
The Author's Intervention

A famous author, avid gamer, and otaku, Park Eun-woo was doing his best to make ends meet in the world, as he was at the peak of his success he had finalized a contract that would make his latest and most successful novel into a game! As he was celebrating, his vision got blurry and suddenly his face was planted on the ground, as thoughts were forming on his head on how to escape his current predicament he soon saw that the contract he had been given was now glowing! As an Otaku he formed a smile but soon he no longer couldn't. "Screw this I don't know who I'm going to be!" With that all his vision turned black. - This novel is for fun and at the same time my way of learning and writing better english as it's not my first language thank you!

AquaFan · Fantaisie
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32 Chs

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"Young Master!"

A youth was running around the hallways trying to catch up to Eun-woo who was seemingly walking towards the Arena as aside from tailing Lee Jun-ho he was called by Lee Hyori.

"Ivan? How many times do I have to tell you not to call me that"

"I know but its of utmost importance!"

Ivan immediately gave Eun-woo a folder that was marked with a star on its cover.

"Who is this?"

"I'm sure you know her its, Hwang Yerin, she was a celebrity at your company, before the semester started she quit remember?"

Eun-woo was confused as he forgot about his own idol company as his uncle was the one currently managing it so he just nodded as if he knew about her already.

"What about her?"

"She applied well, actually, I just wanted to get an autograph from her and you being her old boss well can't I have some extra rewards from time to time she's my favorite Idol and can you blame for not using this opportunity?"

Eun-woo flinched, even Luxuria did as she listened to Ivan.

"I'll see what I can do, I'm sure she has tons of signed merchandise in stock back in the company, was that all there was?"

Eun-woo tried holding back from slapping Ivan's head or even cursing him again but refrained as he saw stars in Ivan's eyes.

"She just applied yesterday, I took it out from Ono Hayami's desk and marked it the same way she marked the others that were being considered part of your auxiliary team"

"You're telling me this because?"

"I didn't expect you to come back early and frankly I even expected you to drop out and instead go and raid dungeons! I'm sorry forgive me young master!"


Eun-woo was doing his best to hold back this time but sighed as he looked at Ivan.

"Go, don't bother me with useless matters just do what you were doing the same as before and I'll make sure you receive what you want by tomorrow"

"Tha-thank you Young Master!"

Ivan had tears in his eyes as he left as fast as he came.

"Seriously what's wrong with him."

"I don't even want to know at this point."

Eun-woo continued walking to the arena, he then faintly saw that only one arena ground was lit up and saw a familiar figure waving at him, he then used [ Eyes of Lust ], this was the nameless skill that was given to him by Luxuria a month back now he had named although he yet to try it in direct combat against anyone not named Acedia and after training with him it had now improved vastly.

"There's a box of people to the left, perhaps its the actual council of the school, and the right compromises the student council, and the stands are filled with numerous fourth year and third year students."

"Naturally they want to authenticate your mark, but don't worry, here I'll help you this one time walking is boring let's make it a grand entrance since they lit up the arena for us"

Luxuria smiled as she casted a spell, Eun-woo was then enclosed in a bright light as he immediately arrived at the center and a symbol of Luxuria manifested immediately below him.

"Professor Lee"

"I'm surprised you saw me that far, and I see you learned a few more tricks while you were gone"

"It's just a simple spell."

"A simple spell?"

"It actually is I can even teach you if you wanted"

"All right I'll take you up on that offer but not now, do you know what we're gonna do today?"

"Let me guess, find whether my mark is real or not, and perhaps this is going to be considered my monthly exam that I missed?"

"Precisely and I'm sure you'd do what you did all over again so instead of beating up students"

Lee Hyori then ripped of her robe revealing her battle outfit, she had her forearms wrapped in bandage as she wore a dress reminiscent of a hanbok but was designed for mobility and flexibility, her red her made her stand out as her dress had a palette of green and gold, she then cracked her knuckles and got into her stance.

"So now I'm going to have to try and beat the previous number one ranked hero before she retired?"

"Of course and to make things interesting"

Lee Hyori clapped her hands to light up the entire arena, the entire training grounds was now merged into one.

"I just returned from always being on the verge of death against a literal divinity and I come back on my first day to fight the literal incarnation of destruction"

Lee Hyori then immediately lunged at Eun-woo as flames appeared under her feet, with every step a crater would appear she didn't hesitate and kicked Eun-woo in the abdomen.

[ Emperor's Flaming Strike! ]

Eun-woo was sent flying as he didn't expect her to be that fast the same as Acedia was, he then looked up and it was Lee Hyori with her feet blazing ready to slam onto him again.

