

Jackson gave her a curious look as he recalled the nurse who had contacted his father and told him that she had overheard the policemen who had brought in her body saying that they had arrested the killer. 

Magaretta is quick to interject, saying, "You haven't heard." "It is her, Nana, standing right there with a knife with in her hand over her body, she killed Jasmine, you can ask the police if you don't believe me," the witness said. "She was standing over her body with the knife in her hand."

The corners of Jackson's eyes narrowed, and he gritted his teeth together. "Tell me" He said.

"Where can I find her?" "Her residence." Magaretta answered. "Your sister has been murdered, but the perpetrator is allowed to go free," she said. "Her address!" he yelled at the top of his lungs.

Magaretta convey the address to him, it didn't take a minute before Jackson ran out of the mortuary premises with a wrath that could burn through metals. He was really furious.

The fact that he left in such a manner was everything that Magaretta desired; after all, if Mamila framed Nana for a murder that she was aware of but didn't commit, then it's clear that she poses a threat, and now she had Wilson, the person she has been targetting in her clutches.

She has every intention of carrying on from where Mamila stopped until she has Wilson in her possession, and she will do so and she believes nothing will stop her.


"Once again, thank you," Nana remarked in a clear voice as she opened the food flask. Her nose was able to pick up the aroma, but she no longer had an appetite for it.

How could she possibly eat when she knows that her friend just passed away a few hours earlier from a horrible death, and that she is being blamed for it?

How in the world could her life take a turn for the worst in an instant, with the man she loves being on the run and accused of being a criminal and a killer?

Wilson responded with a cringe on his face. "You really don't have to thank me again." by s imply eating something would be sufficient to show me your appreciation.

She came so close to smiling, but the distressing recollection of what had occurred some hours earlier prevented it. She reached down and grabbed the spoon, then turned her attention to the food.

Wilson smiled as he watched her put a half mouthful of the meal into her lips before continuing to watch with interest.

She ate it, but not with the eagerness of someone who hasn't eaten in several hours. Instead, she ate the food as if she was being coerced to do so, as if the flavor was unpleasant and did not require any adequate grinding.

After finishing the second spoon, Nana put the spoon down, sat back in the chair, and began to think.

"Are you okay." Wilson approached her and as he did so, he put his hand on her and whispered, "You're heating up." His eyes widened in surprise.

"I'm doing well" Nana mutter. "You are not fine; you are sweating profusely, and the worst thing is that you are refusing to eat." "I have no appetite. " Nana mutter.

"That's what you said in the last five hours," he said, "you need to give yourself a break and face the reality, she's dead Nana, and she's not coming back, starving yourself won't bring her back." Wilson said.

Nana glared angrily at him but remained silent during the conversation. It is imperative that you need to consume something to to help your body revitalize and gain strength. Wilson continued as he disregard the expression that was on her face.

"What are you planning, kill yourself," he asked. "You really need to go now,, I want to be left alone" Nana said in a hasty manner.

He sighed as he became aware that he had spoken something that may have grieved her the more, but he knew that she needed to know the truth, and he is not sorry that he reminded her that Jasmine will not be returning.

You put yourself through starvation, and then what? Wilson inquired while feeling irritated. "Get sick, your body will cannibalize itself and eat away at your muscle tissue just to stay alive, and when it dries out, you will wonder what happened.

Is death what you seek, or do you simply wish to live? Nana did not respond because she did not want to. Wilson continued by saying, "You shouldn't be feeling this way."

"Do you believe I killed her?" Nana asked. Wilson retorted in a resolute manner, "No."

"I have no doubt that you are innocent." "Just so you know, when I said a mermaid killed her, do you think I sounded foolish, did you?"

Wilson remained silent for one minute, which provided Nana with the response she required; therefore, before Wilson could utter a single word, she interrupted him and said, "Just get me fruits."

"You ought to be aware that I am completely backing you up on whatever it is that you are claiming took place.” Wilson gave his response. 

She turned her head to look at him; the reassurance is welcome, but she won't require it if she is imprisoned for Jasmine's killing and confined to jail for the rest of her life.

"Which kinds of fruit do you need?"

