planned a plot to try to remove him from the company's presidency.

Of course, it didn't succeed, due to a series of events and unlikely allies.

He needed to hold a meeting between the gods, but his life and business kept him busy.

It was a relatively bad day, Nathaniel Delphos had a series of setbacks, he seemed to go through a series of bumps in his day, being chased by an assassin who surrounded him and cornered him, making him fall from his office window, when he was at that time , facing a plot by several businessmen who formed a cartel in his company.

How did they plan to keep him busy, when they realized that this was a scheme to distract Nathaniel from embezzlement, illegal transactions, embezzlement of money, with the laundering in which Nathaniel thought his company would go bankrupt due to an embezzlement that the fund and accounts were practically emptied.

How did he not see this?

Simple, he spent most of his time, as Gerard tired of reminding him, besides reminding him, when he returned to the mansion.

By serving a hearty breakfast that most reminded him of dinner and a complete meal.

- When was the last time you spent your civilian life other than with heroes and villains? – Gerard asked before needing to take a leave of absence to recover, precisely because the damn mansion was attacked, Gerard was taken to recover, Dragon Knight had to rescue him. – Besides talking.

- You are not taking care of your company. Gerard reminded him.

- God, I know. - Nathaniel said, who looked more than bothered.

'You don't have a social life, and besides, when have you ever dated anyone other than them?' – Gerard reminded him once more, before he got hurt, leaving him in the mansion, when the butler traveled to England, to stay at a daughter's house.

Delmos, a demon, was replacing him in his duties, when Nathaniel contacted Amasteus, his godfather.

In his office after the meetings, Amasteus approached him in his office.

- Well, you know, be careful, but you have many gods interested in you. - Amasteus said.

- Who...? – Nathaniel questioned him.

- You will see. - Amasteus said, enigmatic, when he left the room leaving him with his paperwork.

It was close, very close, when Nathaniel put spy software on all the computers, where he tracked the transactions of each businessman, discovering as well as plotting one of the ten men involved in the attempt to overthrow him from the company's control of his status, trying to take stocks, by approaching and stealing amid embezzlement of money and negotiations.

Meanwhile, in the center of the city of Lovecraft County, a temple appeared where a group of villains came together to interrupt the life of Dragon Knight, Nathaniel Delphos, who would not have time in his life to solve his own problems in his company.

Nix and Hecate surrounded the Amazons and turned them into singing cows, in the midst of mooing battles, in which everyone around them was forced to be soldiers.

She was an occasional ally of Faust and another god of darkness, the ancient patriarch of werewolves, along with an enemy mage of Constantine, when they went to invade an ancient temple, it was a stone capable of freeing a god of darkness.

So, there it was, together with a spell, that would lead the members of the Society of Shadows to their end, they would command the world together, with them, they would become their enemies, their slaves.

At that time, when they were going to release the portal and call the gods of darkness, the members of the Society of Shadows entered in force there, interrupting the ceremony, being thrown with a huge bomb by Dragon Knight that interrupted and broke the seal.

Dragon Knight, came with everything with his ropes, between the pillars, stealing the object from their hands, when they chased him to be stopped by Apollo and Artemis the goddess of the hunt, who surrounded and divided them.

At that time, Dragon Knight with everything broke the object when he fell close to an altar, when finally, interrupting the words of another magician, when Hermes came zooming in stealing the book from Faust's hands.

Among the other werewolves who came to the rescue so they could surrender the mages and vampires who revolted against the order of the Society of Shadows.

Finally, tying the magician, the god of darkness to his complete astonishment, freed himself on top of Dragon Knight who fell there in the middle of the altar, getting his hands bloody on one of the artifacts that exploded, but the giant god of darkness , looking curiously, he was horned and curiously, watching the man beneath him, kissed him, almost thinking it would suck the air and his soul from his body.

- Tasty. - The god of darkness said, caressing his face, then, with a smoke trick, he transported himself from there, then leaving him without reaction lying on the ground, when he saw Nix and Hecate roar, when she spoke.

- You guys screwed up everything, I'll get revenge. - The sorceress goddess said.

- He was almost turned into a bat, when he grabbed a mirror he countered the spell, but Nix and Hecate in turn fought back, when he hit Apollo, who was turned into a bat instead flying around.

At that time, Nathaniel cast a net throwing the sorceress goddess, who threatened him, the kiss was still a reminder, plus a chain and awning over Nix.

- If you arrest me, I will not make them return to human form. – Nix then, being threatened by Hecate threatened.

- I'll throw your werewolves on top of the amazons. - Hecate threatened him.

While Nathaniel throwing a tractor on top of Nix and then another object on top of Hecate who was right outside a temple, in the middle of the street when he ran, she just kept giving hell and chasing Diana, the goddess of the hunt and the moon, who was experiencing complications due to the order of the Amazons being in a split.