
The Author's Intervention

A famous author, avid gamer, and otaku, Park Eun-woo was doing his best to make ends meet in the world, as he was at the peak of his success he had finalized a contract that would make his latest and most successful novel into a game! As he was celebrating, his vision got blurry and suddenly his face was planted on the ground, as thoughts were forming on his head on how to escape his current predicament he soon saw that the contract he had been given was now glowing! As an Otaku he formed a smile but soon he no longer couldn't. "Screw this I don't know who I'm going to be!" With that all his vision turned black. - This novel is for fun and at the same time my way of learning and writing better english as it's not my first language thank you!

AquaFan · Fantaisie
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32 Chs

Show and Tell (2)

"Do I pass the-"

Before Eun-woo could finish his sentence Lee Hyori's fist was already in front of his face, he caught it and use her force to throw her at the side.

Eun-woo didn't waste time either, while Lee Hyori was still in mid-air he lunged at her and immediately sent her upwards with a kick.

Lee Hyori knew what Eun-woo was about to do next and instead of bracing for impact she extended her arms in front and didn't waste time in activating her [ Explosion ] magic in front of her, she didn't care and casted [ Explosion ] in every direction.

[ Winter's Touch ]

Eun-woo covered himself down below with an impregnable dome of ice as Lee Hyori was too reckless and kept blasting the arena, causing the temperature to rise making him unable to use [ Everfrost ] without keeping his mana check as the divine aura and dark cosmic energy was using too much mana.

"I wouldn't be a professor if I didn't notice that you can't use your mana too much now"

"It's because you're a professor that you have an advantage of knowing my limits"

[ Emperor's Palm! ]

Lee Hyori redirected herself and shot down below unto Eun-woo's dome, the dome began to crack under Lee Hyori's pressure as the shape of her palm engraved the ground.

As the dome slowly broke through, Eun-woo immediately lunched himself towards Lee Hyori.

[ Glacial Fist ]

Eun-woo formed an Ice gauntlet on his hands combined with the previous two energies, Lee Hyori widened her eyes and instantly casted [ Explosion ] on the surroundings again creating another batch of smoke to obstruct everyone's vision.

"You damned Idiot!"

Lee Hyori dodged to the side and grabbed Eun-woo's arm and instantly used her full power to stop him, she then hit and broke his arm easily, Eun-woo was surprised instantly as Lee Hyori kicked him back down to the ground.

As Eun-woo was about to recover Lee Hyori had already landed in front of him and casted [ Explosion ] to where he was which blasted him forward to her, Eun-woo was caught by the neck and was slammed again down to the ground.

"This ends here, I'll see you later, and here I thought I'd let loose some of my steam but instead you gave me a new headache"

As Lee Hyori returned to normal she looked at the time and saw it was already five minutes and a second in to their fight, she smiled and sighed and went to where she threw her rob and made a cross sign using her arms to call in the medical team but before they could Sowon, Ling Shu and Yu-na had already arrived.

"I win"

Lee Hyori rolled her eyes and gave him the middle finger as she left.


"Say Eun-woo when did you learn how to do that?"

Ling Shu bothered Eun-woo was Sowon was still healing him.

"Just like how Yu-na knew how to conjure her own armor innately I just sort of did, sadly I can't teach you if I wanted to"

"But still yours looked much better than Yu-na's! and to fight even The Hellfire Witch Professor Lee to a standstill makes it much more cool!"

"Had fun Ling Shu?"

Lee Hyori came along with Park Ji-hyun and some of her people as they covered the infirmary, Ling Shu tensed up along with Yu-na while Sowon didn't mind and continued what she did, Lee Hyori looked at Eun-woo who was carrying Snow and observed him closely.

"Have you not noticed it yet Ji-hyun?"

"I do now that I'm observing him more closely, now I don't why and how he hid it from me in the first place"

"It's because you were worried which clouded your judgement and didn't mind it"

The two were conversing, Eun-woo perfectly understood what they were talking about while Sowon, Ling Shu and Yu-na were wondering what they were conversing about.

Lee Hyori then grabbed a chair and sat in front of Eun-woo, Ji-hyun instructed her men to guard the area and search for any device that would listen to their conversation while she isolated the sound on the current area they were in.

"Now tell me brat, when did you learn to mix three energies, although I know you have a small amount of divinity now, that much is a given, and ice energy, I don't know what your other energy is and I won't pry"

"If you can't tell us and you want to keep it a secret we won't push for it but you have to refrain from using it publicly such as exhibition matches and exams like today"

Eun-woo nodded and looked at Lee Hyori and his sister, as he was about to talk Lee Hyori shook her head.

"Don't, I've lost interest but let us tell you something instead."

