
The Beggars Rise

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Spartacus Fan Fiction, Warning!!! R-18 is in this book--- A soul who was thrown into Spartacus but with only one fighting ability the rest are all lifestyle type magic wishes. Follow as he decides what to do with his new life. Will he join Spartacus? Or will he create his own legacy in this strange but new world? I own nothing but my own Ideas and OC everything is to the respected creator of the show.

4 étiquettes
Chapter 1Ch1: Blood

(AN: Can't Remember how they gain freedom, I think it is just by how popular they become. Anyway not everything will be like canon! Didn't watch Season 2 which was the whole backstory basically of minor things, instead it will be my take on everything, if you want 100% accuracy to the show then watch the Damn show!!! All characters look like the actors/actress but with slightly differences I add. Alright Enjoy!!!!!)


"Well you will go here.... And you here..... Oh how about sending this one here." A man who looked almost exactly like the joker from DC was saying as he was throwing balls of light into new worlds. While he was doing that suddenly another man appeared her was dressed like the Batman and frowning at what the other was doing.

"Will you do your job properly!!" He said in a deep voice while shoving the other to the side, all the Joker look alike did was laugh while clapping his hands.

"What's the matter Batsy?!!? They are getting their wishes as they go, who cares if they are thrown into worlds randomly, not like they won't die again in eighty to a hundred years." The Joker laughed while doing a cartwheel.

All Batman did was roll his eyes while looking at the next soul in line, "But you still need to do it properly, most haven't gone to the world they were suppose to. You also didn't wipe their memories, sigh might as well keep the trend going now. Now all that is left is this last one and he only gets one combatish wish along with all the lifestyle magics you didn't give."

Seeing that the soul was the last one for awhile Batman took his time to make sure all the wishes were attached right before throwing him to his new world. At least when he got there he won't need to worry about his life being messed up, but Batman did mess up throwing him into a recently dead body rather then a baby.


MC POV <(*-*)>

Startling awake a man took deep breaths while looking around, all he could see was that he was in a cell the smell of shit and sweat was in the air everywhere. Near him was another man who was sleeping soundly on the hard floor, the man was confused seeing his situation he didn't know what the hell was going on at the moment.

While slightly panicking he gasped feeling a slight pain go off in his head, like a movie his life was playing out before him, well his new life that is. At the moment he was in a new body while once being called Ian he was now Julius, he was a twenty year old man who was a gambling addict, now a slave.

Well more like he was now a Gladiator in training, he sold himself to get away from creditors hoping to win coin to pay off his debts, though the way his training was going it might not happen. Thankfully he had no family and was hoping to actually die in his first fight, he didn't want to continue the life that he led, even as a slave they came for his coin.

Ian now Julius though didn't share the same thoughts, he died once and that was enough for him, it wasn't a crazy death or anything like that it was just a simple heart attack at the age of Twenty-five. Now though even if he was a slave he wasn't going to just give up on his new life, even if he didn't want to be a slave he didn't want to die again even more.

Looking at his left arm he saw on his wrist a B that was branded into his skin, he sighed a little knowing he was owned by Quintus Lentulus Batiatus, or just Batiatus. Knowing that name in his head he could figure where he was at, but he didn't have any memories of Spartacus so he must not be here yet, at the moment they were flat broke though.

Sighing Julius punched the ground, he needed to think of a plan in order to live this new life, at the moment his only option was to stay and be a slave. Outside the walls of the Ludus there were people who would take his head if he didn't pay their money back, there was more then ten different groups.

His debt was currently at 300 coin, he just kept racking it up his luck was shit in gambling.

While thinking of a plan his body shook some, after a moment he coughed up some black blood, along with that some more information poured into his head, it made him smile. He got some cheats coming to this world, he had to control himself not to laugh lest he gets beaten by the man he was sharing the cell with for waking him up.

