
Year Before The Supernatural Alliance Existed Pt 1

299 years ago the vampires, devils, wizardry, angels, and humans are at war then one night three girls are fighting but what they didn't expect they are pointing their weapons at one, another.

"Anatahadare? (Who are you? in Japanese)" the first girl asked.

"That's what I want to know!" as the second girl replied she chuckled and the third whacked the first girl and they continue fighting til they realise.

"Chottomatte. (Wait a minute.)" the third girl said then the girls stopped fighting.

"Wait. What is going on?" the second girl said and asked.

"Don't know. So who-who are you?" the first girl replied and asked.

"I am Jesse. I am from the kingdom of where two kingdoms are: vampires and devils" the third girl replied.

"Nice to meet you. I am Christina. From where the humans live in your terms." the second girl said.

"Watashi wa oribiadesu. (I am Olivia.)" the first girl said.

Then three soldiers stands in front of, them.

"Are you okay, lady Olivia?" the soldier from the human side asked.

"Yes." the second girl replied.

Then, the girls headed home to their kingdoms.

Ancient Kingdom of Devils

Horses are running toward the gate then the guards opened the gates.

"Welcome home, lady Jesse." the guard said.

"Thank you, is my father inside?" as she asked they see a maiden running out of the palace.

"Lady Jesse!" the maiden called out.

"Why are you always shouting my name, like something is wrong?" she asked.

"Your father, is very angry." the maiden replied.

Then, she runs inside with the guard and maiden.

"What is going on?" she asked.

They see the girl from before coming toward them.

"Olivia, what are vampires doing here?" Jesse asked in disgust.

"You're marrying my brother at midnight when the moon, is at it's highest peek." Olivia replied.

"I will not marry him! My father cannot make me!" Jesse yelled in disgust then Olivia smacked her across the, face.

"You devils are really disgusting!" Olivia yelled then they being to fight with swords.

Throne Room

The guard entered in a hurry and the ancient king of devils along with the ancient king of vampires, head to the balcony and sees their daughters fighting.

"My lord, the princess is fighting the princess of vampires." as the guard said the ancient king of devils starts to get angry.

"THAT IS ENOUGH! GUARDS!" the ancient king of devils yelled angrily then the guards went to where the princesses of both, kingdoms: devils and vampires then took the princess of devils to her chamber while the vampire guards took, the royal vampire carriage.

"I will take care of my daughter." the ancient king of vampires said then left the kingdom of devils.

The ancient king of devils enters the chamber hallway and the maidens bows in respect.

"Where is the princess?" the ancient king of devils asked.

"She is in her chamber, my lord." the maiden replied.

Then he continues walking toward her chamber.

Jesse's Chamber

The ancient king of devils knocked on door.

"Who is it?!" Jesse questioned angrily.

The ancient king of devils' expression: confused and concerned.

"Uh...Jesse, it's me. Your father." the ancient king of devils replied.

The ancient king of devils opened the doors and the princess looked at him with cold eyes then the, ancient king of devils walked up to her.

"Father?" Jesse asked as she backed away.

But the ancient king of devils didn't say anything expect walked toward her and held a knife in his hand, then thunder clapped and she covered her ears but it was too late then the prince of devils entered the crowned princess' chamber and see, their father standing there covered in blood and see his sister on the floor laying in her blood then the prince of devils ran to her, then began to cry and the guards took the ancient king of devils out of the chamber and placed shackles on him after the crown of the king of devils got removed and, took him outside tortured him: whipping, poisonous scorpions, no food or water and working in the hellish mines until the guards came and got him then he was handed a shape like bottle with water and he left along with the ancient king of vampires, then they are no longer within their sight but in the ancient village of humans their is chaos police arresting people selling drugs but, on the other side of the village there is human trafficking and in the middle of the village there is the ancient lord of the village of humans whipping and abusing his servants.

"My lord...I...beg...o-of...you..." the servants said but the ancient lord of the village of humans, didn't care and walked away with a creepy smirk on his face ignoring the servants calling his name.

But a young girl went up to them and gave water then one of the guards knocked the water bucket out of her hands, and dragged the young girl until a knife hit the guard's hand and the guards turn and sees the daughter of the ancient lord of the village of humans walking toward the entrance then the guards in the back draw their swords, but what the house guards didn't realise is that the master of the house is holding a sword at the guard that is holding the girl who was only giving the servants some water then the guard released, the girl and the girl ran to the ancient lord of the village of humans' daughter and covered her ears then the master of the house decapitated the guards then went back inside the house along with his daughter and the girl.

But on the battlefield there is body parts everywhere: arms, legs, and heads along with blood but, at dust the sky turns red and ground turns black with crows but in the middle there is three teenage girls in black, red clothing and thunderstorm above with rain and lightly flashes even rumbles while the three teenage girls, are standing there with swords covered in blood and they are fighting along side the son of the ancient great warlock of wizardry fighting enemies until none were/are left alive on the battlefield.

After the teenage girls and boy killed the enemies on the battlefield they went their own, ways covered in blood.

Ancient Forest of Wizardry

The son of the great warlock entered the forest and sees no light lanterns on anywhere.

"William, where the hell is everyone?" the son of the great warlock asked.

"I have no idea, my lord. But, the question is where is the king of Wizardry?" William replied and asked.

"Not sure." as the son of the great warlock replied they enter the kingdom that appeared with mist.

Ancient Kingdom of Devils

Then, she entered the palace and see the prince sitting on the throne, with dead cold eyes.

"Welcome, home Elizabeth." the prince of devils said.

"B-Brother? Where is father? What happened to sister?" as the young princess questioned the prince stood up in, annoyance and anger.

"Silence! Guards, take the princess to her chamber!" the prince of devils replied and ordered.

The guards bowed.

"Your highness." the ancient head guard said.

But then, at the kingdom of vampires is more worsen.

"Julieanne, where have you been?!" the ancient queen of vampires questioned.

"Fighting on the battlefield." young Julieanne replied.

Then, young Julieanne spots someone with white, and sliver hair.

"Who's that?" young Julieanne asked.

Continues in next chapter.