
New Life

Jerome and his family marveled at the seer's various feats of magic as they watched. Calypso shudders even more as she can't forget what her mother told her; it keeps resonating in her head and may soon explode.

"Mom, what's the matter with you? Calypso sobbed as tears streamed from her eyes, "I thought you would be angry with me, you would punish me for my sins, Mamila is missing, all because of me, and I even disobeyed father's rules. I need to be punished mother, stop feeling sorry for me.

"Stop crying, dear, it's not going to help," she said calmly.

Seriously, mother? Calypso enquired in shock.

She said calmly, "Child, punishing you won't solve the problem, neither crying.

"Then, what will solve it?" Calypso enquired.

She sadly remarked, "Let the seer come first. We need to learn where your sister is so that you can meet her there, it will be safer for you than being here.

What do you mean by that, Mother? Calypso said, sounding bewildered, "I am only going there to bring her back, and that won't be long. She could have listened to Adela.

Calypso became more perplexed when the woman said, "No child, you will stay there for a while until your father clears up the misunderstanding."

"Misunderstanding? Which misinterpretation?" Calypso enquired.

She explained calmly, "We had a disagreement with Whale Kingdom, which is why your father forbade everyone from visiting there.

Calypso exclaimed in shock, "That means, I just caused more problems for us."

She sadly replied, "Something like that.

"But, mother, what are they going to do to me?" Calypso enquired.

No one is like us in Whale kingdom; only monsters, demons, and spirits are there, she said.

She cried and repeated, "If they found you here, you will be punished mercilessly."

Calypso said, despite her fear, "I will receive the punishment mother. I can't cause such a big trouble and then flee, let Lucy and Adela go look for Mamila; I will stay here and wait for them."

She whispered, "Do you know your punishment."

"Well, what else would it be besides being tortured, killed, or made into a slave? Since I did commit a crime, I'm willing to do anything, Calypso declared as her mother grimaced.

Calypso couldn't move or speak; it seemed as though the world had stopped. She pondered whether this was punishment or death, as forcing someone to marry you and forcing you to live your life trying to please them is worse than death itself.

"Are you hearing what I'm saying?" the seer inquired, looking into her eyes as she snapped back to reality.

"Hmmmm.....sorry, I didn't hear you." She spoke calmly.

"You've been thinking a lot, but we don't have time; you have to go now," the seer said, picking up a pearl from the floor and handing it to Calypso.

"Read the magic words on that pearl when you find her, and both of you will come back here," he said calmly again.

"Exactly like that? It appears simple, with no obstacles, implying that we will return soon "Calypso spoke as the seer smiled.

"There are obstacles everywhere, you are entering a strange world, so you must be more cautious," he said calmly.

"You will transmigrate to another world, it is the world of humans, your sister is there, don't be deceived by them, but don't avoid them," he said calmly again.

"OK," she said calmly, despite the fact that she didn't understand him.

"I hope nothing bad happens to her, Seer." Jerome inquired, concerned.

"No, your Majesty, unless she injures herself or her sister," the seer replied.

"I have a tailsman to keep an eye on you," he said, smiling.

"That would be a relief," Jerome said slowly, having been terrified previously.

"When you arrive, a book with all the dos and don'ts will be by your side; you must follow them so you can return safely; the temptation is strong, but you must resist it in order to survive," he said calmly again.

"Are you ready to go?" he asked, his gaze fixed on her.

"You should leave right away; there isn't much time." Jerome explained calmly.

"I know you'll be fine; please don't get into any trouble," Vanalse said sadly.

"Yes, mum," Calypso said as tears streamed down her cheeks; she was leaving her family in an unknown location, but she had to do it; she had to undo what she had done; she looked at Adela, who was already crying; she would miss her.


Mamila opened her eyes slightly, but she didn't know where she was, but someone dressed in white was standing in front of her taking records; she stared at him for a while before he turned to look at her; he was very handsome, and his smile could wake the dead.

"I can tell you're feeling better," he said calmly as she continued to stare at him.

"Where is this place?" she inquired, looking around the room.

"Oh! You've been unconscious for two days and you're in the hospital "He spoke calmly.

"Hospital? What exactly is a hospital?" Doctor Kennedy looked at her puzzled, not knowing if she was truly asking that question, as she asked calmly, the word and place were strange but it looked beautiful.

"Well, it's a hospital where patients are treated." He managed to respond, but it appears she was more perplexed.

"Don't worry, I'll call the girl who brought you here, she's outside," he said as he prepares to leave. She stared at the window then to the small table next to her bed, she was confused as she wondered where she was and how she got there, all she could remember was reading those words on the shell, Kennedy stared at her puzzled, she was beautiful but he wondered if she was alright, her questions and the way she looks around is very strange, he opened the door and left.

The door opened, and a tall and gorgeous lady entered, smiling.

"How are you doing, girl?" Mamila stared at her in awe, not knowing how to respond or what to say.

"Well, it appears you are afraid; don't be." She smiled again as Mamila nodded her head.

"My name is Melinda; what is yours?" She inquired calmly.

"Mamila," she replied, as the girl looked at her, puzzled, because she had never heard of that name before.

"Is that your name or something?"" She inquired.

"It's my name, and could you please tell me where I am?" Mamila inquired calmly.

"Well, you're in the hospital," she explained.

"I understand, but this strange place with strange people.....

"It's not a strange place, and nothing is strange here, this is London," she said confidently, as Mamila looked at her puzzled, having never heard of that name before.

"The doctor said you're fine and will be released soon, so don't worry, I'll take you home." She spoke calmly.

"OK, please tell me how I got here in the first place," she said calmly.

"I brought you here," Melinda explained, perplexing Mamila.

"I found you unconscious on the beach, close to the water, so I brought you here to be treated, but tell me something, where are you from?" She inquired calmly.

"Well, I don't remember anything," Mamila lied; she can't say anything about herself because it would appear strange to the lady, just as everything does in her eyes.

"It's fine, but your name will no longer be Mamila," she explained calmly.

"Why?" Mamila inquired.

"It's very strange, I have never heard of that name before, if you tell anyone that, they will think you are insane" she said calmly.

"All right, what will my name be then?" Mamila inquired calmly.

"Good question, Mia is your new name," she smiled.

"Mia?" she inquired.

"Yes, it's a nice name; you'll like it as time passes," she smiled.

"All right," she said calmly as the door opened and a middle-aged man smiled in.

 "Doctor, you are here." Melinda greeted the doctor with a smile.

"Of course, I have to discharge your friend," he said, still smiling; she moved closer and kissed him while rubbing his chest and dick; he moaned silently in pleasure.

"You are very sweet," he murmurs, and Mamila looks at them, perplexed as to what they were doing. Melinda looked at her and smiled.

"So, doctor, why don't you take her for a ride? I'm sure she'll like it," Melinda said as she approached Mamila.

"She is a virgin," said the doctor calmly.

"Really? Do you dislike virgins?" She inquired calmly.

"You know me too well," he joked.

"What are you talking about?" Mamila inquired calmly.

"Don't worry, darling; you'll enjoy it." Melinda said smiling, While Mamila stared at them in awe hoping this wasn't a trap.

Mia was surprised as they walked down the verandah; they were on their way to the doctor's office, and she kept wondering what they were talking about a while ago.

"I know you're an amateur, but he'll take care of you," Melinda said, rolling her eyes.

"What is he going to do to me?" Mia was terrified.

"Put honey in your water pot, don't be afraid, he won't hurt you," she explained calmly.

"I don't understand what you're saying, and I don't want to go there," Mia lamented.