
The Backrooms Keeper

Follows the journey of Liam, a young man who, after enduring a lifetime of loneliness and torment, discovers he possesses extraordinary powers granting him control over the backrooms, how will he use this newfound power. nothing except the MC and some random side characters are mine Dont expect consistent chapters this is just for fun, so if you have ideas just put them in comments and we shall see how it goes ps don’t waste power stones on this, use them on other novels that are updated regularly that you enjoy. I’m not here for the stones

Tiamat372 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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14 Chs

Chapter 7: Trapped in the Shadows

The first few days of the camping trip passed in a blur of laughter and camaraderie. Brad and his friends enjoyed their time in the secluded woods, feeling the stress of the school year melt away. They hiked, swam in the lake, and spent evenings around the campfire, sharing stories and roasting marshmallows.

But Liam watched and waited, his creatures reporting back on every detail. He knew the time was right to begin the next phase of his plan.

One night, as the group sat around the fire, Liam summoned a small, stealthy creature. It was a shadowy figure with eyes that glowed faintly in the darkness, designed to be nearly invisible in the dim light of the forest. He directed it to sabotage the vehicles, ensuring that his tormentors would be trapped at the campground.

"Go," Liam commanded softly. "Make sure they can't leave."

The creature nodded and slipped into the shadows, moving silently toward the parked cars. It used its sharp claws to puncture the tires and tamper with the engines, making sure that even if the group tried to drive away, they wouldn't get far. The work was quick and efficient, the creature returning to Liam within minutes.

As the group continued to enjoy their evening, Liam prepared for the next step. He needed to ensure that they couldn't call for help. He summoned a creature that could manipulate electrical signals, a dark, amorphous being with crackling energy coursing through its form. He held it back for now, waiting for the right moment to deploy it.

Let's see how they handle being cut off from the outside world.

The next morning, Brad and his friends woke to a beautiful, sunny day. They decided to go for a hike, leaving the campground and heading into the dense woods. Liam's creatures followed at a distance, keeping a careful watch.

As they hiked, the group chatted and joked, unaware of the sabotage that had taken place. It wasn't until they returned to the campground that they realized something was wrong.

"Hey, did anyone move the cars?" Jason asked, noticing that the vehicles seemed to be in slightly different positions.

"No, why?" Brad replied, walking over to his SUV. He frowned as he saw the flat tires and popped the hood, revealing the damage to the engine. "What the hell?"

"All our tires are flat!" Emily exclaimed, checking the other cars. "How did this happen?"

"Someone must have done this," Tyler said, his face growing pale. "But who?"

Panic began to set in as they realized the full extent of the damage. Brad tried to start his car, but the engine sputtered and died.

"We're stuck here," Brad said, his voice tinged with fear. "We can't drive out."

"Let's call for help," Emily suggested, pulling out her phone.

Liam watched through the eyes of his creatures, a dark smile playing at the corners of his mouth. It was time to cut them off completely.

He directed the electrical creature to move into position. It slithered through the shadows, crackling with energy, and settled near the campground, ready to disrupt any signals.

Emily dialed a number, but her phone displayed "No Service." She frowned and tried again, with the same result.

"There's no signal," she said, her voice trembling. "I can't call anyone."

"Let me try," Jason said, pulling out his own phone. But he was met with the same frustration. "Nothing. No signal at all."

Panic spread through the group as they realized their predicament. They were trapped, with no way to call for help and no means of escape.

"How is this possible?" Brad muttered, his confidence faltering. "We can't just be stranded out here."

"Something's not right," Tyler said, glancing nervously at the surrounding woods. "It feels like we're being watched."

Liam's creatures remained hidden, their eyes gleaming with anticipation. The fear was starting to take hold, just as he had planned.

Brad tried to keep his composure, but the sense of unease was growing. He felt the weight of their situation pressing down on him, the realization that they were truly trapped.

We need to stay calm. There's got to be a way out of this.

As the day wore on, the group's panic grew. They searched the campground for any signs of what might have caused the sabotage, but found nothing. The subtle disturbances continued, adding to their sense of dread.

"Did you hear that?" Emily asked, her eyes wide with fear. "It sounded like something moving in the woods."

"It's just the wind," Brad said, trying to sound reassuring, but his own voice wavered.

Liam watched these moments unfold, his anticipation growing with each passing hour. The stage was set, and the moment of reckoning was fast approaching.

As night fell, the group huddled around the campfire, their earlier excitement replaced by fear and uncertainty. The shadows seemed to close in around them, the darkness more oppressive than ever.

