
The Ascent of God

Before Issei found out about the love of OPPAI, he was met by one creature

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12 Chs

Chapter 4 Kuroka

A year later, Issei mastered the Full SS + Class Reflection Skill.

Issei is now 12 years old, although he will go to 14 Axsis trainers, they are now in the Spiritual Realm, learning class magic

"Thunder Halberd" Issei threw the thunder halberd directly at the 4-meter-tall golem and completely erased it


Issei Puchu sensed the danger from the bottom of the ground and jumped to a height of 10 meters

A huge red claw crawled out of the ground almost grabbing Issei it was a Crab 4 meters tall and 5 meters in diameter

"Analysis," Issei said, and saw all the weak points of the crab, one of them right in its mouth

Issei was still hovering above the ground with a Class A flying skill and was preparing a spell in his hand, forming a reddish sphere and flying towards the crab, dodging the pincer strikes

"Eat this" Issei threw the sphere directly into the crab's mouth and bounced 9 meters away from it



The explosion was powerful enough for the crab to completely disappear without stopping

The bomb was a class A magic, also mixed with spirit particles

"It's not bad that your body doesn't suffer from magic loads when using Class A magic, and when using Class S magic, your body doesn't suffer much at all."

"But to use the full Drive Jegernaut, you need to master the pressure endurance from SS++ class magic, which won't have any side effects," Axis replied as Issei stretched out his legs

"Teacher, maybe it's time to put all this into practice ?" Issei asked

"Hmm, I think it's really caused, then here's your task to save this girl and protect her from her pursuers," Axsis took out a photo that showed a 14-year-old girl with golden eyes and waist-length black hair, but more importantly, the girl had ears like a cat and two tails like a cat.

"Who is this ?"

"She is a very important character for the future, so try to find out for yourself," Axsis pushed Issei, and he flew into the portal

"Will you go with him?" Axis asked, Ophis who had already followed Isseyam through the portal.

In the Underworld

Issei shouted into the portal, and the Ophis flew out and landed right in Issei's arms.

"Ophis is a task only for me," Issei said, holding the Ophis in his hands

"I'll just watch," she turned into smoke and flew into Issei's soul

"Well, let's get this straight," Issey snapped.

"Clairvoyance," Issei said, and with the help of magic, he managed to see the same girl as in the photos, and through the vision, he learned her place and position

In the Underworld

Issei shouted into the portal, and the Office flew out and landed right in Issei's arms.

"The office is a task only for me," Issei said, holding the office in his hands

"I'll just watch," she turned into smoke and flew into Issei's soul

"Well, let's get this straight," Isse snapped.

"Clairvoyance," Issei said, and with the help of magic, he managed to see the same girl as in the photos, and through the vision, he learned her place and position

Kuroka POV

My name is Kuroka and I'm 13 years old and I have a sister Koneko 10 years old we had just a great life if you compare it now I killed my master for my sister and became a criminal in her eyes and the whole underworld even if Koneko doesn't know what it was for her I would do something like that for her without even thinking because I made a promise to my mother to take care of her even if she hates me or wins a prize

Now Kuroka runs through the alleys of the underworld, trying to get out of it


Kuroke was hit in the thigh with a frozen spear, stopping her movement


Now the electric spear had hit her in the heart


"Aah !!" Kuroka screamed in pain her body almost completely numb from the electric shock

"It was pretty hard to find you," said the Demon with 2 pairs of wings

"We don't have time to chat, I'll kill her," the lightning demon said, and walked over to Kuroka

Kuroka gathered the remnants of her senjutsu in her hands, preparing for a counterattack


The punch that Kuroka wanted to block just went past her, as if she was transparent like smoke

The two winged demons didn't understand what had happened, nor did the one with the lightning bolt in his hands.

"Absolute zero," a cold voice said, and the entire area within a radius of 20 meters was covered with a thin layer of pink ice that was stronger than steel and shackled 2 demons in the shackles of an ice prison

Kuroka looked at all this with surprise having already emerged from the ice from her transparent body

"So your name is Kuroka," a calm voice said.

Kuroka looked up and saw a skinny boy who was very handsome, which made her blush on her cheeks, but she didn't let her guard down

"Who are you, what do you want?" Kuroka asked

"My name is Hedo Issei, I'm not looking for trouble, I'm here to save you from your fate," Issei said in a soothing voice that made Kuroka relax

"Why did you do that?""

"Because you don't deserve the terrible fate that awaits you," he said, and held out his hand.

"I promise I won't hurt you," he said with a beautiful smile.

Kuroka blushed even more and did not know what to do, whether the stranger would run away or run away


A Purple Ball flew towards them, from which a whole sea of water literally burst out, and the same sea froze in an instant

The entire area within a radius of 800 meters was covered with ice

"I think she was here, since I'm close, I'll get it over with quickly," said Duvushka, an 18-year-old with purple eyes and black hair decorated with two pigtails on the sides.

This was Serafoll Leviophanes one of the 4 Lords of the Underworld

Issei was together with Kuroka, who he protected with his body from the explosion of such magical energy, now they are under the ice

"This is one of the 4 lords of hell, Serafoll Leviophanes, so here we are," Issei said

Kuroka approached his face and looked at him questioningly.

"Why are you doing this?" "What is it?" she asked again.

- Because I want to protect you, because the desire to protect someone close to you is not a sin-said Issei and began to accumulate Energy in his body.

On the surface

"Hey, I know you two are still alive, go over there and accept your death from the witch girl," Serafol said, waving her staff, and suddenly

BOOM !!!

A powerful explosion threw her a good distance away

"I don't feel a drop of magical energy," she said in amazement, and saw a 14-year-old boy floating in the sky above a broken block of ice, holding a wedding-style Kuroka

Serafol knew that Kuroki had the power of Senzutsu, but it wasn't her who caused this explosion, it was this child

"My name is Serafoll Leviophanes, and as one of the 4 lords of Hell, I am detaining you two, as Kuroka Tejo, on charges of killing one of the demons of the Neberius clan, as well as you, young man, in an attempt to save this prisoner," Serafoll said, pointing at them with his staff.

Issei's face was covered by a mask, and now he was in a very difficult situation, because this was just a test of his magic skills, and not a fight with one of the demon lords

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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