
My Surprise

In my state of shock, I wished she could read minds. It was as if I had lost my voice. They didn't come home that night and I didn't leave that cushion. Chizzy sat down beside me, saying things I couldn't hear. We remained that way till morning when Ben came in with Fred. 

I still couldn't speak, my brain hadn't registered what was happening so I couldn't hear whatever they were saying with Chizzy. I saw the look of fear in Ben's eyes as he carried me out of the house, into the car and straight to the hospital where I was admitted immediately. 

I don't know how long my eyes were closed but when I woke up, the first person I asked after was Dera. The nurse who was beside me said she'll call her for me, but instead, Chizzy came in. She sat on a chair beside my bed and held my hand. 

Chizzy: Doctor said it was shock. How're you? 

Me: Where's  Chidera? 

Chizzy: She's fine. 

Me: Let me see her please.  

Chizzy: You can't. You're not healthy yourself.  

Me: Please let me just see her. I need to see her. 

Chizzy: I'll call Ben. She left immediately and my heart started beating. She was hiding something from me and I must know what that thing was. I'm sure Ben will never lie to me. 

The door opened and Ben came in alone. I smiled at him and he gave me a peck on my forehead. 

Ben: How're you? 

Me: I'm okay. How's my sister? He breathed out, but his smile never disappeared so I had hope. 

Ben: She lost the baby before we got here but she's fine. Though she's in coma now but doctor has said that she'll be fine. Was I happy or not? I was lost in mixed feelings. 

Ben: Chizzy just left to get you food and change of clothes. I'll stay here with you. He sat down and held my hands in his. 

Me: Have you eaten? 

Ben: Yes.  

Me: Where's mum? 

Ben: We asked her to go home. She's being here since the night Dera was brought here and when you came, her worries doubled and she refused eating or sleeping. Daniel had to forcefully take her home this morning. I was grateful. 

I had love around me and it served as a protection. It was all that I needed to be happy. I was discharged that day so I went in immediately to see Dera. She looked so peaceful while she was in a far away sleep. I heaved a sigh and said a quick prayer. 

Ben drove me home to see mum later in the evening. We hugged each other and shed a little tear before she made me promise her that the next time I'll be in a hospital bed would be when I'm about to deliver. 

Ben and I laughed and I made that promise, not sure of when it will be but I was hopeful, once I'm done with school and working, I'll get a better man to love me....................that's what all ladies say anyways.   


A week and three days after I was discharged, Dera regained consciousness. I was the happiest person on earth that day. I had gone to school and was about boarding a cab home when Chizzy called, asking me to rush to the hospital. 

I got there and everyone was there; Fred, Ben, Mum, Daniel, Chizzy and hmmm, Joseph.  Dera looked so happy. I embraced her in a warm hug that lasted for eternity. 

The atmosphere was peaceful and everyone had smiles on their faces. Immediately I got the chance, I pulled Chizzy out of the room and began interrogating her; 

Me: What is that cheat doing here? 

Chizzy: Calm down joor. He's here to see your sister. 

Me: Who asked him to come? 

Chizzy: The same person who brought him to see you while you were unconscious last two weeks. 

Me: He came here? 

Chizzy: Yes. 

Me: And who is that person? I'm sure it's Daniel. 

Chizzy: Nope. Ben. 

Me: Ben? 

Chizzy: See babe, this guy is really sorry. While you were here, he's magically worked himself back into our lives. He really regrets what happened. You know we women can be devils sometimes. 

Stephanie wanted him and he couldn't resist her because he's being without a woman for long. Try to understand how this thing works. 

Me: You're preaching me now, for him? 

Chizzy: It's not preaching. It's the fact. I know how much you love this guy, I saw it in your eyes when you came in here. Don't let a single mistake ruin your chance to a perfect relationship. 

Me: It wasn't a single mistake Chizzy. He did it twice. 

Chizzy: Don't be this difficult Jessica, don't loose this guy. She walked out and left me to think about it. I heaved a sigh and sat down on a chair in the corridor. Ben came immediately and joined me. 

Ben: How was school today? 

Me: Was fine. Though there was nothing serious done today. 

Ben: Okay. You look so different. Any problem? I looked at him, how will I tell him that he's my problem since he's the one who brought Joseph to the hospital.  

Me: I'm fine. 

Ben: So now that your sister is fine, you'll have time to spend with me right? 

Me: Of course. 

Ben: Thanks. How about dinner in my apartment tonight? I want to make a special delicacy that I learnt from YouTube. You in? 

Me: Why not? I love tasting new and interesting delicacies. Hope it'll be worth my coming? 

Ben: You should trust me. 

Me: And do I come with Chizzy? 

Ben: I mentioned it to her, but she said she's going out with Fred.  

Me: Okay then. I'll be there. And hey, better finish up before I come cause I won't help with anything. He threw his head back and laughed. 

Ben: Okay. I knew you were a lazy girl. I'll be through before seven. 

Me: Good for you. 

Ben: Let's get back to the room. Mum was saying something before I came out.   And it happened that mum was saying that she already had a flight scheduled for five. She had a fashion show to attend in Dubai and from there, she'll leave for London to get more supplies. 

Daniel drove her home to pick her bags and head for the airport while we all remained at the hospital, cracking jokes and yabbing each other.



The house looked so deserted. I was the only one in the big house. Chizzy had gone out with Fred immediately we came home, leaving me all alone. I sat down in my room to think about all that Chizzy had earlier said, despite all my trials, I failed to get Joseph out of my system. 

He was there like a stamp. But why won't I forgive him? Why is it so difficult for me to forgive him? I put my thoughts together and hit the shower, letting the water run down my body and cool my nerves. I stayed longer than necessary because I gave a run down to what had being happening in my life. 

It would be wrong to let whatever forces that was following me to ruin my happiness. I would be stupid to let them win this time. I couldn't fight them all this years, I suffered and bore the pains alone. But now, I was going to fight it, no matter what it was. 

I got out of the shower just in time to hear my phone ring. I picked it and listened. 

Caller: Jessica is that you? 

Me: Yes it's me. Who am I speaking with? 

Caller: Love. 

Me: Love? 

Caller: Yes. Give a new meaning to your life and try to work on bringing back people you've lost. It will help you in life. It will pave a way to greater height for you. Love is the ultimate, it's the greatest. 

He loves you, so love him back. And the call was up. It was an unknown caller. I threw the phone to the bed and checked my wall clock. Few minutes to seven.  I dried my body and quickly put on a white bum pants with my favourite baggy polo. 

Of course I won't forget to take a selfie with whatever delicacy it was that Ben had prepared. I added a little make up to spice up my already beautiful face before stepping out of the house. 

The gateman came to me immediately and delivered a flower. Ahn Ahn, what's happening? The call, and now flowers? Before I could ask him questions, he was already going back to his duty post.  

I shrugged and went into Ben's apartment. He was sitting in the sitting room with a frown. He saw me and sat up. I looked at the dinning, it was empty. 

Me: Now, you've played me. And you think I'll be compensated with these flowers? I flung the flower at him and he ducked. 

Ben: Hey, calm down. it's not my fault. I couldn't do it. You know I'm not a good cook. Everything got burnt. I went to the kitchen to confirm. It was a mess. There was an over baked chicken, a groundnut paste on a plate, grilled, sorry, pounded fish on the sink, a pepper paste mixed in half done groundnut.