
The Beguiled Bond

As the first female battle commander of the military from the Waevalon Kingdom, Rachelle Simon believes that she does not need a mate in her life until she knows who she really was or where she actually came from before she arrived at the Dark Soul pack. She is living in peace until an annoying mysterious brute named Claude Hackworth arrived at their pack to visit his sister who happened to be her Luna and claimed that Rachelle is Claude's mate. However, she determines that she is not going to utter the words that she is accepting him. What will happen if Rachelle gets to meet and see her mate again in an unexpected moment but he will not introduce himself as her mate but the newly crowned Alpha King of Waevalon Kingdom?

mystiqueluna · Fantaisie
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26 Chs

Chapter Nineteen: Duchess

"What? He is leaving soon?" I asked General Abraham, surprised by his news.

"Yes. In less than five days, he needs to stop being the supervisor of night watchers. The Grand Alpha King needs his presence for urgent matters."

I was taken aback by his news because I felt like this was just a bluff or something. But looking at General Abraham, I knew he meant business. And I understand if we were talking about the Grand Alpha King.

"I see. I understand, Sir Abraham." I nodded. "I shall go back to my post."

He nodded and dismissed me.

As soon as I was out of his office, a sudden heavy feeling was weighing on me. I looked over to the corridor and saw Claude who was having his self-training right now on the fields.

There was an empty pinch of loneliness feeling that was creeping inside me, just the thought that I won't be able to see Claude anymore. I should be happy right now because he won't be a pest in my life anymore. But why do I feel otherwise? What is this sudden pinching lonely feeling?

He won't be losing to us. He is still with us. I heard my wolf whisper to me.

I bit my lower lip as I felt my eyes getting stingy.

"Damn it..." I cussed slowly.

I should find this as an opportunity to have a tranquil life but Claude already ruined my life by being a pest every single day ever since he became my supervisor.


My heart suddenly stopped at the moment when I followed the voice of my wolf as to where I should look. I spotted Claude from afar. He was busy from training earlier than right now, his eyes were now fixed on me.

He knows where we are. My eyes widened a little from what my wolf said.

I stared at his dark hazel eyes for a moment before I looked away and decided to leave the corridor. Why was I contemplating? I am supposed to go back to my post!

I sniffed the air when I smelled Claude's faint alluring smell. My heart was racing rapidly as I hastened my steps. I don't want Claude to catch up with me because the moment he manages to approach me, I would just start barking at him. Although this was my behavior before , I want to minimize it by avoiding him right now.

I decided to run as soon as I went downstairs on the other side of the building. I was about to make a left turn towards the next building when someone pulled my hand and covered my lips. At the sudden contact, I smelled the familiar alluring scent of that person I was trying to avoid.

"Trying to run away from me, my dearest mate?"

I gasped when I felt a jolt of electricity flowing in my skin the moment he touched my skin. But I couldn't deny the fact that he was positioned behind me and I felt his half-naked body pressing in my back. I could even smell his sweat that made my wolf go crazy and wanted to lung Claude. Gladly I managed to control myself.

"R-Running away from you? What the hell are you talking about?"

I spun around and immediately distanced myself away from him while shooting him some glares. I stared at him for a moment and recalled General Abraham's words that Claude would be leaving soon under our special ranks. I don't know why it has gotten me sad just by knowing that I would rarely see him... The idea of that made me want to do some drastic things against him.

After a while, Claude's reaction was to draw out an annoying smirk on his lips that made me want to wipe it off right now.

"If you are not running away from me, then why did you change direction where you are about to meet me, huh, Rachelle?" he asked, smirking.

I was getting alerted by him taking a forward step. But I stood still and didn't want to make things get complicated. Plus, I don't want him to think that I am distancing myself away from me. I don't want him to notice it. I knew how he was a keen observer which is very annoying.

"Excuse me? Why are you always assuming things, Sir Claude?" There was a mocking tone in my voice. I want him to know that I won't just back out and I want to get out of here as smoothly as possible.

But I know that with him, there would be no smooth process for him. He would always end up teasing me. Damn this guy...

"Hmm..." he paused after humming. He stared at my eyes for a moment. I watched how his forehead furrowed. "You seem a little off today..."

I softly gasped as I stepped back, eyes-widened. He noticed! But I was quick to patch it up by acting annoyed with him! How did he just notice that?

"What are you talking about?" I thanked myself that I didn't falter from speaking. Even though I want to get away from him right now because I want to contemplate things, I still couldn't help but be defensive with my emotions and actions.

Claude just stared at me again and watched me. I stared back as well.

Once he goes back to being a Knight of the Grand Alpha King, it is a small chance that I will see him. Or perhaps, I wouldn't be able to see him anymore because of his duty. I shouldn't be worried about it but I just couldn't help it.