"We had one teammate before, we were raiding a dungeon but we didn't expect that it was a portal to the outside although nothing happened at first but when our teammate revealed she could mix two energies into one giving her more power than before well"

"A commander appeared after a few minutes later, of course we were young back then if it was today I could confidently say we could escape but with injuries, I can only say we were lucky yet it was a horrifying experience"

"Point is Eun-woo, use it wisely, you're lucky that Hyori noticed it quite early that you were mixing three energies and created a distraction and perhaps only a select few noticed it, we're also not saying to not use it but use it wisely and selectively if there's tons of people use it discreetly create a distraction first"

Eun-woo nodded as Snow jumped out of his arms and transferred to Sowon who had also finished healing him.

"But what about mixing two energies?"

"There's not a problem with that, especially being chosen as Luxuria's child or being marked by her, it's a given, it's her trait, she isn't the strongest for nothing, and some people like my teammate although not being acknowledged by Luxuria also has the same skills so it's not that really shocking for us"

"The problem was three, which has never been done and is difficult to pull off, what's more I was in front of you and I sensed three, I can't figure out what the third one is so I doubt other people would just say it was a mixture of your divine and ice energy mixed into one, so you're free to use it however you like but keep in mind what I said earlier."

Ling Shu then raised her hand while Lee Hyori and Ji-hyun acknowledged her.

"Should we even be in this discussion?"

"You should so you three know when things are getting out of hand, if he ever uses that power its either he wants to show off or its a dire situation so the three of you and perhaps tell Ono Hayami the same as well"

"I guess that should be enough for now Hyori, I'll talk to you later, we've still got things to take care off"

"All right, take care"

Ji-hyun cancelled her spell and shortly walked out after signaling her men to leave, Lee Hyori nodded and waved at the group goodbye.

"Oh before I forget, you passed with flying colors"


After Lee Hyori and Eun-woo's fight the arena was cleared, no signs of any battle had happened, it was devoid of debris from the previous fight but two figures stood at the center, one was wielding a sword while the other was wielding a spear with a sturdy man in the middle.

"Why are they even doing this in the first place?"

Cha Eunha asked Fan Mei as they were looking from the sides, they saw Zhao Yi and Lee Jun-ho get ready, while Eric was refereeing the match.

"Boys will be boys Eunha, one is feeling small and insecure while the other wants to measure up how strong he's become and the one at the center just wants to see chaos."


"It is what it is, if you were in their shoes you'd know why they're doing what they're doing, oh wait, imagine Sowon being suspended for a month and you get Professor Jeanne the whole duration of that month, isn't it natural that you would feel confident that you've got somewhat a upper hand the next time the two of you fought?"

"Well hypothetically yes?"

"You're not even sure it seems, but now imagine after a month Sowon returns suddenly and she seems to have learned a lot more than you despite being tutored by the one of the Pope Makers in society and to top it off she's now wearing a mark of a divinity wouldn't you at least feel inferior? while you were being cooped up in this academy Sowon was out there raiding dungeons and learning things that couldn't be taught in this academy"

"I think I understand now"

"Don't feel saddened Eunha, the world is unfair as it is already you just got to make the best of it."

"Have you been in a similar position before?"

"I have, it was against Ling Shu and our eldest sister, but I've learned that everyone has their own pace when it comes to learning and growing, sadly that small insecure man down there has to learn it the hard way, ever since he was young he was showered with praises since he grew too fast"

Eunha nodded and looked at them, the fight had begun instantly as soon as Eric shot the gun, she saw how fast they were, she knew they were stronger than their peers than most, but when she compared to Eun-woo who fought Lee Hyori who was forced to use her full power as told by her own Professor Jeanne she was excited at the same time sad since Eun-woo was an incomparable target to reach.

"Let them fight, it's normal for people to feel inferior its how you respond to that feeling is what matters it'll either make you or break you so don't worry to much, besides you'll get to heal Jun-ho later"

Fan Mei the elbowed Eunha who turned instantly and looked at Fan Mei

"I'd be an Idiot if I didn't notice but at the same time I feel sorry for you"


"Delete every footage and recording regarding Eun-woo's and Lee Hyori's last minute at the fight or watch me burn down your reputation as well as this damned school."

"Why must every time you visit here always gives me headaches."

"Well if you weren't notorious for favoring one student every year calling them the 'chosen one' and then only to watch them fail to living up to everyone's expectations every single time then I wouldn't be here and I wouldn't bother blatantly using the public to give Eun-woo privileges in this damned academy'"


"Oh right, let's not forget that little incident shall we?"


Park Ji-hyun then left as soon as she saw Dean Cho nod and deflated, Lee Hyori followed after her but stopped as she saw Ji-hyun look at Dean Cho with her red eyes.

"If ever that child turns out to be another 'incident' I'll make sure Eun-woo kills him right then and there if it should happen."