

this is a story about a normal human boy who wants his bad and painful memories to go away that hunt him in his dreams... he went to a forest and saw a beautiful girl and after that his life changed.....

vam3548 · Horreur
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The witch gave a creepy smile and said

" your wish is granted"

but in return she wanted his soul after one year.

First the boy was shocked, but then he thought that even if it is just for some time he wanted to sleep peacefully.

...The boy agreed..

and then the witch told that she will take his soul after one year, no matter where he is and he can not hide, she will find him wherever he is hiding in this world.

then the witch took all his bad memories..

After that a bright white light sparkled which made everything hard to see for the boy.

sometime later the boy opened his eyes and he was sitting under the same tree, he felt it was unreal, then he went back to his home.

Before going to sleep he thought of not getting any bad dreams, when he woke up the next morning he remembered the witch and he was confirmed that it was all real that he saw in the forest.

The day started to pass he never again remembered those bad and painful memories but, he was never happy, he got success, he became the king but still he was not happy.

..Earlier he was happy in those things but now he was never happy again...

....To Be CONTINUED....