
"So you love my wife?....

There were no wedding bells anywhere but Yi Chen could swear he heard them ringing. His face changed from that of shock to excitement. His fingers brushed against the material stirring his heart. 

The federation had no particulars when it came to wedding attires. Some wore the simplest of clothes and others wore extravagant outfits that could only be worn once. The cultural traits of the outfits were purely determined by either preference or family history.

Yi Chen never thought of these things. He always thought his mother would pick these things for him. If she said he should wear a suit he would go with the flow as long as his mother and future wife were happy. He never thought he would be emotionally invested in his wedding until he met Zi Han.

He wanted to be a part of it and make Zi Han happy. If Zi Han wanted black he would fight his mother to the end and let his lover wear black.