
This is Wickedness

*Mummy: First and foremost, I want to thank you all for your good behavior in the village. It demonstrates that you have all matured enough to distinguish between right and wrong.

Thank you for not disgracing me in the village. *

Dera: Trust me my mummy. I knew those evil men and women in the village would be watching everything we did so they'd have something to gossip about when we returned, but I'm glad their plan didn't work.

*Mummy: That's correct my little girl. Now, I'll get right to the point of why I called this meeting. 

I shifted in my seat, bracing myself for the worst.

"Jessica", Mummy called.! I forced a hard swallow. Finally here it is.

*Me: Yes, mummy, yes.

*Mummy: I'd like to state how my family's affairs will be handled from now on. If you're not satisfied, you can take your box from that position right now and leave; I'll be glad to provide you with transportation, even though I know you met new boyfriends in the village who gave you enough money.

Dera chuckled, and my eyes welled up.

*Mummy: Did you understand what I was saying?

Me: Yes, ma'am.

*Mummy: Good. You'll be responsible for all domestic chores in this house starting today: cleaning, washing, mobbing, drying, cooking, and everything else. Did.....

*Emeka: Mummy, please be hold on first.

*Mum: I'm not talking to you Emeka,. I'll get to your part eventually.

*Emeka: But, mum, what will Chidera do if she handles all the chores?

*Dera: hmmm, Tell Mummy not to call my name there again, o. Is it bad if I don't join her to do the chores in the house?

Ihere mee gi, (you should be ashamed of yourself). Take a look at what's coming out of your mouth. You can't do anything at your age. A spoiled brat." Emeka yelled at her.

If it's to have a boyfriend right now, you'll know how to do it. For once, imitate Jessica......

*Mummy: Now shut up, you two. Nobody will speak again until I'm finished. Do you understand what I'm saying?

Nothing was said. Was I saying something before?

*Mummy: As I previously stated, Jessica will be in charge of all domestic activities in this house. Following this meeting, you will return to your former room, pack your belongings, and relocate them to the boy's quarter.

In shock and disbelief, I raised my head. I was concerned. I had no idea it would come to this. Tears streamed down my cheeks, and I began to miss my father.

 Why are you saying all these words Mummy? Why is she relocating to the boy's quarters? Have the rooms in this house been filled up? What are you going to do with all of these rooms?" Emeka asked with anger all over his face.

This is wickedness, Mummy. It's not right." Emeka screamed.

*Ikwusigo,   (Are you finished speaking?) Nobody, not even you Chukwuemeka, will defy my orders in this house. Emeka jumped up immediately, as if bitten by something.

*Emeka: I'm sorry, mum, but this time I'm going to flaunt your orders. Jessica isn't moving to the boys' quarter, but if she has to, I'll join her.

Mum jumped to her feet and launched an attack on Emeka. He held his ground and watched as she approached.

She raised her hand to slap him, but somehow missed the mark. I quickly moved between them and knelt down.

*Me: Mummy, Emeka biko, please. Don't say anything else. I'm going to the boys' quarters. Don't fight for the sake of me. Mummy, I'll do anything you want as long as we don't fight anymore


*Emeka: How would you feel if someone else treated Dera like this? I don't see anything wrong with Jessica, but if you insist on her moving to the boy's quarter, that's fine with me. I'm going to live with her.

Mum took a step back, her eyes filled with rage. I remained on my knees, waiting for the next reaction.

*Emeka: Listen to your mother's reasoning voice. Would you send Jessica to the BQ if Daddy was here? You're only doing these things because your father is no longer alive. This is heinousness.

*Dera: Don't speak to your mother like that. Even if you do, it's not because of this.

*Emeka: If you call her a thing one more time, I'll slap a tooth out of your mouth. Take a look at yourself, spoilt brat. Trust me, you'll be sorry in the near future.

*Dera: That is your personal cup of milk. I'm starting to wonder if you two are planning something secret...... Emeka rushed over to her and held her arm while she sobbed in pain.

*Emeka: You should be thankful for the fact that I am your brother. I'll beat you to a pulp if you say anything else. Look how much your mother has spoiled you. I'll never go to the same school as you because you'll end up rubbing mud on my face.

*Mummy: You are correct in one area, my son. You don't have to tell her. You'll be traveling to another country to further your education. There was complete silence in the room.

I was flabbergasted. This was a plan to get rid of Emeka. I took a look at Emeka. I couldn't bear looking at anyone else. He began with a smile and then began to laugh. I became perplexed. Why was my life this way?

Every savior I'd known had always abandoned me. Why?

*Emeka: If you're still planning, you should cancel it now because I'm not going, and if you've already planned and payed, I'm sorry because you've wasted your money.

I'm not leaving Nigeria for some place.. Dad never wanted it, and I agree with his decision. I don't care how you do it, but just hand over the passbooks to our accounts and we'll get through school.

Chukwuemeka, who do you believe your mother is? Dera will attend Tansian, Jessica will attend Open University, and you will attend Oxford. You can either take it or leave it.

*Emeka: That's your personal business. mummyI.....

*Mum: Watch how you talk to me, son. Emeka stared angrily as hook his head at his mother.

"Making your hatred for Jessica this intense and  cruel has eroded all of my respect for you mummy. Consume your Oxford. I'll be in this house, watching how you treat Jessica." Emeka said and   He looked at me.

"Pack your belongings. "We're heading to the boys' quarters." He said this before quickly picking up his bag and leaving. I remained in my position, tears streaming down my cheeks.

Their gazes were fixed on me. I didn't need Jupiter to tell me that.

*Mum: And you, please just leave my presence before I lose it.

"Please accept my apologies, Mum. I am sorry for all....."

"Get out from here, you  worthless fool, and I don't care what nonsense you want to spew out of your mouth. Leave now. Mum was screaming so loudly at me that I thought it would hurt her voice.

I stood up, grabbed my box, and prepared to leave.

*Dera: Mum said you should also take the items from your room upstairs. I turned around and went upstairs, packing everything I considered mine, including daddy's photos on the wall.

I was in my new room at the BQ two hours later. With Emeka's assistance, I had put everything in place. I had just sat down to rest when I received a text message on my phone.

"Will you just sit there and do nothing?" Bring your sorry self in here and make lunch for my kids and me." It was mums text message.

*Me: Emy, I need to go make us lunch for everyone.

*Emeka: Leave them there. They should make their own lunch.

*Me: Are you not starving? Will you not eat as well?

*Emeka: Listen, sisim, as long as they don't want you in the main house, neither will we. We'll make due with what we've got. I'll go out now and get some money from the ATM so I can buy some grocery items for us here.

Don't be concerned. We'll be just fine here. I'll see Barrister Kelechi by Monday. He was daddy's attorney. I believe he will be of great assistance to us.

*Me: No, thank you. I disagree with your viewpoint. Mummy deserves our admiration, respect and......

*Emeka: Don't provoke me now. Please take a seat, and I'll be right back. 

Me: Emy, please wait. Let's first talk to Mum about it.

Another text message arrived in my phone, and before I could read it, it began to ring. Mum had called. Emeka took the phone from me after I looked at the screen. He answered it and placed it on speak out and it was Dera.

Dera: Bia, mummy is on her way. You should get out of there and come here to make food, o. She got off the phone before Emeka could say anything.

He walked to the door, leaving the phone on the bed. The door suddenly flung open and Emeka was hit so hard by the door that he fell, hitting his head on the wall before collapsing on the tiled floor.

Mum entered the room as I stood up to run to Emeka. She instantly froze. What exactly has she done?