

POV Julian Kingscrown

After entering the Xyrus academy, I went to Cynthia's office to ask her some things that I had entrusted her with.

Sylvie didn't seem very happy about this, as she constantly tapped me on the head, she had currently left her human form and was in her fox form, so my worries that she would split my head in two were minimal.

When I arrived in front of the director's office doors I tried to knock, but before I could do that I heard Cynthia's voice, "it's open, Julian you can go ahead".

I wasn't too surprised that she had noticed me, after all I wasn't hiding my presence or mana signature, I just pushed the doors and entered.

"You look much better than I thought" she said in a relieved tone

"I'm sorry I made you worry, but it was just something that I needed some time to overcome" I replied

At that moment I felt another small blow from Sylvie, so I stretched out my hands and lifted her from my head while cradling her in my arms

She didn't seem satisfied, but she didn't move from there, "how have things been in these two weeks, did we hear anything from Gideon?", I asked.

"Yes, he just delivered the results of the experiment yesterday", Cynthia took out some documents from her dimensional ring

I received them and started reading them, more research was needed for the marks on awakened mages, but we had decided to leave it for later

Only Cynthia and I would get them to be able to collect information about their real capabilities

"I also have news about the person you told me to investigate, but that person was reported as dead" she spoke

I raised my gaze with a frown and said "Elijah Knight is dead?"

"That's what the information I collected says" she replied somewhat thoughtfully

"Did they find his body?" I asked anxiously

"He was killed in a dungeon and they couldn't recover his body", Cynthia commented

That can't be possible, Agrona wouldn't let him die, she probably took him back to Alacrya, but why?

Did she discover my existence? The mere thought of that happening made my hair stand on end and gave me goosebumps.

Cynthia looked at me quite surprised by my reaction and I don't blame her, after all the only people who know about the legacy are Silvia, Sylvie, and I.

What worries me the most is if Agrona has noticed me and if that disgusting snake sends someone after me, what do I do?

Do I even have a chance to escape right now? I could barely exchange a couple of blows with Uto and I would probably come out quite hurt.

If it turns out to be Cadell, forget about even resisting, that guy would sweep the floor with me in my current state.

Frei has been watching Kai and doesn't seem to know anything, the only time we couldn't follow him was when he entered a portal of Alacryan origin

Because we didn't want him to know that he was under surveillance, was it at that time that something happened?

When the anguish began to increase in my mind, I felt Sylvie sending me her thoughts to calm me down.

Her amber eyes calmed my thoughts, (Thank you Sylvie I was becoming too paranoid).

"Elijah was a Vritra infiltrator, as you told me, is he so important to make you feel like this", Cynthia said worried.

"I don't know him personally, I was hoping to know his status, at least, that they disappear, that way it hurts my mood" I replied much calmer than before.

"I'll try to get more information, but I can't dig too deep, because I could raise suspicions", she said.

"I will try to get more information, but I can't dig too deep, because I could raise suspicions" she said.

"Certainly, it is better not to continue with this, we do not know what will happen if we continue to investigate more" I replied.

At some point we felt the presence of a bird trying to enter the office through the balcony that was Avier.

"Boy you're here, what a good time" the Wyvern spoke.

"How are you Avier long time no see" I returned the greeting.

"It's also a pleasure, besides I bring you news, Mordain accepted the order, he expects you to guide him to Hearth to start the training; Chul is excited to see how much you have grown" replied the bond in the form of an Owl.

"I need you to give me a week, I have to do some things before I leave, is that okay with you?", I asked.

"I don't mind, Mordain didn't give a time ultimatum or anything like that" Avier replied.

"Now that I remember, Virion's granddaughter returned", Cynthia said giving me a restless look.

"I assumed that would be the case, she didn't want to stay too long in Elenoir" I said without paying too much attention.

"Aren't you worried?", she looked at me surprised.

That action made me feel a chill under, but still I decided to ask, "why? Meanwhile I frowned my eyebrows, as I did not understand the point.

"Haaaah just be careful, you can leave now" she said in a cold tone as she returned to work.

Immediately, I felt that something was wrong, but before I could even ask for details I was already out of Cynthia's office.

"What the hell was that" I asked Sylvie in my arms.

(Brother did you ask for more time to deliver the boys to their new partners, right?), Silvie asked.

(Yes this is the time to find our friends suitable bonds, that's why I called them near the gate in the clearings that is directed to Xyrus) I replied.

(How are you going to do it?) Sylvie questioned again.

(To the people I know I will give them directly, to those I have never seen; there is the option of a casual encounter given by fate) I commented.

(You're not going to give them all, right?) She spoke looking for confirmation.

(There will be some with me, I don't plan to give them yet, I want to observe a little more if there is a more suitable person) I spoke answering her words.

Although I have been observing them through the beasts, there are some of which I consider that it is not the right time and also I will need some beasts to defend ourselves from the attack on the academy, that's why I still refrain from giving them.

Unfortunately, for Lilia, Feyrith and Samantha I did not find anything suitable, the coasts of Etistin did not yield results of Leviathans or some species of whale like the one of Lilia's gift, should I try to ask Mordain?.

