
The Battle Junkie Redo

Luke was on his death bed in his 16s, but fate had other plans. He gets put into his favorite novel "The world strongest magic swordsman" as an extra. Luke sets out to become the strongest there ever was as that was his dream his last life. Thanking the gods for another chance he decides to become strong no the strongest to ever exist, Read as Luke battle junkie starts his journey to become the strongest to ever do it.

chrisredfox · Action
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4 Chs

Infinity Dungeon

As Luke walks through the neighborhood, he can't help but think how fun it is to run around the street, breathe the fresh air, and see all kinds of people. Luke recalls the weird old lady that tried to give him a bag of 'grass' saying that it will help him, but he politely declined the offer saying 'my mom said not to talk to strangers' and walked away. Luke after walking for a few minutes, finds the city where he can't help but gawk at all the stores, buildings, people, and cars.

"Wow! It's like what I imagined to look like." Luke let out his childlike thoughts. It's Luke's first time in a city, and he begins to walk to what looks interesting to him stopping at a window. He saw his reflection where he see his light-colored hair, beautiful green eyes, a small face, and a height of 170 cm (5.6ft) making him pretty short compared to this world standard. Ever since mana entered this world, it has made people stronger, smarter, and taller. Making the male's average height 6.3ft and the women's average height 5.9ft, so by this world standard, Luke is like a 12-year-old.

"Wow! I really want those sunglass's

Luke kept staring through the window seeing a pair of sunglasses. He checks his pocket to see his wallet, and a fly comes out.

"5, 15, 20, 40, 45, and 55 zin sweet."

Luke checked his money, and it seems he has 55 zin, which is the currency of this world. He walks inside the store and greets the cashier.


"Hi." not looking at whoever came into his store.

"Yes, I would like to buy those sunglasses, and how much are they."

"Yeah, that will be 6 zins." you could hear a noncaring tone in his voice.

"Alright, I'll buy it. Here is the money." Luke gave the man the money and walk out of the store while putting on the sunglasses.

"Wow! I really feel like those action movie characters, this is so cool!."

Luke tries to walk like a mafia boss, where he put his head high and straightening his back more. People were noticing a kid trying to act cool and were laughing at his silly actions. But he didn't care, he felt proud to do this once in his life something he could only dream of doing just this once. 'Yeah, this kinda feels awesome, but I feel like I'm forgetting something... hmm... oh right, the dungeon. Better get there fast.' He put out his phone to check, 'Where is the nearest infinity dungeon.' This is an unknown dungeon to the readers as it was only mentioned once, and no main characters went inside the dungeon so anything the readers know was told to them. This dungeon is the first time anyone saw a mutated monster in the wild, and this was to foreshadow a dungeon the protagonist had entered in the early to mid chapters. Most people who enter this dungeon had all died, and the few survivors explain what happened when all the monsters group up and attack the people inside the dungeon, the one behind this attack was a monster that had red skin with horns on his head and could control monsters.

"Wow! Is this the place? It looks like a run-down building."

He got to the dungeon after 25 minutes of walking but since he didn't know how to use the old phone it took more than 10 minutes to figure out where to go.

"Hey, kid! What are you doing?! You can't be here!" a man screamed at Luke.

"What do you mean? I thought anyone about the age of 16 can enter a dungeon." Luke said while turning to the man.

"What! your 16, you don't look like it. Let me see your ID."

"Sure, here it is." Luke hands in his ID.

"Wow, you are 16 sorry about that, you don't look your age."

"It's fine, I get that lot, and do you know how many people are already in the dungeon?"

"You are the 20th person to enter this dungeon today."

"The 20th... Well, I guess that's fine. I'm going in."

"Wait, you don't have a weapon on you, and you have no armor." The man said with a worried tone.

"Ohh, you're right, and can I borrow a sword from you?" Luke said with puppy eyes.

"Sigh... Sure, the storage is to your right." the man points with his finger. When Luke goes inside he sees a lot of swords, spears, bows, daggers, and armor. 'Sweet free stuff.' Luke goes to the storage, 'Wow. So many swords and armor. Let's see which one is the coolest.' Luke notices a lot of flashy swords, but nothing catches his eye. Until he saw two black swords in the corner sitting there, rusting away, and no person to use them.

"Hey mister, can I choose two swords."

"Why do you want two black swords in the corner?" the man said with a concerned tone.

"Huh, how did you know? Are you a mind reader?" questioned the man in front of him.

"No, it's just because a lot of people pick those two swords and..." the man in the middle of his sentence.

"And what you didn't finish your sentence," Luke said not reading the room.

"Boy, I recommend you get a different weapon that weapon is something you can't handle."

"Why? And how do you if I can or can't handle a sword." Luke looked mad at the man in front of him.

"What I mean is that those two swords are cursed. No person who used them has lived more than 5 days. Even my son did not escape this curse and died in this dungeon fight here." with a sad tone to his voice the man continued, "So boy, I hope you choose a different weapon if you don't want to die."

"... Nah, I choose those weapons because it seems to be the most fun and I would rather die than feel boredom again, so death doesn't scare me."

'Is this boy seriously? No sane person would risk dying just because of entertainment.'

Luke whose, only memory is being in a hospital room and has ADHD. The only thing to help his boredom was movies and novels, but that gets boring after a while, and so for the past 3 years every day was painful boring if his disease didn't kill him then his boredom will. Luke who has already died doesn't fear death again since who knows he might get put into another body.

"Hey mister I'm going to use the two swords so can I go in now?" Luke said while picking up the two black swords.

"Sigh... sure but if you died then don't curse me now."

"I promise I wouldn't, but wish me luck." Luke said to the man who may or may not see again.