
The Ascent of God

Before Issei found out about the love of OPPAI, he was met by one creature

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12 Chs

Chapter 7 Awareness

A month after Issei woke up

It was no surprise for Issei to say goodbye to Irina and her family at the last minute before they left it was a gift from Irina to Issei it was a beautiful gold cross that Irina said meant a lot to her, and so when they met again, Issei should return it to her, it was a promise between the two of them, which Irina sealed with a kiss on Issei's cheek, which made him blush, but he accepted this promise

The magical realm is a place where a huge amount of pure magical energy is concentrated the entire dimension is a planet the size of the moon which emits more energy than the sun by 2 times

A storm of magical energies raged all over the planet and the surface of the planet is covered with a crystal coating of mana of the highest quality on which two people are now standing one Axis and the other Issei in spiritual form because in physical form it will simply evaporate here into atoms

While they are here, time on earth has stopped, as it does for all supernatural beings

"How do you feel, Issei?" Axis asked Issei, who was trembling at a great distance even in his spirit form

"I can't describe this huge pressure, but at the same time it's light," he said with trembling lips.

"In this dimension, you will begin to practice your magic, you were able to learn how to train it with the ball, as I taught you and have mastered class A magic perfectly, now you need to go to the next level," he said, waving his hand, and a mountain the size of Everest appeared from the crystal mana.

"Now, in order to become more powerful, you need to erase the boundaries between spiritual energy and magical energy, so that you can master magic perfectly on the spiritual level and overcome your limits that you showed in the battle with Serafol," he said, and went to the top of the Crystal Magic Mountain

"Go all the way to the top, don't worry, there's no concept of time on this planet, so go ahead," he said, and disappeared, leaving Issei alone.

"Making a 13-year-old go this way is crazy," Issei said, and started walking very slowly.

So 1 week passed, but the mountain was not close at all

"If I continue like this, my soul will dissipate, I will be able to maintain my magic power with spirit power, but not the other way around," Issei thought, and sat down on the surface of the crystal.

"I have to curb all this magic that is gathering here all over the dimension," Issei thought, and realized why Axis had brought him to this dimension out of this very hopelessness, you can exceed your limit, you only need to look into the circle and understand what is happening and how to control all this power passing through his body

It is by passing through his body that the magic power of such scales dissipates his spirit particles a little bit at a time, and if this continues, he will be finished

Then you need to curb it and there is such a way

Issei gathered the remaining spiritual energy inside and created a bubble of spiritual energy around his body, through which the magical energy of this dimension also passed, but in small amounts from the collision with the spiritual particles in the barrier, but disintegrated into smaller particles with a spiritual aspect that Issei is able to absorb

Issei is now able to absorb magical energy and convert it into spiritual energy and vice versa

After 1 hour of energy accumulation, Issei no longer felt the huge pressure, but there was still a sense of discomfort

So Issei went on for 3 more days, on the 4th day he started running towards the mountain, but it is still very far away

As Issei ran, Axsis watched his progress from the top of the mountain

"You haven't figured out the most important thing yet," he said cryptically.

Issei continued to run, but suddenly his body weakened and he fell, writhing in pain

"Why does it hurt so much?" he thought, and let out screams of pain that were all over his body.

This continued for 5 days, until Issei regained consciousness in the same place where he had lost consciousness, and the mana energy was still flowing through the entire area

"I created a barrier, but from it, the particles of magical energy penetrated my soul as I wanted, but I couldn't completely turn them into spiritual particles," he realized, and the pain was caused by the particles that connected to his spiritual body starting to release energy from that energy, he felt such pain

Issei lay there, not knowing what to do, and when his body became completely transparent, all of his cores that he had created disappeared, and only his soul remained

His soul particle body disintegrated, leaving only the core, which also dispersed, and his particles were trapped in the vortex of the huge magic energies on this planet

Issei opened his eyes and was incredibly surprised to see huge blue bubbles there were only a billion of them right in front of his eyes these huge balls of energy danced in a vortex and then Issei realized that all these were magic particles and he himself became the size of the particle itself the size of an atom

Issei didn't know what to do, but as he watched the particles dance, Issei remembered something


"Certain body movements are able to absorb and release," Issei asked his teacher.

"Yes, there is a planet in the multiverse where the inner energy is released, so the people of this planet are able to use the elements of fire, earth, water and air, but only those who have spiritual powers in their world are able to understand all these elements and control the power of nature only with their thoughts, seeing all the movements of this nature," Issei gave his answer.

"But if a person doesn't have spiritual power ?" Issei asked

"Then he will only be able to use magic that reflects the color of his soul, your color is white, you are capable of anything, but in their world now only gray, blue, brown and red, in their world there are no more colors," Axsis replied.

"But we'll go back to this world, and let's go back to the history of this universe," Axis said.

Issei watched the movements of the particles and now in his spiritual form albeit an atomic ramer Issei began to repeat the movements of the particles to some extent and gradually his body began to change

1 month later

A huge amount of magic type energy began to appear in the orbit of the Magic Planet and a huge fichr of magic energy gathered like a tornado and right in the center of this whirlpool appeared the figure of a boy who looked to be 14 years old who was colored blue but much brighter than the fichr of mana that surrounded him it was Issei

Issei opened his blue eyes that were exuding tremendous energy and looked at his fist and clenched it and when his fist clenched his body became as solid as a spiritual body but his eyes remained blue with the beginnings of energy in them

Issei now had complete control over the flow of both spiritual and magical energies

Issei po looked at the mountain on the surface of the planet and in an instant he overcame this distance despising his teacher who was still waiting for him with a smile on his face

"I thought it would take you a year to figure it out," Axsis said.

"Yes, now I understand everything, I feel like I can destroy planets," Issei said with delight but also with understanding

Axsis put his finger on Issei's head, and Issei ended up at home on the couch with Kuroka sleeping on his lap.

"What ?" Issei said uncomprehending where is his power of God

"You were so strong from what the Migia Dimension fed you, but now that you're here, you're an ordinary person again," Axsis said, switching to MTV.

Issei didn't know whether to cry or rejoice

"But you have managed to understand something very important for yourself, so now you can control mana and spiritual energy perfectly, now the problem is only in your body," said Axsis

"True, then I'm happy, but my cores that I created were dispelled," Issei said sadly, and suddenly felt the cores of his forces again and even the Dreyga that Axsis took away before the training session

"When you were dispelled, I moved them to another place, so I will return them," he said, and went to Issei's room to play Skyrim.

"I see you've become stronger."

"Yes, it is, I can feel even you and all your power inside me and it's cracked," he said enthusiastically, and then the Office appeared with the right about him, who immediately hugged him

"Is the office all right ?" Issei asked as he stroked her head

"I just felt for a moment that you were completely gone so please don't ever leave me alone," she said very sadly, and Issei felt something wet on his shoulder.

"Don't be afraid I'll always be there for you" Issei began to feel a craving for Office that he couldn't describe yet

But the cameraman who filmed it understood that it was love

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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