Eun-woo covered braced himself as he felt his arm being seared once Lee Hyori's foot was in contact was in his arms, he immediately covered his arms with Ice and threw Lee Hyori to the side.

"Professor Shouldn't you say something before trying to kill me"

The surrounding area turned cold as they felt Eun-woo changed Aura's instantly as black smoke was exuding from him, he then had black gauntlets form around his arms too.

"You aren't a baby Eun-woo now come!"

Lee Hyori then went at Eun-woo again and Eun-woo also complied as their fists collided creating a shockwave that blasted the students of their chairs.


"Say Yu-na"

"No Ling Shu I can't beat him, I didn't even beat him before that and I'm not sure if I can even make a scratch on him"

"Well you're not fun"

It was Ling Shu, Yu-na and Sowon on another box, Sowon was just listening as Snow was on her laps sleeping as if it didn't have any care what would happen while she was just observing from afar, while Eun-woo was also gone she had learned the secrets of the her own necklace, her eyes had turned blue and could see them clearly though she could only see after images she could catchup with their movements quite well.

"What about you then Ling Shu?"

"I'm confident I can land a few punches and kicks here and there but whether it would deal a significant amount of damage is another question, I know you can pack quite a punch but whether you can land it is also your problem."

Yu-na grumbled as she knew it was true and Ling Shu naturally had the advantage since her weapon of choice were her gauntlets while her weapon of choice was the spear though she had gotten stronger due to her spear she knew she still had a long path to go.

Both Ling Shu and Yu-na stopped talking as they saw how Eun-woo and Lee Hyori fought, they didn't know whether the two of them were holding back or going all out as they saw the arena had become messy in a short span of time, craters of smoke were present and the previous flat and boring arena was now littered with flames and ice as the two continued their dance.


"What the hell did you experience in that damned tomb anyway"

Lee Hyori wiped the blood of her mouth as he looked at Eun-woo who was panting and looked tired, but she knew he was still hiding more.

"How to survive against a literal divinity"

Lee Hyori raised her eyebrows and then laughed loud enough, her aura then changed as everyone felt the temperature suddenly increase.

"Very well then I'll do my best to reach that bar"

"I should have just said goblins"

Eun-woo rolled his eyes as She saw Lee Hyori unwrapping her bandages on her forearms and removing the gauntlets as well as her greaves.


"Why are you suddenly gripping your spear harder Zhao Yi? Afraid?"

"Why do you care Fan Mei?"

"I don't usually care about what you do but this I should! You're not weak compared to others but are you seriously comparing yourself to the likes of that monster?"

"I think you should stick into your own lane"

"Then do what you will but I won't save your neck this time when Eldest brother comes back and asks why you've shamed our master."

Zhao Yi prepared himself as he thought he would be facing Eun-woo today but it was called off due to Lee Hyori's request to the council.


Lee Hyori and Eun-woo had already exchanged fists again and this time both were blown away, both had blood on their hands already as they were only a meter apart.

"Congrats Eun-woo"

"Ji-hyun-noona's gonna kill you after this you know"

"I could care less Eun-woo, let me show you why I was called the 'Harbinger of Destruction' when I was still active"

Lee Hyori's hair then started fluttering as she exuded a greater aura than before and more than what Eun-woo had, everyone felt excited as they could see an even greater show.

"I'm a fair teacher Eun-woo, if you can survive my onslaught for five minutes everyone here will acknowledge you are Luxuria's chosen and no one will say anything"

Eun-woo then cracked his knuckles and a violet mist appeared and covered him, soon he was covered in a different armor than what was previously seen.

"Professor, the previous armor was just a fake, just for the sake of appearances, this is my actual armor"

Eun-woo was covered in a violet armor, it looked graceful, elegant and slick, it had the symbol of Luxuria on it's chest, Eun-woo didn't opt to summon his helm and instead, it didn't look medieval, it looked more modern and fitting for someone like him who was a battlemage.

"So you won't blame me if I ramp it up a notch?"

"I'm more worried that you're gonna blame yourself for holding back, before we start I do have another question."

"Do ask"

"What happens if I beat you in under five minutes?"

Lee Hyori chuckled and didn't say anything again, she immediately tried to strike at Eun-woo, she aimed for his head and told Eun-woo

"We'll see Boy"


To anyone wanting to know what his armor looks like well : https://www.pinterest.es/pin/739082988839013818/

it's from warframe the sorceress mag, just imagine a male version of it.