He blinked and slightly frowned while eyeing me up and down. With that kind of look he was giving, I found it uncomfortable for me. I took a breath before sighing.

"Are you okay?" His question surprised me. He has this worried expression that made my heart warm for no reason.

But with that question, my eyes went misty. I gulped and nodded, smiling. "I am."

Lies. My wolf whispered.

He stepped forward until he stopped and was towering over me. I immediately closed my eyes when he raised his hand to land it on my forehead.

"Are you sure?"

The moment I opened my eyes, my heart clenched seeing his beautiful dark hazel orbs. I forced a smile and put a distance. "Yes, I am sure, Claude. You should go back to training. Isn't this your day off as well?" I asked in monotone and looked away as his half-naked body was exposing right in front of me.

I just realized just now. Damn!

"Yeah. And I'm all done training. I want to go with you."

I frowned and am not letting him see that I got affected by his words. "Why would you want to go with me? And can you please dress up?" There was an irritation masking in my voice.

He formed a sheepish smile. "Why? Are you truly distracted just by the sight of my body?"

"You wish!"

I walked away and hastened my pace so he wouldn't catch up with me. But he caught my hand and made me turn around.

"What the heck, Claude?" I tried to remove his hand from clasping mine but he won't budge.

"I can tell that you are lying to me, Rachelle. I can tell." I gasped at what he said. Not just from that but from the physical contact with him again.

I don't want any physical contact from Claude. I don't want him to trigger my heart again. Not here. And not good timing. I wouldn't want to be ravished by other men werewolves here.


Claude and I immediately looked in front of us when we heard a feminine voice. My eyes widened upon seeing a beautiful woman dressed in horseback riding clothes. She has almond-shaped olive eyes, an upturned nose, and round soft lips tainted with soft red. Then a symbol of rose and thorns was embellished in her left chest.

My eyes widened upon seeing it. Upon realization of Claude and I's position, I jerked away from his hand. On my peripheral vision, I saw him looking on my way, furrowing his forehead. I vowed my head in front of this beautiful woman.

"Greetings, Duchess Amelia of Erasmus Household!" I greeted as my heart was racing wildly.

How come the duchess from one of the Waevalon Kingdom's royal families didn't announce her presence? Did she come here unannounced?


I looked at Claude, shocked. Did he just call the duchess on a first-name basis? What is wrong with him addressing the duchess just like that?!

Duchess Amelia giggled. "You never changed." When I raised my head, I saw Duchess Amelia taking strides with gracefulness towards Claude with a full smile on her lips. "But your body has changed for the past years."

Claude chuckled. "You, too, Amelia. You never changed as well, especially in your height."

She pouted her lips and sent him some glares. "You are hurting my feelings..."

My chest rose up and down upon the sight of them especially as to how the duchess was caressing the chest of Claude. I secretly clenched my teeth before I decided to clear my throat.

Princess Amelia looked at my way with coldness. Also, Claude looked at my way as well.

I forced a smile and bowed my head. "I shall take my leave, Duchess Amelia..." I paused and looked at her. I saw the hostility in her eyes. I looked away and dropped a look at Claude. "Sir Claude..." I said and bowed my head.

I saw how he gritted his teeth the moment I addressed him with a bland of solemnity. He even narrowed his eyes, sending me daggers.

"Sir Claude? Are you serious? Addressing him just by 'sir'?!" Duchess Amelia raised her voice.

"P-Pardon me, Y-Your Grace. What is wrong with what I said? Isn't that the way to address him?" What is wrong with her as she suddenly got mad just by addressing Claude as sir?

"What?" She almost shrieked from annoyance. "You don't just address him that way!"

"Amelia. Stop it... Let's go." Claude tried to pull her away from me but the duchess won't let it.

She still faced me with an irritable expression. "Stop addressing him like that. You didn't know who he was!"

"Amelia, stop..."

I furrowed my forehead in confusion. "Isn't he the Knight of the Grand Alpha King?" I asked, perplexed.

"Just who the hell are you that you didn't even know that he is the A—"

"I said stop! Didn't I already say it? Did I have to tell it again, Amelia?"

She stopped from the authoritative tone of Claude that made me shiver and suddenly, I wanted to curl up like a kitten and hide in the corner. Even Duchess Amelia was taken aback. He just used his alpha tone on her. With Claude's status and rank, he shouldn't have done that to her. A Knight commanding a Duchess was a beg to kill for disrespecting the royal family.

When Claude looked at me, his stern expression turned soft. From red blazing eyes was gradually going back to his normal dark hazel.

"You should go now, Rachelle. I'll talk to you later."

Even though I don't understand what just happened and the way Claude was acting, I chose to follow him by nodding my head.


I slowly turned my back and hurried my steps to distance myself away from them. When I turned my head, I saw Duchess Amelia shooting me a glare while Claude was quietly talking to him.