
The beginning of new story'

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The end of a story.

This story is from ancient times, around 5000-10000 years ago. There Dev (God) and Asura (demon) exists in this world.

They incarnate them self, to help humans and protect them from Asura (demon).

But 5000 years ago. There was a great war, between Dev(God) and Asura(demons).

The war was a nightmare to both sides, but the one truly effective from war was humanity.

Bharatvarsh(ancient India) there is advance human civilization, who grow under the Dev (god) wing's. and and up burning in this war.

The City of human civilization burning in Dev (God) and Asura (demon),

half of humanity was wiped out and the one who is saved in war was starving to death.

5 YEAR LATTER........

The war between Dev(God) and Asura(demon) has ended, Their are no victor

Both sides disappeared, no-one no what happened to them.

The humanity. who's was almost wiped out of, get a new hope and come back to stend on. There on feet.

5000 years passed

Now humanity was the down'of new civilization.....



don't know...

There are the one who ...

some of them are lurking in dark...

and waiting for right...........to take back ....... belong to.......them(👹👹👹)

note: hey guys I just started working on this, you know I am not good at English. so make mistakes on writing so please bear with me please 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