His cheats were simple but something that would help him a lot, first was his fighting ability well if you could call it that, it was actually just instant mastery, any weapon he touched he could master like a vet. That would help a lot with the morning training he was going to have in the morning, though there was whispers of him being sent to the Pit soon.

Batiatus was in need of money and there was talk that he was taking the bottom three fighters there soon, he was clear at the moment but he was the bottom of the barrel. Knowing that was going to be his fate he actually wanted to accept it, it was a place where only one man comes out alive and he needs to get use to killing others.

Tomorrow he was going to hold himself back and fight but make sure that he only showed the level that he usually showed, hopefully he would get sent to the pit sooner. At least he would earn a little coin to give to his debt collectors.

Leaving those thoughts for now he looked at the other cheats he got, while not fighting based they helped him out more then anything else and he was actually feeling a little blessed for it. The first was something called Healed Body, it gave him a fifty percent increase in his healing so every cut and damage done would it would help him heal faster.

It also took away all the diseases from his body, that was the black blood he spat up, it was everything in his body that was damaging it like the STD he caught from a prostitute he spent coin on. Shaking his head he was just glad that it was gone, he didn't want to end up dead because of it, the medicine was not advance here so this was a big plus.

The last thing it helped with was healing any woman he slept with making it where he wouldn't need to worry about catching anything, that was a huge relief. Though he was going to stop all that instead he was going to chase a woman, not that he knew which one yet.

Next was Garden Land, inside his body is never ending growing crops and meat for him to eat, with a thought a cooked meal will appear for him. Water is endless and the most delicious thing to drink anywhere.

This surprised him but also made him happy since he didn't have to worry about getting protein, with the current porridge and hard bread he wouldn't be able to survive. Now though that all went away since he could have home cooked meals with just a thought, smiling he pulled out and apple and started eating it.

While eating the apple he looked at the last thing and nodded it was simple but useful, it was lifestyle magic that helped him clean. He used it on himself since he still smelled of sweat and shit even after a shower, he could finally breath better when it was all gone.

Since he didn't know when he would be woken again, Julius decided to call it a night, he didn't want to be to tired for the next morning where he knew the torture was coming from. His thoughts before going to bed was actually his plan for the future, was he going to help Spartacus Escape? Or would he fight back?

Only time would tell for him really.


Yawning he was woken by the shouts of Oenomaus who was waking them for the day, "Get up quickly and get to the training grounds, anyone who is late won't be having lunch." He said while walking away from the cell that was holding Julius and his cell mate after unlocking it for both of them.

Julius glanced at his cell mate who he actually had no clue what his name was before walking out, he headed straight for the training grounds like the rest. They all avoided breakfast except for water since they would be throwing up later from the hard training.

When he made it outside he saw that some people already had their training swords and was getting to work, to bad for him he was punished and needed to work on strength. Walking towards the big blocks of wood with two others he sighed, these were the two others that were almost as bad as him, never winning fights but using Missio* to live another day.

As he was walking over Julius could hear the chuckles from the ones who called themselves real Gladiators, Crixus was leading it all his little group around him joining in. He also saw the limping Ashur who was looking over the training grounds with envy, at the moment his leg was still messed up from his previous fight.

"Get to work!" Oenomaus shouted while cracking his whip.

Everyone moved out not being need to be told twice, they would rather do that then get hit by the whip risking injuries so they can't fight, some really wanted freedom. Julius also went over and picked up the wood, this was what him and the other two had to do until lunch, they were already dead in everyone's eyes.

Julius also didn't think that he should learn the name of the two that were with him, until he knew whether they would all make it from the Pit or not, even though that wasn't confirmed yet. While lost in thought Oenomaus walked over to them and looked at all three of them.

"Dominus has seen it fit for you three to go to the Pit to fight. Be prepared for it after lunch as you will all be going there after this is done." His voice was like the devil to the other two who nearly dropped what they were carrying, Julius looked him in the eye and nodded. He saw a hint of surprise from the man but got a nod in return.

