
The Beach in California

Born through infidelity and having a whirl of a rocky but mysteriously shameful start into life, Sam has loving siblings but they don’t know the secret yet. The dark secret that their mom has been hiding for ages in the attic hidden in the waves. Wonder what that would be?

Blissa · Sports, voyage et activités
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31 Chs

Operation: Disguise

Saturday Morning: 7:45 AM


The alarm clock never failed to irritate us every day... HAHA, but this is the best day of our lives... and now that it's Saturday, we'd love to see them, but... we're going to my father's company's anniversary! Isn't it exciting?

I woke up Elle and Amber to tell the big news which is...

"We're going on a disguise!" I exclaimed joyfully as I jumped up and down in my bed. The two were confused as to what I meant by disguise... I've told them all, and they're game! Which I am already aware of...

"Are you saying we're going to the party in disguise?" Elle asked about the situation. I'm sure Elle will be interested in anything like this but isn't this concept insane?

"Yes, we're all going!" I told them... when I looked at Amber, I could see she was thinking twice herself, which I expected because she was new to anything like this... Isn't it true that I'm insane?

"However, Sam, that could be risky!" Amber expressed her thoughts. Which I already knew would be the case; after all, a strategy is expected, right? Prepare yourself...

"What makes you think that's dangerous? Didn't we go to an acting class? Plus, I've got you covered" I said with a smile...

Everything was planned, isn't it? I knew more than you think. Elle was more excited than I expected... and Amber was perplexed by the plan; she wanted to but didn't want to... how disturbing, right? I sat on the couch and did nothing except stare at them as they prepared breakfast.

"Are you just going to sit there and watch us prepare instead of assisting us?" Elle was the one who complained. I got up and went to the kitchen to clean the dishes I had used. Since we arrived, the house has been incredibly clean, not because I'm strict or pressuring them to clean, but because they enjoy it, especially Amber.

I suppose, things went okay... Elle is extremely happy to be doing this, and she's encouraging Amber to join us because she's a good girl... which is to be expected.

"That's my strategy," I stated confidently. Elle and Amber did nothing but nod and nod while I was explaining my plan to them... I'm not sure if they were nodding because they agreed with my plan or because of the food.

"Are you alright with constructive criticism? I don't want to sound mean" Elle said. Everything went quiet because of what Elle said. I looked at Amber and did some signal if we should hear it or not. Amber blinked her eyes...

"No, go ahead," I said, "I want to hear it." Isn't it great to hear it? I mean, I'd like to hear their thoughts on it...

"It sucks." Elle said. What!? I didn't expect that kind of criticism... oh well, Elle is Elle, right?

"That's not constructive criticism" I clarified to her. Elle laughed as I said it, we are all crazy...

We finished our supper and prepared for the celebration... but before that, we headed to Alix, a new buddy, to change our appearances...


"Miss Samantha, welcome! How can I help you? My name is Jessica or Jess for short." Jess said. Alix's place is really beautiful; the design is minimalistic and basic, the room smelled like lavender, and it's a tidy, well-organized space! I'm blown away.

"How come Alix isn't here?" I wondered. Alix, I assume, was preparing for our plans for later... I'm really looking forward to this one!

"Good afternoon, ladies! My name is Alix, and it's great to meet you! This way, please," Alix said confidently. He escorted us to our room and started the procedure... Amber, Elle, and I have our rooms, which is just what I wanted...


"Oh. My. Goodness." In front of the mirror, I said. I looked so different that I knew I wouldn't be able to tell the two off from each other... the prosthetics are stunning and flawless.

I went outside and saw beautiful girls waiting beside my room, I think it's them...

"Elle?" I said.

"Sorry, who?" The unknown asked. Oh no! That surprised me. I smiled and apologized to both of them, explaining that they were not Elle and Amber... What happened to them?



Sam: "Hello?"

Elle: "Hey, where are you going?"

Sam: "What do you mean, where I'm going?"

Elle: "You are heading to the men's room, silly!"

Sam: "What?!

Elle: "Turn around!"

You won't believe who I just saw when I turned around as Elle suggested...

"Surprise!!!" Amber and Elle happily said while jumping and laughing. And yep, I got pranked...

"Hey, Bro!" Elle said.

"Oh my god! You make me look like an idiot!" I said.

"Wait, I thought we're having a non-cursing in forever!?" Elle said. Wait, idiot's a bad word? I suppose... Google is key, right?

"You were like... Elle?" Elle mimicked me. My smile went down when Elle and Amber teased me... I guess this is how Elle always feels.

"You should have seen your face, you look funny!" Elle said. They both laughed non-stop and that made me laughed.

"Now, what?" I asked.

"Let's go?" Amber said.

"Let's gooo!!!" I cheered. And finally, we are going to have fun today! This is gonna be the best disguise ever.


We safely got inside the event, which was close and cool. As we went inside, the three of us giggled and laughed because of how we fooled the guards... thanks to our height and Alix, we got in...

We quickly ran to a table and sat in, a lot of servers have asked us to get some of their drinks, I'm 16... I don't want to drink. But, Elle got one glass...

"This is good!" Elle said. Amber and I gasped as Elle finished two glasses... what is wrong with this girl? And luckily Elle then stopped after Amber begged her to stop drinking.