"Whichever one your hand can grab a hold of." She said.

He remained with her for a bit before leaving the house, and after he had gone, Nana stood up and went to the toilet, where she washed her face in an attempt to remove the tears that had seemingly overcome her.

She had just about finished when she heard a loud pounding on the door. Curious as to who would have banged in such a manner, she walked out of the kitchen and into the sitting room.

As she approached the front door, she noticed a man waiting for her outside the gate. She was able to identify him very quickly. She had only seen him once, when she was required to follow Jasmine to a lecture and the brother had accompanied Jasmine at that time. He is Jasmine's brother.

Jackson greeted her while desperately attempting to stifle the flames of wrath that were burning between his eyes. Nana let out a sigh as she pondered who exactly had shown Jackson around her home, or whether it may have been the inspector all along.

“Hey.” She said in a terse manner before opening the gate for him to enter. As soon as they were inside, she slammed the door behind them.

Jackson said as he looked around, "This is where you live. Nana knows well  that he couldn't have gone all the way to admire the interiors of her house, he must have heard, he must have heard the awful reality." "Your house is fine," Jackson said as he looked around.

"I apologize." Nana said while  Jackson continued to speak, Nana said nothing else. Jackson switched his attention back to Nana.

I'm sorry, but... Nana's senses told her that he already knew, but he was being too calm since he cared about his sister. Nana's eyes welled up with tears.

Are you referring to my sister in this conversation? When she was at a loss for words, Nana simply nodded.

"Where can I find her?" She fought back another sniffle as she fought back the tears, and him acting like he wasn't aware made it difficult for her.

"Come on, enlighten me; can you just tell me where my sister is?" The statement was made by Jackson as he moved closer to her. When Nana saw him tighten his fist, she recoiled in fear and took a few steps backward.

"Am waiting Nana, tell me where my sister is?" Jackson managed to pull away. The tremors caused Nana's heart to freeze. His booming voice caused her eyes to well up with tears once more.

“Oh.” Jackson snorted in response. "Let me tell you, she's in the morgue, the fucking morgue," Jackson said with rage written all over her face.

"I know " "I'm sorry," Nana stammered through her wet eyes.

"What exactly do you have to apologize for, huh?" He smirked darkly.

"For killing her?" Her eyes bulged out of her head in surprise. " No, I didn't do it. I promise you I didn't.

"Shut up" Jackson yelled at Nana to "Just shut up. you believe I haven't heard what you did."

"Everything that you have been told is a lie." Nana sliced in

"Were you taken into custody by the authorities?" He enquired in a furious manner.

Jackson glared at her and muttered, "Yes or No."

"Yes," Nana yelled out in response.


"I didn't murder her" He roared in her ear, "I asked why," which was directed at her.

As his deep voice made its way to her ear, Nana's fear erupted like a thunderstorm.

"They believe I was the one who killed her."

Was the knife with you the day my sister died?"

Nana has made numerous attempts to clarify and provide him with the facts, but every word that has emerged from her mouth has been riddled with stutters.

He demanded with a shout, "Yes or No!" "Yes," Nana shouted, and before she could say anything further, Jackson brought his palm over his back and smacked it across her face. "Yes."

Jackson grabbed the back of her neck and drew her to his face as she was trying to free herself from the slap that he had just given her. The surprise impact knocked her off balance, and a split second later she was attempting to gain balance.

The abrupt impact caused Nana to let out a moan. While Jackson glared at her with his hard-rimmed eyes, she fought back the tears that were welling up in her eyes.

Jackson muttered under his breath, "My sister trusted you, and you killed her," as he brought his muscular arm down on her once more. Nana suddenly saw stars exploding in her eyes, and as a result, she lost her balance and fell to the ground.

The fury that coursed through Jackson's veins was palpable, and he did not pause before beginning to kick Nana in the stomach.

Nana screamed and whimpered in pain, but Jackson wasn't finished. Ignoring the fact that she was a woman and hence more susceptible, he roughly dragged her and, with enraged eyes, he struck Nana in the stomach.

As Nana winced in anguish as spurs upon spurs of saliva flowed and drooled out of her stomach, another blow was delivered to her face, and she collapsed to the ground.

