
The Assistant of God

What might happen if a higher being, like a god, for instance, were to kill someone? It seems he/she seize to exist, erasing all memories and traces that prove he/she ever existed. With that in mind, his soul is transferred, without any recollection of who he/she was, to where that god lives. And not just that! This god happens to need an Assistant, which means that he would offer that job to the person he just killed, as a form of apology of course. Being erased from existence, the new Assistant created a body and since he doesn't remember his name, he chooses a new one before going to his first assignment, a fantasy-like planet called Ditia.

JustSam3 · Fantaisie
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36 Chs

Chapter 34

The day started normally, I woke up, changed into my uniform, and headed to the class that had appeared in my head. A normal day was starting but when I was on my way to the classroom, the class that had appeared in my head was replaced by a message that was asking me to go to the principal's office as soon as possible.

I took some time to process what had happened considering that I didn't know that the spell that was supposed to just show me the schedule could also do this but, in the end, I headed to Sarah's office. I'll have to ask her about that after I know why she called me.

It didn't take long to arrive but, to my surprise, two knights were guarding the entrance; once I approached, they asked me if I was Cael Casius to which I nodded and one of them opened the door for me. When I entered, Sarah and Jillian were there accompanied by a third person I didn't recognize.

"Good morning, mister Cael," said Sarah. "This person here is Darion, the Pope, who has come to see you."

"A pleasure to meet you, mister Cael," he said and extended his hand.

I took it and said, "The pleasure's mine."

"Miss Sarah, is there a place where I could talk to mister Cael alone?" he asked.

"There certainly is," she said and looked at Jillian then nodded.

Jillian went to the door while taking out a key that he inserted in the doorknob. He gave it a spin and opened it, showing an empty office.

"After you, mister Cael," the Pope said.

I entered first and then Darion did. After we entered, Jillian gave me the key and said, "Use it when you both finish," and closed the door.

I saved the key while turning towards the Pope who have already sat. I did the same and we kept silent for some time.

"Mister Cael, have you heard of the dragon that was sighted some time ago?" asked Darion.

"No, I haven't."

"Then, why were you there when the knights arrived?"

"Because I was on my way to Iden to register at the Adventurers Guild when the knights arrived and then the Demons got there too..."

"Ah, right. You fought bravely with the help of a strange wand and killed the Demon General before 'disappearing' right under Leonius' and the knight's eyes. That got me thinking, mister Cael, 'from what race are you'. Suddenly, a dragon appears and when the knights go to investigate, they find a young man instead."

"I'm perfectly Human, you can tell that much."

"At first glance, that should be correct. That aside, mister Cael, one of the two reasons for coming here was to know you."

"And the other?"

"To confirm something, but that's another matter entirely. I hope that, when the Demon Lord resurrects, this continent will count with your assistance."

I nodded to his comment and said, "Then I guess this meeting is over."

"It is," he said.

I stood up and headed to the door and used the key Jillian gave me. I opened it and we were back to the principal's office.

"It seems you've finished," said Sarah.

"Yes, we have," said the Pope. "Thank you for your time, mister Cael, and thanks for receiving me, Miss Sarah. I'll be taking my leave."

"It was no problem. Jillian, please accompany the Pope to the exit," Sarah said.

Darion headed to the door and the knights that were outside followed him accompanied by Jillian. When they were out of sight, I asked Sarah, "how did the schedule in my head turn into a message?"

"That's another function it has. If I need to call a certain student discreetly, I use it. Obviously, Cael, I don't tell them that since it is rarely used and I expect you don't either," she said and I nodded, then she handed me a note. "Give this to your teacher once you enter the classroom. You may go."

I went out of her office and headed to the class that once again appeared in my head. Now that I think about it, what was the other reason the Pope came to see me? He said he wanted to meet me. Hmm, should it be about my race? If that's the case then what does he thinks of me as? A Dragon? In any case, I hope that he doesn't start being bothersome now that he knows me.

I entered the classroom that I was supposed to be before Sarah called. As expected, the teacher eyed me and asked me if I had an excuse for being late. I handed him the note the principal gave me. He read it and told me to go and sit before he resumed the lesson.

As far as I could tell, the teacher was talking about the first war against the Demon Lord, though he seemed to be entering the last stages of it. I'll consult the information in my head sometime later to fill what I missed.

"The majority of the Heroes died when they faced the Demon Lord and just a few of them survived after the battle. Those that lived helped with the reconstruction of the kingdoms and to keep the peace afterward. Many years after the end of what is now known as the Years of War, the remaining Heroes continued with their lives. Some became nobles while others just settled somewhere until the end of their days."

The lecture went on for some time until the class was over. The rest of the classes passed quickly and, after the Free Class ended, came Jillian's class. Like yesterday, the class was practical. Compared to what I saw in his last class the Heroes were a little better but it still wasn't enough for the teacher to give them a passing grade. This time Anna didn't participate since she knows how to draw out her Mana and control it. And like last time, some improved but the difference wasn't much.

At the end of the day, I headed to my room to have some sleep but Samjain called out of nowhere, 'hey Cael, something came up and I need you to do something on the Demon's continent,' he said.

'Wait up, Samjain. First off, explain.'

'For some reason, a small group of Demons decided to summon a 'god' that could supposedly aid them to attack The Capital and capture some Heroes.'

'Really? Why they would to that and risk going to war before the Demon Lord resurrects?'

'I don't know, it's the first time they do that but I would say they are desperate because they think they would lose even with the Demon Lord on their side. In any case, I'll send you the coordinates so you can go and kill them quickly. They should be starting to perform the summoning about now.'

I opened the map and it showed the coordinates Samjain mentioned. Before going, I changed myself into my trench coat and Crimson Reaper. Once that was done, I used <Mirage> while casting <Mana Concealment>.

The clones made from this spell are only meant for combat so they can't interact with other people. But, it will help me know if someone knocks on my door since I can know what it hears or see. Then, I used <Teleportation> while using the mana concealment spell again. Moments later, a white magic circle appeared underneath me and started to shine. When it stopped, I found myself in an alley.

'Samjain, did you sent me to the right place?'

'Where you are is located between the building where the summoning is being performed and another one. Look at your right when you exit the alley, that building is where they are.'

'Also, you said they were trying to summon a god.'

'Right, well, it's not a god but it's considered one because is powerful enough to destroy a big city.'

'So it's like a fake god?'

'Not exactly. It's like the Spirits from the Elven Forest. A minor deity. Though the group trying to summon it considers it a god.'

I went out of the alley and found myself in a city, though it seemed to be the bad part of it. According to the map, it's called Helden and is located in the east of the Demon capital. It was night so the streets were deserted. I looked at my right and noticed the building Samjain told me. It looks abandoned and run-down compared to the one beside it.

Not wasting any more time, I entered using <Invisibility>. It was dark but it was somewhat illuminated by the light of the moon that was coming through a hole in the ceiling. The place was filled with dust, cobwebs, and some debris, yet, there wasn't anyone inside.

I doubt Samjain got the location wrong so I used <Earth Whisper> to see if they were somewhere in the building. And I found something. They were underground, which possibly means there's some entrance around here. With that in mind, I started searching.

It took me some time but I spotted a trap door hidden under some of the roof's debris. I opened it, entered, and started descending.