
Chapter 27

“You don’t have to smile if you don’t want to. why are you faking it?” Jennifer wondered in disapproval Can Mr George just see that this man is fake

“Ohh” George smiled. “You impress me al ot Dominic and i have something big for you. Just wait for it”

“Thanks so much Mr George but it’s my duty to ensure everyone’s safe, i don’t need to be rewarded for it” Dominic said calmly, winning George's heart the more.

“You’re a good person Dominic and I'm really lucky to have you around” George said and Jennifer growled inwardly.

“Thank you Mr George” Dominic said.

“Wait for what I’m going to give you,  It’ll be soon” George said.

“Okay Mr Mr George and thanks” Dominic said smiling before walking away.

Jennifer sighed, disturbed by what George has for Dominic.

It’s definitely a huge thing and she’s so bothered someone like Dominic is going to get it.

He doesn’t deserve it, she just hope George realises soon.

“Dominic is such a great guy” George said.

“What? of course” Jennifer said.

“Thanks so much Mr George, I'm speechless” Jennifer said still staring at the novels.

“They are way too much. You must have spent a lot” Jennifer said, almost forgetting he’s a millionaire.

“It’s nothing.” George shrugged.

“I’m surprised you could do this” Jennifer said.

“Why not? I don’t want you bored” George said.

“how did you know my favorite author?” Jennifer asked, knowing she has never discussed that with him.

“Well i have my way of knowing things” George said.


“Yeah, you shouldn’t be bothered by that. Check out your novels I’ll be by the fireplace” George said.

“Ohh okay. Thanks so much” Jennifer grinned.

“I’ll be going home tomorrow morning” Jennifer thought excitedly because she really missed Charles and her aunt.

The next morning when Jennifer was done with her morning routine, she stood in front of the mirror and pulled a hairband on her hair before going to Rosemond's room to prepare her for school.

When she was done dressing Rosemond up and feeding her they were about stepping out until Rosemond shouted.

“Bye Jean” Rosemond smiled happily waving

“Bye Rosemond and have a nice day” Jean responded from the kitchen.

“You too” Rosemond said.

“Will be right back Jean” Jennifer said.

“Okay Jenny” Jean replied

They walked out of the door and saw Dominic with Sam standing by the car.

“Good morning” Sam greeted.

“Good morning Sam” Rosemond and Jennifer chorused.

“Dominic, you only say good morning to me when my dad is around” Rosemond complained and Dominic's eyes widened.

“Oh no, i was about saying good morning” He quickly defended.

“That’s a lie you didn’t say good morning yesterday to me as well” Rosemond fired.


"Jennifer  said as she smiled, loving Rosemond more for being observant.

“Hey you little piece of trash, you shouldn’t go about expecting greetings from older ones just because you think your father can buy the world” Dominic said inwardly, wishing he could spit it out.

He so much desire to deal with the spoilt brat.

“No one said good morning yesterday” Dominic said grimly and Jennifer immediately noticed that look in his eyes.

"This guy is so deceptive" She said to herself.

“You just joined us so you should greet us first and introduce yourself but you did none of that” Rosemond said.

“Well yesterday is gone isn’t it?” Dominic said smiling, when all he wished was to snap the little girl’s neck.

“You’ll be the one to always open the car door and Sam will do the job of taking me to class” Rosemond said.

“What” Dominic asked in hidden contempt.

“Sam does all that when you weren’t even here so he should get a break too” Rosemond said.

“Of course” Dominic replied tightly fisting his fist.

"She really deserved all that Stella did to her and i wish i could  do more." Dominic muttered silently

“If you’re not comfortable with it, then you should lay your complaints to my dad” Rosemond said.

“Of course your dumb father will always support you” Dominic thought.

“No need for that I’m comfortable with it” Dominic said and glanced at Jennifer who had a look of mockery and it wasn't

only her, but Sam as well.

“To hell with you all” Dominic thought in rage.

“Rosemond, you’re running late” Jennifer said.

“Dominic, the door” Rosemond reminded then he opened the car door and they all sat at the backseat while Dominic took the front.

“Good morning” Sam greeted as he started the car.

“Good morning Sam” Rosemond and Jennifer chorused.

“You look so excited because you’re going home tomorrow” Jean said.

“Yes, i really miss my brother and my Aunt” Jennifer smiled, eating at the breakfast bar in the kitchen while Jean sat beside her sipping a pineapple juice hence she had taken her breakfast already.

