

The story will be divided into two parts, The first part deals with regular life in the modern world and the second part deals with the reincarnation and fantasy elements. Part1:- The life story of a boy whose life events forced him to be a atheist but was helpless to become a priest(indian pandit) to help his old father. Part 2:- We we get to know that why ML has so many problems and who he really is also the mythical background of the protagonist and fantasy elements will be added.

swaran · Fantaisie
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1 Chs

Chapter:1 The begining

Mischief and Memories.

Check the following paragraphs from grammatical errors and rearrange the text in a way that it will attract the viewers reading a novel. This story starts when the protoganist of the story was 5 years old. ARYAN is the name of the protoganist of the story, born in a hindu brahmin family whose father is a teacher and also a brahmin pandit KESHAV SHARMA and a housewife mother URMILA. Growing up ARYAN was very mischieves always running from one place to another sometimes he will pick up stray dogs home or sometimes he will throw all the shoes in the shoe rack from the 3rd floor of his house into people walking in the front of his house. (ARYAN P.O.V.) I still remember the very first memory of my childhood when i first started mischief, i remember my old home having a set of bed boxes whose upper part consists of 3 drawers and a two staged format which makes the top of it almost two and a half feet above the mattress. I remember a time when i was around 3 years old, my father was sleeping on the bed and i climped up drawers rack up and jumped from there directly to my father's stomach which had him screaming in pain, that's my first memory where i recall my father hitting me and started teaching me what is right and what is wrong, although still for quite some time i didn't lose my mischieves nature but i still learned a lessen that don't do anything which hurt somebody physically and it's one of the most important reason in life.

The story begins with ARYAN, the mischievous protagonist, at the age of 5. He was born into a Hindu Brahmin family with a teacher and Brahmin Pandit father, KESHAV SHARMA, and housewife mother, URMILA.

As a child, ARYAN was always up to something, whether it was bringing home stray dogs or tossing shoes from the third floor onto passersby. Looking back, ARYAN recalls his first memory of mischief. He remembers the old bed boxes in his childhood home, with three drawers and a top level that sat two and a half feet above the mattress.

At the age of three, ARYAN climbed onto the drawer rack while his father was sleeping on the bed. He jumped from the top of the bed box directly onto his father's stomach, causing him to scream in pain. This moment marked a turning point in ARYAN's life, as it was the first time his father hit him and taught him right from wrong. Despite his continued mischievous nature for some time, ARYAN learned an important lesson: to never hurt someone physically.

Aryan household consists of himself his father Keshav, his mother Urmila, his older sister Depali and his other older brother Raghav and older sister Rhea from his father first marriage. Also the most odd thing was the age gap between 4 siblings, as each sibling has 7 years gap from oldest to youngest, i.e. The oldest Raghav and youngest Aryan has 21 years gap between them.The bond between aryan and his brother was odd because of too much age gap, aaryan still remembers that by the time he was 5, his brother will always tries to take him to sleep in his room and when he refuses his brother will use him as dumble.