
The Beguiled Bond

As the first female battle commander of the military from the Waevalon Kingdom, Rachelle Simon believes that she does not need a mate in her life until she knows who she really was or where she actually came from before she arrived at the Dark Soul pack. She is living in peace until an annoying mysterious brute named Claude Hackworth arrived at their pack to visit his sister who happened to be her Luna and claimed that Rachelle is Claude's mate. However, she determines that she is not going to utter the words that she is accepting him. What will happen if Rachelle gets to meet and see her mate again in an unexpected moment but he will not introduce himself as her mate but the newly crowned Alpha King of Waevalon Kingdom?

mystiqueluna · Fantaisie
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26 Chs

Chapter Eleven: Curiosity leads to what?

"One more lapse, soldiers and you can finally take some rest!" I yelled to order the soldiers running around the oval running track.

I watched them closely as they made their way to finish the 1000th lapse. Rise and shine. The dusk has appeared just in time they finished their lapses.

"Good job! You can have your breakfast," I said then turned my back on them. I saw Commander Bricks walking to my direction. I tilted my head and met him half the way. "Commander Bricks Walter, greetings!" I nodded my head.

He also nodded his head. "Good morning, Commander Rachelle Simon! Are you done tiring them?" he asked with a sheepish smile on his lips. Then he looked at my soldiers who were very tired and laying in the ground. "Commander, you are so strict..." He chuckled.

I shrugged. "I trained myself by this method. I always run 1000 lapses every day." I looked at him, scrutinizing him. "Don't say I am strict when you are also strict, Walter."

Walter chuckled. He raised both of his hands, surrendering. "Okay. Okay. You got me right there, Simon. I give up!" I grinned. Walter wouldn't dare to challenge me this kind of thing because I wouldn't give up, showing himself that we both have similarities. "Wait. Have you eaten your breakfast?"

"Not yet." I shook my head. "I'm about to go to the military dining room."

"Really? I'm about to head out there. I'll come with you then."

We headed to the dining room exclusively for the military with high position or just private. We have to line up in order to get our food by using the tray we were holding.

"I am surprised that you are wearing uniform today, Simon. I never thought you will have it in your mind wearing one. I thought you will stick wearing battle suit only," Walter said as we sat across each other with our tray of food.

I rolled my eyes. "Change of mood. But if you are going to ask me, I'd stick with battle suit. For now, when I am on training our soldiers, I will only wear our uniform. But if I am inside the palace, there is no way I'm going to wear uniform." I started to eat. It was a change of plan for me to wear the palace uniform. I have decided to use it for training only. If I am on my duty, I will wear my battle suit. That was so comfortable for me to wear here especially that I am here in the palace's territory. I wanted to look formal as much as possible.

"Sure is." Walter shrugged and ate his food. "How's your vacation then? Found your mate?"

I crinkled my nose. This topic again... I really don't want to talk about. I shrugged my shoulders. "Nope."

'Lies.' My wolf nudged me.

I cut her off and continued my white lie. "Unfortunately." I took a sigh. Claude suddenly emerged in my mind. My heart was pounding just by thinking him. I slightly shook my head to shake off the thought of thinking Claude. "How about you, Walter? Found your mate yet?" I asked, grinning like an idiot.

Commander Bricks Walter is my colleague. We both earned the same badge of one of the commanders here in the palace. We both graduated and praised by the Grand Alpha King. Before we were set off to have vacation, chosen soldiers were assigned to us to train them once we got back from vacation. Each battle commander has one hundred soldiers under his wing. Those hundred soldiers... we have assigned ten soldiers to be the captain of each platoon.

"Well, it is unfortunate that I still haven't found her though," Walter stated and shrugged his shoulders. We both chuckled. Walter is one of the private first class that I became closed with. He never underestimated me even though I am just a woman who had been allowed to join in the military. I was still a private before until I pushed myself to rank up.

"Have you been to the coronation of the Alpha King?" After a moment of silence, he asked as he finished his meal.

"No. The Grand Alpha King forgot to invite me that's what he said." It was nothing serious for me to get invited to the coronation. I would choose to stay in my pack rather to see the new crowned Alpha King.

"Oh. Likewise then. The Alpha King's reason he said to me yesterday is because he wanted us to have our own vacation. We will get to meet him once the Alpha King is done from his training."

Okay... We have different reasons then. His reason was different from mine. I don't mind anyway. "But I am curious as to what the Alpha King looks like. How would we suppose to know if we are already facing our Alpha King?" This has occured to my mind so many times. I hadn't seen any paintings of the whole family of the Grand Alpha King Claudian.

I hadn't set my foot to the other parts of the palace. When I was still a private, we weren't allowed to see the quarters of the former Alpha King. We were only allowed to guard his throne room.

"What I heard from the other commanders, the Grand Alpha King and the late Luna Queen have three children. One son and two daughters. They say, if you manage to see the grand two-way staircase of the palace, you will see in the middle that connected the staircase the painting of the royal family."