Things were moving faster then Julius thought, he was hoping to have at least one more night to get his mind adjusted but it looked like he was just going to be thrown in the thick of it. Tonight he had two options, one die and hopefully get a chance at another life, not that he thinks he will get that chance, or two kill and fill the purse of his Dominus hoping to gain a little favor.

Time passed and soon the heat from the sun was beating down on them, if he didn't get his little cheats then Julius would have worried about skin cancer from this. At the moment his skin sun kissed tan was shinning from the sweat running down his body, his hair was shoulder length but he kept it tied up by a piece of ribbon he had.

He was able to get a look at himself this morning while getting water, he had good looks but because of the almost malnutrition his face was sunken, his grey-blue eyes shinned though. He was going to half to get back to normal over time, hopefully people will see it as normal.

Thankfully they kept him fed well enough since he was a fighter, so his body although lacking meat he got plenty of the porridge they had so his body was toned.

When Oenomaus called for lunch he threw the log, it was basically that, away and stood there panting, while holding his knees he saw a wooden cup appear in front of him. Looking up he saw Pietros standing there with a smile, "It might be warm but it is better then nothing else." He said.

Julius was grateful and took the cup, "Pietros! Get over here." Barca called out to him looking over at the two, Julius didn't mind though he knew how Barca cared about Pietros.

"Thanks." Julius nodded as Pietros smiled and walked over there taking the pale of water he was carrying with him. Julius drunk down what he gave him but then quickly filled it with his own water, he took big gulps as the refreshing cold water went down his throat, it was a little sweet.

Don't get him wrong he played football (American) and basketball in his past life but this training was on a whole other level, and he had been here for two months but his body wasn't fully use to it. Sighing he plopped down on the ground, the others made their way to eat but all he did was find some shade and sit down, in just an hour he would face death, possibly.

While closing his eyes and relaxing he felt something tap his shoulder, looking over he saw a man with a shaven head who had a scar on the side of his face. Julius actually knew his name it was Aurelius, he was bought and brought into the Ludus the same day as Julius.

The two though were on different paths, while Aurelius shined and brought glory, Julius had sunken to caught up in his past ways to actually be able to keep up with the training. "Thanks." Julius said taking the bread but quickly exchanged it with some of his own, the thing felt like a rock when he touched it.

"No thanks needed. We might not have talked much coming here but we did arrive at the same time, I count that as us being closer then any of the others here. Don't listen to their words, anything can change your fate the Gods are always watching." He said while taking a seat next to Julius he brought his own meal and was eating it.

"What made you so good?" Julius asked since he had never seen the man fight but he always did come back from the battle, even if he was injured a lot.

Aurelius paused a moment before speaking after a bite, "I wasn't always a slave, I came from the Greek forces. Just a turn of bad luck that I was caught and thrown into the arena, thankfully they put me against men who didn't know how to fight. Dominus was there and bought me, that is all to my story really."

Julius knew he was holding back but didn't call the man on it, what use was there for backstories when they were all in the same boat now. The two sat in silence finishing their meals, Julius thought he would leave after he was done but after returning his bowl he came back with two cups filled.

"Though it cost a little coin here is to possibly a last drink. May the Gods watch over you tonight in the pits, if you come back it will just show that you aren't the piss and shit of the Ludus like they all think." It sounded like something positive but Julius wasn't a hundred percent sure hearing the words but still raised his cup, "If you make it back be sure to by me some too."

With that he down his cup before standing to walk away, Julius followed suit before getting called over, standing at the gate was his Dominus, Oenomaus, Ashur and the two others. Walking over he was chained along with them before they walked to their fate, Julius would be lying if he said he wasn't nervous he had to take deep breaths to calm his shaking.

