
The Beginning After The End: Legacy

What would happen if the world of TBATE had another Legacy? And what if the other Legacy was reincarnated in Dicathen as the younger brother of the original protagonist Arthur Leywin?

TheRandomMe · Anime et bandes dessinées
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13 Chs

Chapter 6: Mana Constructs

Cecil Leywin:

"Urghh failed again..." I said to myself.

I have been trying to improve my mana constructs for the past few months but haven't had much luck.

The increase in my connection to mana helped me to improve it when I became a red core mage, and it would probably become easier the further my core progresses, but I want to learn it now so I won't have problems in the future.

Plus, there isn't much I could do besides this. I'm not even three years old, so physical training is still out of the question. That's why I decided to improve my use of pure mana.

I probably won't find a good weapon that could be used in the war, so making my own is the only thing I can do for now. My goal, for now, is to create a mana sword that would rival Dawn's Ballad before the war starts.

I also did a little test on my regeneration ability by making a small cut on my finger. When I did it, mana started to rush from my core and heal the wound, similar to how Aether healed Arthur but on a much smaller scale.

It wasn't that fast, and I guess it would become stronger the higher my core progressed and would heal my wounds as long as there was mana in my core because the ambient mana didn't do anything.

It also seemed that when I healed, I couldn't use my mana properly until the wounds were healed. It's like the mana prioritizes healing me before anything else. While on smaller wounds, it didn't matter much on bigger it could cause a problem.

But back to my Mana Sword, I plan to make a sword that can pass through objects. Such ability would be good during the war, like passing through someone's weapon or armor, but the problem is to make the blade stay together after passing through the object.


"Congratulations Sir and Madam. She's a healthy girl."

I quickly ran over to see Mom holding the soon-to-be-named Ellie, and when I saw her, I promised myself to protect this cute little creature.

I also noticed that babies in this world actually look cute when born, unlike in my previous life when they didn't...

"What is her name, Mom?" I asked.

"Your dad decided to name her Eleanor."

So her name didn't change.

"Hey, little El, I'm your bigger brother. Can you say, big brother?" I asked her, remembering Dad asked the same thing when I was born.

"You are just like your dad..." She said with a sigh but had a smile on her face while looking at Ellie and me.

But, speaking of Dad, I looked to the side only to see Dad holding his broken hand. It's good Mom is an emitter.


"HAHAHA... It works!" I started laughing while holding a beautiful sword made out of pure mana.

It took me almost three months, but I finally got the sword to stay together after passing through something.

The only problem now is that I need to use an object for the handle and make the blade intangible.

Somehow I feel this is much cooler. What can I say? The kid in me wanted to make something cool like this as if using magic wasn't cool enough.

But for now, I'm using a normal handle and only creating the blade out of mana. Something similar to how a lightsaber is just a handle until activated.

"abwuu" A child's voice said, followed by rattling from a toy. Looking to my side, I saw Ellie playing again with a rattled toy made of pure mana.

This is another way I train my mana construct creation by making them with movable parts and more detailed while constantly supplying them with mana so they don't break down.

I want to make a mana construct version of the Djinn armor, but the problem is that I can't make it yet until my mana core progresses. While I can make it out of ambient mana, using my own mana feels better, and I get better results.

I should train more so I would be efficient with using both ambient mana and my own mana. Thanks to being the legacy, everything related to Mana comes to me pretty easily compared to others mages, but I need to learn how to fight before the war.

I already decided to make a fighting style where I would mix augmenting and conjuring fighting styles, and I got some ideas for spells I could use in the future.

But to test it out, I need test subjects. That's why I decided to become an adventurer with Arthur when he returns. I will have test subjects in form of the Mana Beasts and could have Arthur teach me more about combat in general.

But I still have less than four years to learn basic swordsmanship and some long-range spells.

"Oh, what a beautiful mana toy Cecil, you have improved since the last time you showed us your Mana Constructs." I turned my head to the left, where I saw Mom looking at me with a smile holding Ellie with the mana rattle toy.

"Hi, Mom," I said, giving her a hug. "I have been training so I could be as strong as Dad in the future," I told her with an excited smile.

"I'm back." Thankfully dads arrival saved me.

"Dad, look at what I made today," I said, showing them my prototype for the sword like a normal two almost three-year-old kid.


Authors Note:

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