
Book 1 of the Warrior Fox

One morning, 2023 august 25, a euphoric pulchritude fox with orange fur, red highlights, with brunneous paws and snow white under belly stands on the hill. The fox lives in a meadow with trees along the river and hills where the sun sits perfectly on it when it either sets or rises. A very eminent place for deers to grace and bees to buzz and where you hear the bird sing like a dream. This meadow has no pterodactyl or trex, no insolent humans, or anything that can harm you. Everyone and everything gets along very well. It's like heaven, a perfect circle of life.

The next day the fox comes out of its burrow to see the sunrise like she does every morning with the sun shining bright pink, orange and red peachy color that brighten the sky and in the opposite direction the moon sits in the sky with purple and dark blue color with stars that shine white. The beauty of the sky every sunrise and sunset make it worth living. The fox walks around the meadow saying hi to the deers, and playing with its friends. So much joy, it sounds like heaven. The fox is happy and hopes it never changes, but the fox's hope soon begins to break.

A dire wolf, a wolf that should be dead, wanders the land, killing everything on site. This wolf died about 10,000 years ago, this beast of a wolf is about the same height as a saber tooth tiger, this wolf even scares regular wolves as its 20% bigger then it with the weight of 200 pounds. The little fox with the weight about 50 pounds would never win against a beast like that, so the little fox needs to watch her step or she may take her last.

Terrors break out in the meadow, this wolf is killing deers for the fun of it and destroying the perfect cycle of life that they put into this meadow. All their hard work of peace being ripped out of them. The fox sees this big, black fur, with supercilious stains. The wolf stands in front of her, the little fox looks up at this monster of a wolf. The wolf bars his canines, big teeth with blood dripping from its mouth. The little fox runs to its burrow and hides from the wolf. The cycle of life falls apart.

As days pass the meadow falls, the wolf starts going into the village that lives by the meadow. All the humans cry for help as this wolf is no normal wolf to them, killing all their livestock. A concierge tries to scare off the wolf by throwing keys at it, but that makes the wolf mad. The wolf lunges at the man baring its teeth into the man's arm, the little fox standing by watching crimson red splatter everywhere, and an arm goes flying, the wolf ripped off the man's arm and blood drips everywhere. The little fox looks at the wolf in terror and runs away.

The little fox thinks to herself, "I can help people and the animals of my meadow if I or someone dont do something they will all be dead", and so the little fox finds a black smith who fits her a Graphene armor, a very strong but light armor for the fas little fox. The little fox bows to the man thanking him for what she did for her, and then she wanders her way back to the meadow, being doubtful about herself she continues to train herself to defeat the wolf that shields crimson red everywhere.

The little fox is ready as she marches her way to the wolf, as she is only a few hundred feet from the wolf, he locks eyes onto her. The wolf howls with red eyes and blood dripping fangs, and claws that are no longer white, and fur with dark red highlights, and the body of a monster. The fight begins.

The little fox lounges at the wolf feet biting him, and the wolf attacks at the foxes armor but breaks a tooth as he cant puncher the armor made of pure carbon, but 200 times stronger than iron and can stop a bullet. The wolf and fox fight at it, the wolf breaks all his teeth as the fox only hurts its paws. As time passes the little 50 pound fox defeats the 200 pound dire wolf.

All the people and all the animals cheer at the little fox, saving the town from the monstrous beast, they all give the little fox a home fit for a hero. As the meadow returns to the perfect life, with the circle of life back in balance, and everyone closer than ever. A statue built for the fox in the town, as sentreas pass the story of the warrior fox is told around, telling everyone to stand up for what is right and to protect your love ones, the warrior fox help everyone around understand that hurting people for fun is wrong and if you see something do something about it, don't just stand by and let it happen, take action.

Now it's 5023, the meadow where the warrior fox fought, protected as a sacred place, is left untouched by humans, where foxes roam, deers graze, bees buzz, and birds sing. The little village next to the meadow turned into a tores place, where everyone comes to see the statue,and enjoy ratatouille and to read the history of the warrior fox.

This story is just one out of the many things this little heroic fox did…

this is a book about a fox, the fox surpasses any normal fox, saving its town and become a hero. more booms will be posted bout the warrior fox and her life.

Queen_5164creators' thoughts