

James walked up to her and took her back inside.

"I thought I told you to leave with the car" James said furiously while pushing her back inside.

"Let me go" the lady said struggling to come meet me.

"Gloria, lets go" James said with his grip strong on her hands.

"I can't let this whore get away with you" The lady said. Immediately she made that statement, James grabbed her by the neck, strangling her.

"Sir please let her go" I pleaded with him as I stood up with fear. I don't want to experience this guy murder somebody because of me, but can he kill?

Choking, the lady struggled to get free from his grip.

"James, i can't breathe" Gloria said barely able to talk

"Call her a whore or disrespect her again and you won't make it another minute on this earth" he said and let her go.

"Turn the ship around, let's go back" James shouted.

Gloria was holding her neck, still finding it difficult to breathe. I felt pity on her and took a glass of water from the table beside the pool chair and walked up to her.

"Here, have some water" I said kneeling close to her.

"Move away from me you filthy bitch" Gloria said and hit the cup away from my hand, making the cup fall on the floor and break into pieces.

"I was just trying to be helpful" I said.

James came back outside and held me by my arm and dragged me out of the yacht, we were already back.

"Davis!" James shouted immediately we came off the yacht. Davis who was sitting using his phone dropped it and ran to us along with Cassie who was busy on her iPad.

"Yes boss" he answered

"How did Gloria get on the boat" James asked trying to contain so much anger.

"Gloria was on the boat? Boss I had no idea, I'm sorry boss" Davis said bowing his head

James pressed his temples, with his left hand, he was still holding me with his right hand.

"Cassie, take Sandra to the car, I'll join you guys soon" James said and released his grip on me. I could see his handprints on my arm cause I was fair and any pressure or force put on my skin would clearly mount, it hurt but he was so angry that he didn't notice he was hurting me.

"Let's go ma'am" Cassie held my hand and then led me out of the building to the Limo.

"How did she get on the boat?" James asked Davis with so much rage.

"Boss, nobody knows" Davis answered

"We both saw her leave right?"

" I don't think she left boss. Cause if she did she wouldn't have been able to get on the boat.

James could only get angry and hit his hand on the wall.

"I haven't gotten time alone with Sandra. When we were having dinner last night you came in with some emergency and now Gloria interrupted"

"And i have every right to James" Gloria said ramp walking as if she was on a fashion show runway.

James walked up to her and grabbed her arms

"I told you to leave"

"Why? So my man could spend some time with a useless, poverty reeking girl".

James' grip tightened and Gloria could only whimper in pain.

"I told you not to say such things about her and I am not your man"

"You're hurting me James, let me go" Gloria said almost crying.

"If i see you anywhere near her. I'll kill you and you know I mean it" James said and released her and she dropped on the floor and left

"I'll never stop James! You still love me!!"

"Who was that lady?" I asked Cassie as we sat in the car

"I can't tell you that" Cassie said but not looking at me

"Is she his girlfriend?" I asked

"No" Cassie replied immediately

"Is she his girlfriend?"

This time Cassie looked at me and said " No"

"Please be honest with me, nobody wants to tell me anything I'm so confused, why does this man help? What am I to him? Free me from this dilemma Cassie. I beg you" I said with folded hands

"I'm not in the right position to tell you this but please don't let him know that I told you this okay?"

"Yes" I said and nodded

"Gloria is the Governor's daughter, Boss is a very successful business man in this country, he is feared by many"

"What type of business?"

"That's not important"

"So how does she being the governor's daughter affect him?"

"The governor wanted a relationship with him. One that he couldn't deny anything the Governor asked him, so he introduced boss to his daughter Gloria

"Oh okay, so what happened between them"

"They were getting to like each other, he did everything he could for her they even got..." Cassie paused

"They got what?" I asked, very curious about what they did.

"Boss is coming ma'am, I need to go to the front seat"

"Cassie, no! Just tell me". I said almost yelling but she opened the door and went out of the car.

"Shit!" i yelled hitting the car's seat. I looked out and Davis opened the door and the boss came in, I avoided eye contact and moved to the extreme of the car's seat. Davis went in the drivers' seat and Cassie sat on the passenger's seat and Davis started the car and we left CRUZE.

Everybody was silent, James kept trying to get my attention but he understood my body language and didn't make any other attempts to talk to me.

The car pulled up in front of my house and I couldn't wait to get off. I immediately opened the door and walked to my house

"Sandra" James shouted but I kept walking.

"Sandra!!" James yelled and I halted

"I'm sorry"

"Its fine. Can i go now?"

James walked closer to her and noticed an injury on her arm.

"You're injured" he said trying to touch me

I took a step back

"I wonder how I got it, I am fine" i said and went inside.