

Three minutes later they reached the fashion district. Zi Han pulled back his sleeve and tapped on his light brain sending a message to his grandfather.

Zi Feiji who was shopping on Starnet constantly putting this and that in and out of the cart while adding on to the long wish list on his account saw a notification pop up on the floating screen blocking his view of the online store.

When he saw it was a message from Zi Han he stopped biting his thumb and opened it.

HandsomeHan: Grandpa, I am hanging out with a friend after school.

HandsomeHan: Please tell Steward Lu to be at ease.

HandsomeHan: I will be back home in two hours.

"What friend?" blurted out Zi Feiji a little confused.

ProudGrandpaZi: What friend?

Unfortunately for him, Zi Han didn't respond thus he could only ask the mother.

ProudGrandpaZi: What friend is Zi Han hanging out with?