
The Beguiled Bond

As the first female battle commander of the military from the Waevalon Kingdom, Rachelle Simon believes that she does not need a mate in her life until she knows who she really was or where she actually came from before she arrived at the Dark Soul pack. She is living in peace until an annoying mysterious brute named Claude Hackworth arrived at their pack to visit his sister who happened to be her Luna and claimed that Rachelle is Claude's mate. However, she determines that she is not going to utter the words that she is accepting him. What will happen if Rachelle gets to meet and see her mate again in an unexpected moment but he will not introduce himself as her mate but the newly crowned Alpha King of Waevalon Kingdom?

mystiqueluna · Fantaisie
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26 Chs

Chapter Twelve: How Strict

"Four hundred fifty-six..."

I watched with stoic expression as one of my privates named Private Inkstone doing the five hundred push ups. He was in near of finishing. I am very sure he could finish it.

"Faster!" I ordered him. He was making some rest. I don't want him to get a little rest. I want him to finish it ahead. "You are so slow, private! Finish it already!"

"Yes, commander! Four hundred sixty-five..." he counted as he pushed up and down.

He must be thankful that his punishment is five hundred push ups. I had experienced to be punished by making rounds around the palace for the whole day. I was punished because I snapped on my own commander for always ordering me around. After that happened I was relocated to another troop and new commander for my former commander couldn't handle me well.

"Five hundred!" he shouted in rejoice and laid in the ground, catching his breath.

I walked towards him, eyeing him down. "Good job, Inkstone. Have you learned your lesson?" I asked. My voice was masked with hostility.

He suddenly stood up and saluted me. "Yes, Commander Rachelle!"

I nodded earnestly. "Grab your dinner and go back to your quarters. I will see you tomorrow." I turned my back on him and started walking away from him.

"Yes, commander!" I heard him yell from afar. I just continued walking. "Commander Rachelle!"

I didn't stop from walking when he called my attention. I am not in the mood to speak with him. I need to do the patrolling later after my dinner.

"I still want to be your private after all of this!"

I huffed and formed a small smile. I waved my hand, waving good bye at him, not even turning around to look at my private. "One thousand lapses tomorrow!" I just said.

"Yes, commander!"

I huffed again, smiling. That's the spirit we got there! That's what I want in having privates in my league. I would make them the strongest werewolves soldiers in the palace and place them in near of my rank. Hoping for their hard work.

I turned right to make some rounds for patrolling. I wasn't in the mood to grab my dinner just now. I'll make some rounds now. Ten soldiers who were guarding the back of the palace saluted at me. I nodded my head to acknowledge their salute. I approached one of them.

"I am here to make patrol towards the borders of the palace. Has anyone started to patrol there?"

"Yes, Commander Rachelle."

"Who in the high ranks are there?"

"Commander Connor, Commander Howard, Commander Bricks and Lieutenant Commander Lycan are in there, Commander Rachelle."

"Thank you for the information. Go back to your post," I said earnestly and turned my back on them.

I jumped on the branch of a tree. I would just follow their smell so I could easily find them. I wouldn't want to transform into my wolf form. That's the last resort I want to do.

I jumped from tree to tree swiftly and gracefully, not making any sounds. I was going along with the silent night and the air breeze.

Through their smell, I managed to find the high rank officials with the palace's soldiers. I formed a toothy grin when I think of something to make them on alert. I saw them having chitchat so might as well make them worried right now.

I was known as 'harmonious sirocco' in the palace's military in which I could attack enemies silently and quietly. I always went along in the silent wind and that is the most annoying for my sparring partners. That is why I am fitted for assassination whenever the palace needs my service.

I listened to the wind. As the air cold breeze sang, I silently jumped higher and landed in front of the high rank officials.

Walter was frowning upon seeing me. "You really are full of surprises, Simon," he said, arching his eyebrow.

I just grinned at him. Walter is so easily to scare off ever since.

"You never changed, Commander Rachelle."

I turned my head at Lieutenant Commander Lycan. I bowed my head before him, smiling. "That's why you gave up on me, Lieutenant Commander." He was my former Commander when I was still a private before he placed me to other Commander who now promoted to General. My mentor and almost like a father to me... General Jose.