Brad and his friends were already on edge. The sabotage of their vehicles and the lack of cell service had shaken their confidence, but they had no idea what horrors awaited them in the days to come.

Liam, watching through the eyes of his creatures, felt a dark satisfaction as he prepared the next phase of his plan. He summoned more monsters from the backrooms, each with a specific purpose to further trap and torment his tormentors.

He started with a creature capable of manipulating the forest itself. It was a large, lumbering entity with bark-like skin and branches for limbs. Its eyes glowed with an eerie green light, and it moved with a slow, deliberate grace.

"Enclose the forest," Liam commanded. "Make it impossible for them to leave."

The creature nodded and disappeared into the woods, its presence blending seamlessly with the trees. Slowly, it began to manipulate the forest, causing trees to grow closer together and branches to intertwine. The effect was subtle but effective, gradually creating a nearly impenetrable barrier around the campground.

Next, Liam summoned a creature to darken the canopy. This one was more ethereal, a shadowy being with tendrils of darkness that spread out like a web. Its eyes were like black holes, absorbing all light.

"Cover the canopy," Liam instructed. "Block out the sunlight."

The shadowy creature moved through the trees, spreading its dark tendrils across the canopy. As it worked, the forest grew darker, the sunlight barely penetrating the dense cover of shadows. The once bright and cheerful woods became a place of perpetual twilight, adding to the group's growing sense of dread.

Perfect. Now they're truly trapped.

As the days passed, the group's fear and unease continued to grow. They tried to find a way out, but the forest seemed to close in on them from all sides. The dense canopy blocked out most of the sunlight, casting the woods in a perpetual gloom that made it difficult to navigate.

"Something's not right," Tyler said, his voice tinged with panic as he tried to find a path through the increasingly dense forest. "It's like the trees are moving or something."

"This is insane," Emily muttered, looking up at the dark canopy. "Why is it so dark? It's the middle of the day."

"We need to stay together," Brad said, trying to maintain control. "There has to be a way out."

But every path they tried seemed to lead them in circles, the forest growing denser and more oppressive with each passing hour. The sense of being watched was constant, the shadows playing tricks on their minds.

One evening, as they sat around the campfire, Brad couldn't shake the feeling that something was closing in on them. The firelight flickered weakly against the encroaching darkness, and the forest seemed to be alive with unseen eyes.

We have to get out of here, Brad thought, his earlier bravado fading. But how?

Liam watched their growing desperation, his satisfaction deepening with each passing day. He knew that the physical and psychological pressure was taking its toll, and it was only a matter of time before they broke.

On the fourth day, Brad decided to make one last attempt to find a way out. He gathered the group, their faces pale and drawn with exhaustion and fear.

"We can't stay here," he said, his voice firm. "We need to find a way out of this forest. There has to be an opening somewhere."

They set out together, moving slowly through the dense, darkened woods. The air was thick with tension, every rustle of leaves or snap of a twig making them jump.

Liam directed his creatures to maintain the barriers, subtly guiding the group deep within the heart of the forest, far from their current location.

As they trudged through the oppressive gloom, Emily suddenly stopped, her eyes wide with fear. "Did you hear that?" she whispered.

Everyone froze, straining to hear. For a moment, there was silence, and then the faint sound of whispering, too soft to make out the words.

"Who's there?" Jason called out, his voice trembling.

The whispering stopped, replaced by an eerie silence that seemed to press in from all sides. The group huddled together, their fear palpable.

"We need to keep moving," Brad urged, though his own fear was evident. "We can't stay here."

Liam watched through the eyes of his creatures, a dark smile playing at the corners of his mouth. The fear was starting to take hold, just as he had planned.

As the group pressed on, they began to realize the full extent of their predicament. The forest was like a living entity, shifting and changing to trap them. The darkness was pervasive, the sense of being watched constant.

Liam directed his creatures to continue their subtle manipulations, ensuring that the group would remain disoriented and afraid. He knew that it was only a matter of time before they would be completely at his mercy.

The night fell, and the group found themselves back at the campground, their attempt to escape thwarted by the dense forest and darkened canopy. They were exhausted and scared, their earlier confidence shattered.

As they huddled around the campfire, the shadows seemed to close in around them, the darkness more oppressive than ever. The air was thick with fear and uncertainty.

Liam felt a sense of grim satisfaction as he watched through the eyes of his creatures. Everything was in place. The night would be a turning point, a time to embrace the darkness within him and wield it as a weapon against those who had wronged him.

few more chapters coming since someone asked so nicely lol, but thanks for reading!

Tiamat372creators' thoughts