“Anyone who sees how excited you are now would think you’re not happy here and that’s why you’re so excited to go home” Jean said.

“No now, I’m more than happy here because everyone’s treating me right but you know, I’ve never being separated from my family and this is the first time so I’m missing them badly already. I can’t wait to see them” Jennifer said emptying the whole tea in her mouth.

“I once felt that way too, when my daughter was first taken abroad. I do miss her badly and sometimes i cry secretly” Jean said.

“Really?” Jennifer asked.

“Yes, when you’re always with someone or something and it’s suddenly taken away from you, you’ll feel the absence” Jean said.

“Exactly but such is life” Jennifer said and Jean smiled

“But, make sure you prepare Rosemond for the weekend before you leave tomorrow morning. Do everything you should tonight then you can return on Sunday evening or Monday morning.

I know you’ll want to return by Monday morning though because you’ve obviously missed your family” Jean said and Jennifer chuckled.

“But on Monday morning, you know you have to be very early” Jean said.

“Of course i do thanks Jean”

“For what?” Jean asked.

“For being so nice to me and for everything” Jennifer said.

“Come on, Jennifer you’ve been nice to me as well” Jean said.

“Well i should be thankful because it's not everyone who can be this hospitable. You treated me like a family right from when i resumed” Jennifer said.

“And what brought about all this talk?” Jean furrowed her brow playfully and Jennifer laughed.

“Tell me something more interesting Jenny” Jean said.

“Okay” Jennifer sighed.

“Mr George bought lots of novels for me” Jennifer said.

“Wow Really?”

“Yes, that was last night and i was so happy. The novels were my favorite genre and the author was also my favorite” Jennifer said excitedly as she couldn’t wait to finish breakfast and resume reading those novels.

She read three of them last night before going to bed and she couldn’t wait to read more today.

“You were surprised right?” Jean asked smiling.

“Yeah, it was close to shock because i couldn’t even believe it at first” Jennifer said.

“You shouldn’t be, George is so generous and everyone knows that” Jean said.

“Yeah he is”

“You must have told him your favorite genre and author” Jean said.

“I did told him my favorite genre but i don’t know how he found out my favorite author” Jennifer replied


“Yea because aside my family and my diary, no one else knows my favorite author”

“Maybe you might have mentioned it without even knowing” Jean said.

“You think so?” Jenny asked.

“Yes” Jean replied and Jennifer shrugged as she stood up and placed the dishes in the dishwasher.

“You see that thing called novels, i don’t just find them interesting at all” Jean said.

“But you definitely find cooking interesting” Jennifer said.

“Of course” Jean smiled.

“That’s it, everyone sure has different interests. I wish you find reading interesting then we would have read in the library together whenever we’re not cooking” Jennifer said.

“Of course i can still be in the library with you” Jean said.


“Yes, drumming and singing for you while you read” Jean teased and Jenny bursted out laughing.

Kingsley Marcus's resident

“Kingsley, You can’t hurt my daughter you can choose to hurt anyone but not my daughter!” Maria flared up.

“You were here when Dominic called me, complaining that your little brat is making life difficult for him” Kingsley said angrily.

“And so you want to hurt her because of that?” Maria asked.

“But you know if she continues to make Dominic uncomfortable, then he’ll want to quit and he’s the only spy we have in that house” Jennifer.

“Well, he’s not the only spy we have in that house” Maria said as she dropped her cigarette.

“What?” Ethan asked  surprised

“Yes, i have a spy too. She has been working for George even before i got married to him” Maria said.

“How come you never told me” Kingsley asked.

“Because i wasn’t making use of her until recently” Maria said adjusting her hair clio.

“Ohh, great so what's her name?” Kingsley asked.

“You’ll know when she gets here” Maria smiled.

“Wow, so we now have two spies. We should introduce them to each other” Kingsley smiled.

“Of course, she’s on her way here already just place a call across Dominic to be here too” Maria said.

“I’ll do that now” Kingsley said.

“So, our next plan?” Maria asked.

“I still can’t believe George rejected you that day. No man in his right senses would do that” Kingsley said and Maria burned with rage as she was still so pissed that she got embarrassed and rejected. She never expected it to happen.

“He’s going to pay for what he did” Maria said puffing out smoke from her cigarette.

“Of course he will”

“So what's the next plan?” Maria asked.

“It will be better to discuss it when our spies are here”

“Yes but remember, Do not touch my daughter” Maria warned.