(Will a week be enough, to go to Elenoir and Darv?) Sylvie questioned

(We will not go to Darv, Doradrea will not get Gormoths until I enter the academy, most likely Seris and several other Vritra are there, so it is better to avoid them), I replied making a mental list of the places and people to visit

(Brother, is there someone you like?), Taking me out of my thoughts I heard Silvie.

I looked at her somewhat surprised by her question and meditated a little the answer as I headed to the training rooms to see who was there, since Cynthia did not tell me anything.

After being close I spoke (if I had to say it, right now no person; you know better than anyone how busy I have been preparing things),

(I know that, but you must have feelings of attraction for someone, don't you?), she asked insistently.

(Princess Kathyln would be the first person that would come to my mind, but my relationship with Tessia has changed in the last time and I can see that her feelings are not only of childhood friends), I replied somewhat undecided.

(Then Alea and Claire?, besides what do you think of Eli she looks at you with admiration eyes) she spoke.

(Why did Arthur's sister get into this?) I said in an interrogative tone.

(Curiosity) Silvie replied.

I got goosebumps just thinking about that, Eli was like another Sylvie to me, an adorable little sister and although it is true that I frequent them a little more than Arthur I should not have done something to generate that kind of feelings.

(That's not going to happen, the only thing I see at the end of that road is Arthur beating me to death), I replied the words of my bond that was strangely talkative about this topic.

(What if there was a one in a thousand chance that you liked her in the future?) she asked.

(Clearly, it won't happen, I can only think of Arthur throwing my unconscious body into a lava pit or using Silvia's third phase to kill me), I replied as I grabbed my shoulders and shivered from the strange cold I was feeling

When I thought things couldn't get any worse, a loud explosion was heard in the training room I was heading to



POV Claire Bladeheart

Here I was in the training room watching a fierce fight between two princesses


I covered my eyes because of the fierce blast caused by the clash between wind magic and an ice wall

Why did this end up like this?

Going back in time before noon

I was arriving a little late to the training in the room because of some of my classes.

Inside were Cynthia along with Kathyln and an Elf?, the girl was really beautiful with her silver hair and sea green eyes.

Also, I felt from her the same feeling of royalty that Princess Kathyln emitted, although less cold.

The only time I've really seen Kathyln show expressive since I met her is with Julian and I can understand her intention.

But even so she fell a little short if we compared her with that Elf, her expressions were much more lively and natural than Kathyln's.

Director Cynthia was the first to notice me and motioned for me to come closer, so I walked quickly towards them.

In the past Director Cynthia didn't pay much attention to me, but after the trainings with Julian, she was very interested in my progress, so she started to teach me some things about wind manipulation.

Which is a bit uncomfortable, going from one form of treatment to another is hard to assimilate, anyway I didn't waste the opportunity to learn from one of the strongest mages in Sapin.

But at this moment, as I approached her, I saw her face light up, it was as if she had seen an oasis in the desert, but I didn't pay much attention to it.

"Princess Tessia, she is one of my best students in the fifth year, her name is Clare; Miss Bladeheart is here, she is another of my pupils, you should have heard of her, her name is Tessia, princess of Elenoir" Director Cynthia introduced us.

"A pleasure to meet you as the director said I am Tessia Eralith", said the Elf princess making an elegant bow and reaching one of her hands in my direction.

Reacting late due to the stupor I was in I reached her hand while giving another bow and introduced myself, "likewise it is a pleasure to meet you, my name is Clare Bladeheart".

For some strange reason the atmosphere in the air felt cold, like a blade in my throat, I quickly looked around, but I saw nothing that threatened my life; so I thought it was just my imagination.

"Tessia, Kathyln and Claire I have some pending things so I won't be able to be with you today, so I only have one instruction for you and that is Claire show them the concept of coating with elements for augmenters, then you, on the other hand, will show Claire the basics of conjuration.

Then she left without waiting for anyone's answer, I tilted my head to one side because of the strangeness of the situation, usually it is not like this. Did something happen?

"Princess Kathyln again it is a pleasure to meet you and thank you very much for taking care of my childhood friend in my absence" I heard the Elf princess greeting the princess of Sapin.

"I feel exactly the same, thank you very much for helping Julian to return with the humans" then I saw Princess Kathyln answer her.

"Oh, don't worry, after all it is a temporary stop, he will return with me to Elenoir in due time" replied Princess Tessia with a triumphant laugh.

"Wow really, being that the case the best thing is to make the most of your stay here, would you like to have a practical fight with me?" Replied Princess Kathyln.

The conversation at first sight seemed quite friendly if we only look at their words, but the aura around them said otherwise.

The atmosphere became tense and cold, their faces had smiles in front of each other, but behind those looks there was a terrifying intention to hit the person in front of them.

I see, this is why the director left quickly from here, besides this is not Julian's fault, you should be here instead of me.

"Of course, Princess Kathyln, I would like to know how strong the princess of Sapin is" replied the Elf princess.

After that, each one got into position for the apparently friendly combat. I wanted to run away from here, but if something happened I could be one of the people to blame.

"Are you ready?" Asked Princess Tessia as she generated a gust of wind around her and some vines grew at her feet

"We can start", said Princess Kathyln in a cold voice as some bubbles of water and cold air condensed around her.