
(8) Shots and Sass

I immediately dropped down on the floor, feeling my heart thumping very loudly.

If I die today, please tell the person who'll meet me to bring a bucket of ice cream and the complete series of CSI.

Hearing the loud sound, I knew that the 'bang' is not an ordinary 'bang' you'll hear from a slamming screen door or a 'bang' from someone's ringtone; It is the kind of 'bang' you would hear in the movies or video games. -the one where they use guns and shit.

"What the actual fuck? You fuckers!" I heard Adam shouted and then the countless gunshots started shooting from the same direction.

Pfft. It's a good thing Adam's here to guide me.

Wait; Where's Franco?

I gasped loudly before turning around and faced my grandfather, "Franco!?"

All I see was red. Red. A red slimy-looking liquid oozing out of his chest.

I muttered the words I never thought I'll say or even consider saying. "Grandpa."

For once in my life, I didn't care about what would happen to me; feeling the pure adrenaline pumping through my veins.

I crawled towards him and felt tears falling from my eyes. "Don't do this to me." I cradled his head on my lap and whispered, "You just entered my life you old hag. You can't just simply barge in my life and walk away like what you did years ago."

I started doing the first aid steps I learned in my high school days years ago. Thank you, Mrs. Ihilkita.

He smiled a little bit, forming a crinkle on the sides of his lips. "You can't just call me a hag."

"And you can't just die from me."

"Dying and insulting are completely different, Emily."

"Don't be freaking sassy with me when you're dying." I frowned, "That's unfair. You're technically vulnerable right now. And I don't take advantage of people."

Shots finally stopped and I felt a presence behind me.

"Emily, help me bring Mr. Sanders over there." Adam pointed at a random wall right beside the door.

"Are you kidding me?" I scoffed, "I'm not using my grandfather as a bait, you insensitive a-hole!"

"That's my boss, you minx." He grabbed Franco's arms and carried him over there. He pressed his hands on the walls and boom, the wall opened. Revealing a pathway somewhere.

"Let's go." He grunted.

I ran towards them, and eventually entered the wall -or the door that magically replaced the walls. If that makes sense.

Once we're inside, the wall slid shut and torches were lightened beside us, leading into the deeper part of the pathway.

And to think that outside this scary-looking dungeon pathway is actually really high-tech and shit.

Wait a minute. "Please tell me that we're walking towards somewhere not so far away with his condition." I pointed at my grandfather and crossed my arms, "He'll either dry out of blood or I'll die because of old age."

Adam glared at me. He pulled one of the torches and tada! The floor was replaced by railings and a cart I saw in Minecraft popped in front of us.


"Hop on princess, before your grandfather runs out of blood, or you'll die because of me accidentally killing you."