“Alright then I won't touch her” Kingsley drawled.

“Jennifer, please come to the library after dinner, because i have some things to tell you” George said.

“Okay Mr George” Jennifer said as her whole mind grew curious but they were having dinner.

“So you’re leaving tomorrow” Rosemond sulk.

“Rosemond, how many times are you going to ask that. Don’t you want her to be with her family” George asked.

“Rosemond, com’on it’s not like I’ll be gone forever” Jennifer said smiling

“And i promise to bring your sweater along on Monday morning” she added before Rosemond's face lit up.

“Yes” She giggled and Jennifer smiled.

She already prepared Rosemond for the weekend, her homework has been done, her school bag arranged properly and her outfits hanged

“Thanks Miss Jenny and you should help me thank your mum too and say hi to your brother for me” Rosemond said.

“Okay” Jennifer said.

“More meatballs” Rosemond grinned and Jennifer laughed when she saw the surprise look on George's face.

After dinner, George began narrating the reason why he wanted to see Jennifer 

“The agents communicated back to me today” George said and Jennifer looked on curiously. They were seated opposite each other in the library and for once the fireplace wasn’t lit.

“The bullet was examined but it doesn’t even have a source, that means the gun used was not licensed” George said.

“Wow, that’s another crime” Jennifer said.

“Of course” George said. “And the footage in that street was hacked into, everything that happened by that time was cleared.”

“What” Jennifer exclaimed.

“Yes but trust our agents, they restored the footage and got the shooter’s face even if it wasn't so clear” George said .

“Thanks goodness” Jennifer sighed in relief as George brought out his phone and clicked on the picture the agents sent to him.

“Here’s the man” He showed Jennifer

“What” Jennifer exclaimed in shock.

“What?” George asked startled.

“Do you know him?” He asked, dropping his phone gently.

“I....” Jennifer stammered.

She never knew the dislike Kingsley have for George is this much to the extent of hurting those around him. She recognized that man as one of Kingsley's bodyguards the day she went to see Madam Cash.

But she still can't tell George,

“No, i don’t know him. I was just so shocked that a responsible looking man could be that callous” Jennifer lied as she’s just so confused right.

“Ohh..but he doesn’t look responsible to me. He looks evil” George shrugged looking at the picture all over again.

“Well i pray the agents find him” Jennifer said.

“Of course, only that they didn’t get his face clearly enough to be scanned”

“Oh...” Jennifer exclaimed shaking her head.

“But I’ll be having another meeting with them tomorrow and I’ll get back to you when you resume on Monday” George said.

“Okay, Mr George” Jennifer said.

“Why does that ‘Mr’ sound odd to my ears?” George said raising a brow.

“What” Jennifer asked.

“Yeah, you should stop adding mr to it.”

“What? No, i can’t do that” Jennifer swallowed, wondering what George was up to.

“Why not?” He asked, smiling like it’s not a big deal.

“Other workers call you”

“You’re not other workers and it doesn’t sound right to my ears when you call me that. I don’t just know why but I’m not comfortable with it” George said.

“But It’ll be so disrespectful of me to call you George” Jennifer said.

“Good, that sounds better”

“I can’t call you that” Jennifer said.

“That’s what i want you to call me” he insisted.

“You’re talking like it’s nothing” Jennifer said.

“Well for me it’s not” George said.

“But i don’t think I’ll ever get used to calling you that ” Jennifer said.

“You will, the way you got used to calling me Mr George” He said air quoting the Mr.

“I…i can’t, please Mr George”

“Come on Jenny, don't be a pain" George interrupted her.

“This is going to be difficult” Jennifer said, wondering what other workers would think. She won’t deny she loved how the name George flowed smoothly from her mouth but she should consider her work state and calling her boss by his name isn’t right, what would people think?

Although she’s not someone who cares about what others think but…

“I’m your boss, i employed you so you should do what i want regardless of what others think” George said and Jennifer gave a deep sigh.

“Is it that difficult to do?” He asked.

“Yes” Jennifer replied. 

“Who would believe that there is nothing  going on between us if i just start referring to you by your name” Jennifer complained but George laughed

“Don’t you want something to go on between us?”

“Sir?” Jennifer asked as her cheeks became red and her heart beating fast.

“I was just joking” George said even though he really meant it.

“Ohh” Jennifer said deeply embarrassed that it was only a joke and her whole body had responded to it.