Moving out into the city he scrunched his nose smelling all the foul smells but could do nothing about them at the moment, looking around he saw some people stare and watch as they made their way through. Finally they made it to a place that just screamed shady as hell, if it wasn't for their not being laws for what was going on he was sure the police would shut this place down.

Walking inside he heard the cheering of all the people and smelled the blood in the air, Oenomaus was walking at the back making sure they all walked forward into The Pit. Gulping he stood at the side while Batiatus told Ashur to get them registered for fights, thankfully he was last.

Julius stared at the center where currently a fight was taking place, his eyes widened see the blood fly from ones face as he was hit with a hilt of a sword. The hit was so hard and he was so close that some flew and landed on his chest, he almost puked seeing that, he needed to hold him self back from doing just that.

As the man went down the other wasn't hesitating to go and bash his brains in, it wasn't enough to just stab his throat he went and kept hitting him until brain flew landing on Julius lip. That did it and he turned puking, his eyes wide while thinking about that being his fate, thankfully everyone was to focused on the fight to notice him puking.

Turning back his chest was heaving and he made up his mind, he wasn't going to die, no tonight he was going back to the Ludus no matter what he needed to do to get there. Clenching his fist he closed his eyes waiting for his turn, he didn't want to see more until it was his time.

After what felt like an eternity it was time for him to step up, the other two that were with him died, they didn't last more then ten minutes before they lost limbs and died. At this point his Dominus was mad but also glad since he won some coin betting on the last fight for his fighter to actually die.

"Bet all on him to die too." He heard him say which made him pause a moment before he could walk to the center of the ring.

"Wait Dominus," He called out making them all look over at him, "Don't bet against me, even if I have to fight more then ten fights tonight I will make sure that you earn coin. Bet it all on me to win."

"What do you believe to be a god!?!" Batiatus was pissed glaring at him, "You are worse then those other two, why would I waste all my coin for you to win. That would be the stupidest f*cking thing that I have ever done, second to only buying you!"

Julius knew that he was right but at the same time he was a different person now, "Trust me Dominus, Fuck the gods! I will piss and shit on their wish for me to die here tonight and bring you coin, even if I lose all my limbs I will fight until the very end."

"You still think---" He went to hit Julius but was cut off by Oenomaus who spoke up before he could finish what he was going to say and do.

"Dominus, it may be out of turn but I think you should follow what he says. I am not saying that he is the best but looking into his eyes I can see that he has something in them that is saying F*ck the gods tonight. I will go back into the Pit next if he doesn't win your coin." He spoke up for Julius shocking them all.

"Wow that is the most I have ever heard your tongue speak, and for some at the bottom of the barrel no less. You must really think highly of him, did he service you cock before this?" Ashur joked while looking between the two of them.

"Hold your fucking tongue Ashur," Batiatus growled while shooting him a glare, he stood there a moment even ignoring the calls for Julius before speaking again, "I will allow this tonight but if he doesn't win then you will spend the rest of your life in the hell winning back ten times the coin."

"As you command Dominus." Oenomaus said while nodding to him.

"Get the fuck out there, and you better not screw this up." He growled at the shocked Julius who finally came back to himself before nodding and moving to the weapon selection.

He was surprised that Oenomaus spoke up for him but he was going to show him that his trust was well put, moving over he walked to where the bag of 'treats' were for them to pick. His opponent was a big guy who was grinning menacingly at him, he already had his weapon which were some Knuckle-Dusters.

Letting out a shaky breath he reached inside and brought out a slim looking bone that was curved, "THE CHALLENGER IS AWARDED THE DAGGER!!!!" The man yelled while someone else brought him a dagger that was curved, it was a little rusty and still had some blood on it.

The moment it touched his hands information rushed into his head about how to use it, he saw different styles from past warriors and even some game characters he knew. Though that wouldn't be much help at the moment since it was still his technically his first fight, he needed to see how this would play out first.

