
Emotions - Part【7】

He lifts those remarkable eyes of his and gazes from me to Tadeas who is fast asleep in his crib surrounded by cute fluffy toys. I am only greeted by an uncomfortable silence I do not know why he is here or for what purpose but he is here, by his own will and I want him to stay.

"I sat right here. Ten months, 305 days to be exact. I would look at that bed and think of you. Of your bell-like laughter, your moans, your whimpers, your sweet voice. I would imagine you returning to me countless times. But now that you are here why do I still feel empty?" He slurs his eyes glued to the rumpled bed and just as he claimed there is profound voidness that is reflected for me to see. He takes another sluggish swig from the bottle and swallows as though it is his treatment to acquire peace even if it means just for a little while.

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