Jackson cried "Murderer" as he continued to kick her, and blood dribbled from her mouth till she eventually stopped moving. It was only after she had stopped moving that the door opened, and Wilson came towards them to save them.

He pushed Jackson aside, and before Jackson could even begin to recover from the hit, Wilson struck him in the face with a punch before rushing over to help Nana.

When Jackson's neighbors suddenly burst in, he made a hasty exit from the house, and fortunately for him, no one chased after him.

“Nana.” Wilson yelled at her while stroking her battered body; when she did not respond, he put his ear to her chest and realized that she did not have a heartbeat.

As the agonizing realization dawned on him, his heart pounded against his chest as it occurred to him that she  can't possibly be dead.


Nana awoke to find herself under a great deal of fog and pondered how she had gotten there. As she looked around her, she experienced a brief moment of terror as she noticed a brilliant light emanating from a distance.

She took a gulp before beginning to run towards the light, and she had only made a few steps when she felt a hand grab her hand. She had only taken a few steps.

When she turned her head to the side, she was initially taken aback, but as soon as she spotted Jasmine, a smile began to spread across her face.

"Jasmine," she murmured to herself. "It's you, you're alive." "You are not allowed to be here," Jasmine told her.

"You have a fight in front of you, you need to get back here."

"I don't fully understand." Nana said

"To where do I return?" She waited for an answer, but before Jasmine could respond, a gust of wind blasted in. What came next was Jasmine screaming as a huge force took her away.

"Jasmine!" Nana yelled as she dashed hastily in the direction from where she heard Jasmine's voice. She continued to chase after her until the other person tripped and fell into a hole.

She became unaware of her surroundings for a brief period of time, and when she opened her eyes she found herself staring at Jasmine once more; however, this time Jasmine was kneeling in front of her and holding a knife to her throat.

When Nana raised her head, she saw Mamila holding a knife to Jasmine's throat. She immediately felt a sickening feeling of dread.

She took a look around, and when her wits caught up, she realized that she was still in the same area. They were wearing the same clothes they had worn on the day that the incident occurred when Jasmine's throat was cut.

"No no no" Nana could be heard muttering in terror and complete bewilderment, "What is happening? Has the clock turned back time?" What exactly is going on here? Nana  yelled.

"Do not forget who you are." The sound of Jasmine rang out.

Nana's heart beat in an erratic pattern.

She gave herself a punch in the hopes that she wasn't having a dream.

"Will you bow down before me, and I will leave her alone?" Mamila said

"No no no." Nana  said under her breath, "This can't be happening again."

Jasmine yelled "Nana," which immediately brought Nana to the forefront of her mind.

Jasmine caught Nana's attention as she swiftly snapped out of her daze and turned her eyes in her direction.

"You've lost it" Jasmine said. "You have to find your way back," she said.

"Am really confused here," Nana remarked. "This can't be happening."

"You can't make this stuff up," Jasmine remarked. "It's all in your head," the voice said.

where is the one spot you've always advised me to look whenever I feel lost?" Nana glanced at her, anxiety pulsing through her veins as she tried to discuss what's real and what's just a fiction at the same time.

The second time Jasmine called her, her thoughts finally caught up.   "the Bible." she responded.

"And to whom should I run to?" Jasmine asked

"God," Nana retorted in a clear voice.

There was a smile that went all the way around Jasmine's face. You've veered off the path, and you need to get back on it.

Nana took a long breath to calm her terror before she glanced up at Mamila again. Just as Mamila was ready to slit Jasmine's throat, Nana ran towards her and grasped the knife. Then, with a force, she hit the weapon from Mamila's grasp. After that, Nana looked up at Mamila again.

"   “Afflictions shall not rise the second time." Nana said as she shove Mamila out of the way and away from Jasmine.

She didn't waste any time and dashed over to Jasmine as soon as she could. "I'm not sure what's going on, but it's good to see you again." Nana said while attempting to touch Jasmine, but she was unable to hold her. She also noticed that no matter what she did to touch Jasmine, her hand kept disappearing into thin air, and it appeared as though Jasmine was not present.