I was watching around the places and saw the whole family laughing with each other and their friends... even the boys are here... why am I not shocked? I told the girls about it and did nothing but took a lot of selfies...

"It's bad how we can't drink any of what they're serving..." Elle said. I think that's why she's so excited to come here...

"You guys can try the strawberry soda," I recommended.

"Okay," Amber responded.

"Can I have something to drink for you guys?" The waiter asked.

"Strawberry soda, please!" I said.

"I'll have the root beer," Amber said.

"Me too, root beer," Elle said.

"I'm going to kill you guys," I declared. They think I'll ignore the fact that they didn't have the strawberry soda, and they think I'll downplay it? It was expected that there would be a plot twist...

"Woah, you can't even harm a fly," Elle exclaimed.

"Fly isn't a human," I clarified. But she's right... maybe others do but I don't and never planned to do so.

They are all here: Mom, Dad, Spencer, Beck, Daniel, Andre, Lia, Ari, Cat, Viv, Nathan, Nathan's mom, the girls' parents, Alaina, Kiera, Gregory, and the kids... I'm missing. I stood 2 meters away from them and just staring at them laughing and enjoying the day...

I got accidentally hit on my shoulder, I apologized to the person I crashed with, but... I feel like she's one of us...


"Hi, babe!" She said. I guess I'm right... She's Nathan's fiance, and finally, I met her... I stand not close but a perfect distance to eavesdrop on everything...

"Hello, my name is Cassandra Jane Sullivan, and I'm Nathan's fiancee... good to meet you all," Cassy introduced herself. So it's Cassandra... the wealthiest model in the United States, more like Kendall... I'm not sure why Nathan won't tell me her fiance's name, it's a model...nothing there seems to be wrong with that.

I'm tempted to go there just to say hello and embrace her tightly. What a fantasy... When I returned to our table, they were already drinking the strawberry soda.

"Oh, I was under the impression you didn't want to drink the strawberry one?" I said. If you don't follow me, I suppose that will happen... Okay, I'm not that awful.

"The root beer, ugh, it tastes like medicine! Where did you get the root beer from?" Elle was irritated. It's payback time! I laughed and teased them back. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Okay, hate me.

"I told you!" I exclaimed. As the ceremony began, I remained to sit with them. Mom, dad, and Spencer presented their speeches for the evening, and they even referenced me to make the speech "longer"... Elle said it was ridiculous and lame of them to include me in their speech, and I suppose she's right. Their speech was supposed to be for the company's anniversary, not mine...

"Why are they referring to you instead of the company's events? That's insane... it's a company anniversary, not a quest for Sam's justice" Amber expressed her thoughts. Is she correct? I sincerely hope so...

"Thank you for visiting, and have fun!" Spencer remarked. The three of us proceed to the area where the food is exhibited, and the food does not disappoint... They had a lot of money, after all.

Cassy commented, "You look familiar." We met at the same location, and Amber and Elle gently walked backward to avoid the situation, leaving me with Cassy, who made me really anxious...

"Mrs. Lopez, aren't you? Who was it that was in an accident the other day?" Cassy had wondered. Oh, my goodness! I had no idea there had been an accident the day before... I should've tuned in to the news...

"Kyla, Kyla! There you are! Miss Cassandra, I'm really sorry, my sister would've said something hurtful, apologies..." Elle said. Wow, I didn't see that coming. I was under the impression that they were going to leave me alone...

"Oh, ah wait! Kyla Lopez?" Cassy asked. Instead of answering Cassy's question, Elle said that I can't hear. Cassy then apologized and we walked back to our tables so scared... this is crazy than I thought would be...

"Wooh! That was close!" I said. Thanks to Elle, I avoided Cassy, what a game!

"Thank you very much, Elle!" I told her. Also, thank you for the Acting class, which was quite beneficial to us. I had no idea Cassy would have so many questions when we got to that moment. I wondered if she'd react the same way if she met me instead.

Elle commented, "She's gorgeous." She's a model, so of course, she's gorgeous; we're all gorgeous. After Elle indicated I couldn't hear, I did my movements and pretended to be one, as did Amber and Elle. It's going to be a long evening!

Elle stated, "The acting training truly pays off." It isn't a waste of money, she is correct. Thank you so much, Mr. Qabin! Oh, I'm hoping this is going to finish soon. Terribly sorry!

"Can you tell me when we're heading home?" Amber was the one who asked. I understand... she was yawning, and I, too, want to go home! I'm not sure if Elle does. I texted only the three of us from our group chat.


Sam: Do you want to go home right now?

Amber: Yes, please!

Elle: Yeah, I prefer watching horror movies with you guys than going to this party. Sam's cooking is better than here

Sam: Thank you, Elle! Anyways... act like normal, okay? We can't get caught!

Elle: Yes, mum!

Amber: Yes, mommy Sammy!

Sam: Good.


We got up and walked to the exits, but because there were so many people crowding the easiest way in, we had no choice but to walk in front of my family. Thirteen, Gia, and Kate were all looking at us three, and I had a horrible feeling about all of this.

Before we got outside the Thirteen ran and hugged me and said "Samsam!". Gia and Kate catch up too and Kate said, "Sam! You're back!". Oh, God... help me.

What happened next?