When the area was cleared it was just the two of them, when the fight was called he had no time to adjust as the man rushed him tackling him and raining his fist to his face. Luckily for him his grip was strong enough to hold on to the dagger in his hand, risking injury he stabbed the man in the side.

Howling in pain Julius used that momentum to push his off, though dizzy he managed but it only helped for a moment before he had to roll and dodge a punch that came at him. Panting he quickly stood, his dagger was no behind the guy and all he could see was his grin that was filled with a little blood.

Julius didn't panic the moment he started all this his mind was set on living, he might not be able to grow back limbs but since it was just Knuckle-Dusters he didn't need to worry about that. The most that could happen was his skull getting bashed in or a broken bone, knowing that he rushed in no fear.

Seeing him run closer the man grinned pulling back his arm for a punch as he was about to knock Julius lights out, with a last second Julius was able to kick his knee with full strength. There were two sounds one of a sickening crunch as the mans leg was broken a the knee and the other was coughing as his fist landed on Julius's stomach.

Seeing the man go down the crowd roared, Julius could slightly hear Batiatus shout in joy, mainly cause the man was standing so close to the ring so he shouts could be heard. Julius ignored it though and went for the dagger, since the other man was in pain he didn't notice him at the moment.

After grabbing the dagger he wasted no time lunging and stabbing him repeatedly in the throat and chest, huffing he stopped when the man no long had breath in him. Sitting back he had no time to rest as the crowned him the winner and moved to the next fight.

"The fucking gods blessed you tonight!!! Ahaha, rest well because you are going back after this fight is finished." His Dominus said with a feral grin as Ashur passed him a purse full of coin, which wasn't much only around fifty.

Julius nodded and moved to the bench, he nodded to Oenomaus as he passed though the man ignored him, he knew that he didn't really think much of him. For the next ten minutes he waited for the next fight to come, this time though he wasn't as lucky as he drew blank, he was using his fist.

What shocked him though was that his instant mastery worked on this too and he got every fighting style down from Boxing to Karate he was now a master, though he didn't know how it would help.

Three more fights after hardly winning the no weapon fight he was being taken back to the Ludus, one eye was closed shut from being punch to hard, a gash across his leg gave him a slight limp from pain. His Dominus was happy though as he won around one hundred and fifty coin, not really much but at the same time it was more then he had made in the past two months on Julius.

"Great work tonight, though the gods wanted you dead you fucked the mouth of the underworld and denied them your entry. We are going to wait some days for you to heal before taking you back there, make sure you rest well." His Dominus said when they made it back to the Ludus, after that he walked off while Julius was sent back to the cells.

Going inside he went straight to wash, everyone was asleep since they came back to late so he was the only one inside, though Ashur came in and washed himself before leaving too. When he was done a guard locked him back in his cell he noticed that Aurelius was in the cell with him this time though, but the man was asleep.

Julius sat himself down before using his magic to clean himself completely, he didn't feel like eating but knew he should he was just hoping he wouldn't throw it up. He kept it to a light salad and some fruit, though he called it a salad it was actually just him eating a lot of green vegetables, he didn't think he could handle meat at the moment.

After he finished he leaned on the ground wincing some, he could feel that his eye and leg were getting better though thankfully, he gave it two days before he was back to normal. As opposed to the week that the doctor said he would need.

Closing his eyes he decided to get some rest, while he was sleeping he was trying some things out with his garden, apparently he could make wine since he had grapes. He got the information that after it was done the wine would age as soon as he thought of the type of wine he would want, he didn't even need to make it from grape it could be any fruit.

Julius was actually doing this to keep his mind off of what had happen tonight, he didn't expect his first real day would be so brutal but he knew that he should hurry and adjust. He was just hoping his 21st century mind could keep up with what was happening, cause if he didn't adjust soon then he would die in a place like this.

With those thoughts he fell asleep, the last thoughts on his mind though were about the future though he didn't know what it held for him but he would go along with however this turned out for him.

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