I kept nodding my head. "Well... That's interesting then." I didn't know there was a grand two-way staircase here in the palace. The palace is huge. Also, I haven't seen that grand staircase before.

Perhaps, Fleet Admiral Francisco will assign me there near at the antechamber or maybe he will let me patrol near there. Curiosity was ticking inside me to see that grand staircase. I want to see it myself. I also want to see the late Luna Queen in that painting.

"How about the two crowned princess? Have they set their appearance here in the palace?" If the Grand Alpha King has a son and two daughters, where could the crowned daughter have been then?

Walter shrugged. "They have never set the two crowned princesses release to the public. Their life is private. Only few know the two princesses. I have a hunch that Fleet Admiral knows them."

"That would be possible since he has the highest rank in the military rank insignia." Nothing new. Only the highest rank could know the three children of the Grand Alpha King.

"Yeah, that's possible," said Walter.

We turned our head near at the doorway when we heard something has fallen in the ground. Or someone was tripped and fallen in the ground with meal all over his uniform. Then we heard laughs from the soldiers.

I observe him only to find the soldier was wearing braids in his head. I was surprised to see a...

"She's a woman?" I turned my head at Walter.

"I guess... based on her looks..."

I watched her as she picked up her empty plate from the ground. I could tell she was on the verge of crying while the people were laughing and telling her she was so clumsy.

I sighed. I hate seeing they laughed at her... I had been on that stage before... I had been bullied because they think I couldn't manage to be a soldier. Look what happened to me as I prove myself to them. I am a battle commander.

"Clumsy... A very lady like... You are not fitted to be a soldier. You are just a woman!"

That made me clench my hand. I stood up, pushing my chair in a strong force causing the chair to stumble and fall in the ground. The laughs died down. The soldiers looked at my direction.

I looked at them with stoic expression.


"Let me handle this, Commander Bricks," I said coldly and stepped forward. "Who on earth says those words? Speak up!" My voice echoed and roared causing them to get nervous from my behavior.

The room was in a defeaning silence and no one spoke up. I smirked. Looks like they wanted to be punished. No one dares to stand up and tell the truth.

"I will repeat this one last time, soldiers. If no one speaks up, I shall ask all your commanders to punish your behavior by sending all of you under my wing. Would you like to run ten thousand lapses?"

I earned a lot of gasps from them. Then they started the blaming game as to who said it.

I sighed in contentment. I turned at Walter. "Well, Commander Bricks. May I ask for your permission to—"

"I am the one you are looking for, Commander Rachelle!"

I cocked my head from side to side before I used my wolf speed to approach the soldier who spoke. I saw him gulping even though he was way taller than me.

"Who is your commander?" I asked coldly.

He stood properly and looked straight. "I am under your wing, commander!"

I clenched my hand upon hearing that. "Such a shame you are under my wing..." I paused and read the template pinned on his left chest. "...Private Inkstone." Then I looked straight to his eyes. "You dare to speak that she is just a woman when I am a woman myself? And I am your battle commander, private! Did you just underestimate women? So you are underestimating me then?"

He gradually lowered his head. "N-No, commander. I am not underestimating you. I-I apologize for m-my behavior. I-I will not repeat it again..."

"Don't apologize to me. Apologize to your colleague," I said and pushed near to the woman who was lowering her head.

"I apologize. I hope you can forgive me about my behavior."

She just nodded her head as an answer. I already saw her crying silently.

"Well, Private Inkstone, after your training, you will do the scrubbing of the wall of the palace and five hundred push ups. I want you to finish your task tonight. Are we clear?" I ordered sternly when I was in front of him.

His eyes widened from my order but he was hesitant to nod. "A-As you wish, c-commander."

"Return to your seat and finish your meal. Then do your task." I turned my head to all the people who were shocked from what I did. "If I hear again that you are underestimating women or anyone or you are bullying anyone, we will settle everything between us. Are we clear, soldiers?" I said firmly.

"Loud and clear, Commander Rachelle!" I nodded my head from the loud agreement.

Then I turned my attention to the woman who was standing beside me. "Are you alright?" I asked softly.

"Y-Yes, commander. I-I am just c-clumsy and..."

I summoned my hand to stop her. "I don't need explanation, Private Ylea." I saw her surname in her template. "Go and fix yourself. You should be firm here and all to be a soldier. You can do this. Are we clear?" I tilted my head and smiled at her.

She lightened up and nodded her head. "Loud and clear, C-Commander Rachelle!"

Then she left the dining room.

I turned at Walter when he tapped my shoulder. "Brave and strong commander we got there, Simon. Thank you for defending one of my privates."

I looked at him, surprised. "That is your private?" Goodness! What a coincidence!

Walter chuckled. "Yes." Then he smiled. "I managed to memorize her name because she is the only woman in my wing. Her name is Iris Ylea from a far away land of pack."

I smiled. "I am glad to know that you are under her wing. And I am ungrateful that I have a private that is so rude and no manners at all."

"Oh no. He is in trouble."

I grinned. Oh well. That private is really in trouble.

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