"Such a shame if I turned you over to Jose." He shook his head in disappointment.

I just chuckled and didn't say anything from his comment. He truly regretted me that he handed me over to General Jose. I was truly trained and General Jose was way more strict than Lieutenant Commander Lycan. But General Jose is more kind.

I am proudly say that I am product of General Jose's strictly training and promoted to be part of special rank other than being Commander.

"My, my. Lieutenant Commander, aren't we your favorites?" asked Commander Connor. Commander Connor Bennett approached me and locked my head between his arm. "Simon, let me tell you something a secret. You are Lieutenant Commander Lycan's supposedly favorite soldier if you haven't been stubborn and hard-headed before."

I grinned at Bennett. "For your information, Bennett, I already know that 'secret' you were saying. Lieutenant Commander Lycan already admitted that to me just before I handed the badge from the Grand Alpha King."

Commander Howard Furgoson tapped Bennett's shoulder. "Release Simon, Bennett."

"Fine, fine."

Bennett released me as he laughed. I just shook my head and rolled my eyes as I punched Bennett on his arm. He only just laughed.

I instantly turned my head towards the border of the palace when I heard something coming. "Get down!" I said to Bennett and ducked him down.

I glared at the tree and saw a round stone hit the tree instead of Bennett if I hadn't gotten him down. I hissed and turned my head back to the border.

"Who is there?!" Furgoson asked as he growled.

I used my wolf speed and ran towards the culprit. Someone was trying to hit Commander Connor. I am not going to forgive whoever is that werewolf.

"Stop right there!" I growled as I saw a figure of a man running by using his wolf speed.

I turned my head back as I heard the orders of the commanders and they called my name. I sighed, feeling relief. I could finally transform without them witnessing it.

'I'll catch him,' my wolf whispered as we run faster.

I am almost catching when suddenly he jumped and kicked me. I was thrown to the tree. I growled and transformed back to my human form. I stood up and was about to attack him when he caught me by locking my hands at my back.

I sniffed his scent. My heart dropped and palpitated upon smelling a mint and after rain. That couldn't be...

"Release me at once!" I tried to kick him on his side but he was fast to dodge me.

Chills crawled at the back of my nape when he smelled me. "You never change..." he whispered on my ear at the back..

I gasped. I suddenly panicked as I felt jolt of electricity flowing through my skin. My knees instantly wobbled.

'Mate,' my wolf whispered.

I calmed myself down and head back to hit him on his head. He groaned as I heard him stepping back. I faced him and my eyes widened upon seeing him.

I gritted my teeth. "How did you find me?" I asked, calming myself seeing Claude right in front of me.

How on earth did he know that I am here? Did he follow me? He shouldn't suppose to know my true location... How on earth...

Claude wiped the blood on his mouth. I must have hit his mouth with my head earlier. My head still hurts from what I did. He huffed.

"You really think I will just let you go, huh, Rachelle?"

I suddenly felt hot when he mentioned my name. I stepped back, not wanting to be near from him again.

"How dare you almost hit one of my comrades!" I grunted, not making any statement from his words.

Claude snorted and smirked. "I am not sorry from it. Additionally..." He moved so fast.

I dodged him when he almost touched me by doing the cartwheel backwards. I suddenly felt butterflies on my stomach. I couldn't let him touch me... I would probably give in from his touch if he ever does.

I pulled out my dagger and shot him some glares. "Run now before I will attack you!" I barked.

"That's sweet. You actually cared for me, Rachelle," he smiled. He sighed and stepped back. "For now, I will escape. But the next time we see each other again, I will never let you go. Remember that, Rachelle Simon."

I watched him as he ran away and transformed to his white wolf. I knelt on the ground. My knees had been wobbling ever since I knew Claude was the culprit.

I felt my left chest. My heart was pounding crazily.

'He is coming back for us. He will be.'

"Shut up!" I shut down my wolf so I couldn't hear anything from her. I don't want Claude to be back... I am already happy from here. "Damn you, Claude..."