
The Battle of Gods; Mask of Deceit

The world where various Apprentices of GODs lives. an Empire of Avaleon were the Apprentices of Gods gathered, The Imperial Family of Avaleon who protects the Northern Continent for centuries, sealed many Evil Gods and Goddesses, but throughout the time with the competition of All Gods in ruling this land Many of them Tries to kill each others apprentices. with this Gods Schemes conflicts on the Land of Avaleon started to rise, The Gods that use to protects are now trying to harm the nation. but with one's will the Land of Avaleon started its journey in Defending its Land from this Evil Doers.

Saint_Rey · Fantaisie
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6 Chs

Chapter 6 - Davey's Journey (The First encounter)

"Master this is too dangerous for us! we should ask the Emperor to reconsider, us going inside on the Dragonspine is clearly a suicide!" -Masked Cat exclaimed

"Master, there is a sign of movement from the Froze beast horde in the northside of the Mountain!" -Masked Dog reported

"Where is the captain at this moment ?" Davey asked the two high ranking mask order align themselves kneeling in front of their master

"Captain Lion is on his way to the Leviatan Village to capture the High Priest that flee from the Imperial Cathedral!" - Mask dog

"we will proceed in entering the dragonspine! we will wait the rest inside, go and prepare everyone for battle!!" Davey said, he can see a worried face of his Subordinates, but all they can do is agree and follow the order of their master

Davey and the Mask Order continue the expedition of the Dragonspine Mountain in Order to open the gate of Ethereal, the moment that they enter the entrance of the Mountain Giant wolves and ice bears confront the forces of the Prince.

the battle that shows great favor on the Prince's sides continue, they spend the entire 3 days in order to capture the Entrance of the mountains.

in the 4th day the forces made a camp and take a rest waiting for the Arrival of the other forces, Upon waiting a strange Aura attracts Davey's attention.

"What is your purposed in bringing up a fragment of your Brilliant light ? God of Brightness, Aether" Davey said after following the strange Aura, while the mask troops are having their rest, Davey took the initiative to follow the aura and it brought him in front of a Giant White tree.

"I Greet the Keeper of the Manor of foreordained!, I, the God of Brilliant, have a favor to ask to the God of Order, Maharis!" The Wisp of light said, Davey seems hesitant in believing the creature, but he soon agree to it.

"Speak!" Davey said, the Wisp of light seems confuse to what davey had said.

"The God of Order, Maharis, is no longer in existence, he grant me all of his power and made me the new God of Order! so what kind of favor are you asking me? " Davey explained as he notice that the wisp did not caught up to what he said

"just as I thought, then I would like to ask the Prince if you can take my Fragment bearer with you in your journey in extracting the rest of the Evil Gods!" -the Wisp had said, Davey stare at the wisp and the surroundings started to get blanketed by an impenetrable darkness.

"this is to prevent any beings from hearing about our conversations, as I don't know exactly what you want, but you as a fragment of the brilliant light able to venture and talk, it means that you already bestow your fragments to the bearers?" Davey asked,

as every God has 4 fragments it represent all sides of Gods Power. The Right Fragment, Left Fragment, Inner and outer Fragment, and the entire power of a God is Divided into this four fragments. each of it has equal strength, a fragment can be given to a Mortal as long as the Mortal meet the requirements to be a perfect vessel of the God Fragments, after a God bestowed their fragment to a mortal, this mortal will be called a fragment bearer, stronger than a God Apprentices. no Gods are willing to do such method in giving power to their vessel as it will also deduct a vast amount of power on their own, once the four fragment is extracted to the God, the God then will vanished, but as long as the Gods Fragments bearer is closed to each other, the Gods consciousness can be awaken, the Wisp of the God of Brilliant Light is an example of an Awaken Consciousness of a Vanished God, as all the Fragment bearer is in one place the God of light able to venture outside, but this will make those bearer unconscious until the fragments returns to their bodies.

"the Gods that betrayed the Judgement chamber is planning to make this land as their domain and prepare an all out war against the Judgement Chamber, The Gods in the Judgement Chamber is only waiting for this traitorous gods to open the Genesis Portal, and once that happen the war will begin, and this land and its people will suffer in this madness" -the Wisp explain

"I will take your Fragment bearers but you must do your part in explaining things, I will not waste my time in doing so!" Davey said

"Affirmative, may I know where is the other fragment bearer of Maharis is now?" the Wisp asked

"as what I have said, Maharis give me all the power he has, the Four fragments is now living inside me, and Maharis consciousness is also awaken inside me, if you want to talk to him, I will summon him out!" Davey said

the Wisp shows great amusement, for one vessel to be able to hold a vast power of a God without exploding, this is only possible when the Mortal has a Godlike potential.

"His Majesty is indeed outstanding!" - The Wisp exclaimed

"this end our conversation here, tomorrow present he four in the Camp where we are staying, I will introduce them to my colleagues!" Davey said and undo the Magic he casted earlier


"REVEAL YOURSELF, ASKING FOR AN AUDIENCE OF OUR MASTER WE ATLEAST NEED YOUR IDENTITY!!" After Davey wake up he then heard all this screams from his comrades

"welcome to the camp, brothers and sisters!" Davey said when he walks towards them, two boys and two girls, this will be a perfect addition to my Mask order. the Current 8 members of my mask forces is already outstanding in their talents, this 4 additional members will make this group invincible.

the entire forces was shocked and look towards the direction of Davey, they were confuse as to what their Master had said

"Ma--ster!" Mask Cat utterly said

"let me Introduce you the new member of the Mask Order!" Davey said and an evil smiled appeared


Masked Lion - Order Captain - M

Masked Tiger - Vice Captain - F

Masked Dog - Master Associates - M

Masked Cat - Master Associates - F

The Frontier Force

Masked Monkey - M

Masked Rat - M

Masked Rabbit -F

Masked boar - M

THE EXECUTIVE (new addition)

Masked Fox - Right Fragment bearer

Masked Ox - Left Fragment Bearer

Masked Eagle - Inner Fragment Bearer

Masked Cheetah - Outer Fragment Bearer