

As the three Combatants clashed, sword qi and sword intent was rampaging all over the stage. Flying swords were clashing mid-air as the Fourth Prince and his two opponents exchanged more than a hundred thrusts, swings, chops and any other viable form of sword attack and defence they could muster.

Unfortunately for Jui Ge and Lu Mu, the advantage they had was long gone after the Fourth Prince's switch to Xantian Martial force and his consecutive breakthroughs. He now had a strong advantage over his opponent's with them barely holding on.

After a few more exchanges they both separated over ten metres in three different directions. the Fourth Prince suffered a few cuts on his sleeves and chest, whiles his opponent Jui Ge had blood trickling down the corner of his mouth and the other painfully vomited a mouthful of blood due to the grievous internal injury he had sustained.

The reaction from the mysterious Elder could not remain subtle any more as he felt the density of the Fourth Prince's sword qi and sword intent, "Huhhh not only has he broken through to the Xantian Martial Force Realm some time ago and suppressed it, he had just undergone successive breakthroughs. This lad seems to be in the peak of the mid-stage Xantian Martial force realm. Ahhhhh good, good a progeny indeed." He sat back down in his chair.

All this was noticed by the Crowned Prince and he felt the note of anxiety in his heart tighten the more." That old geezer from the Heavens Sword Holy Land, is going to take that thud as a disciple. His achievements would be greater than mine, aahhhhhh!" He screamed inside as the wine goblet in his had shattered. He couldn't hide his fury anymore as dark lines could be seen on his forehead and from the permanent scowl on his face.

The Princess gently placed a hand on her husband's arm to calm him but it failed to achieve the intended result as he seems rather infuriated. He swung his arm to disengage her hands and kicked the table of condiments set before him for his entertainment. The Princess quickly re-adjusted herself to negate the awkward embarrassment.

By this time it dawned on almost all the spectators that the Crowned Prince might have had a hand in the shameful display of the two contestants earlier against his brother. This led to mockery and discussions of how his sabotage ended up helping his brother create a legend.

Through the arduous life-threatening fight earlier the Fourth Prince had awakened his hidden potential and that enable him to show the genius he was. The discussion soon reached the Crowned Prince's ears and he realised what they were saying was true, the evil he had planned against his brother had ended up making him shine the brightest in this tournament. Had he just allowed the young man to be, he might even have been eliminated.

Ha has unintentionally caused him to shine brightly and become the most dazzling legend in the last hundred thousand years. He was so vexed that he directly spat out a mouthful of blood and fainted. His attendant quickly propped him up and covered the fact that he had fainted.

They all stood facing off, the Fourth Prince was calm and relaxed a direct opposite to his demeanour a couple of minutes back; Jui Ge and Lu Mu both now cut a very sorry figure. Both were shaking visibly and fear could be seen on their face from how paled it had become. They had given it all they could but its clear defeat was just a matter of time.

The spectators at this point had started chanting the Fourth Prince's name, "Zi Longxie is a dragon amongst men!!, Zi Longxi is a dragon among men!!, Zi Longxi is a dragon among men!!!"

The whole arena was shaking from their heartfelt and vigorous chants. They were ecstatic and highly enthusiastic in their chant so much so that a shout from the judges powered by yunqi was not even heard. They were clapping and chanting to their heart's content. Even the organisers realised there was nothing they could do to stop them. This is millions of people shouting as one.

In the Royal Pavilion, The Crowned Prince had just awakened from his unconscious only to be met by millions of people deafening chanting his brother's name with vigour. He turned to look at the two elders the wife had bribed before the finals only to find out that one was nowhere to be seen whilst the other had fainted and was being frantically fanned.

He turned to look at the fighting stage only to see the cause of all this ruckus standing unperturbed as he prepared to pounce on his opponent like a mighty lion preparing to toy with a couple of rats. His anger flared up again resulting in him vomiting another mouthful of blood.

His complexion was completely pale as he had become an object of ridicule and jesting among his subordinates. All the respect is gone. from today onwards he would become the point of jesting all over the Empire.

"All this is that demon spawn's fault, ohhhhh, he would pay he would pay even if it's the last thing I do. " He murmured to himself in between clenched jaws. He sat up from his lying position and became so still and devoid of any emotions as the jesting continue to prick his her like a poisoned dagger.

The Fourth Prince gently tapped his foot against the stage and shot out lo,e a seasoned arrow towards his opponent's holding his dual swords as thunder flicked in and out of his whole body. He first swung his sword at LuMu, Lu Mu took the full impact of the swing as he held his sword horizontally in front of him to block.

Unfortunately, the power behind the swing was so much that he was blown backwards as both swords clashed. he landed on his buttocks and skied across the stage a few metres before rolling on the grown to stop the impact. He stood up and vomited a few mouthfuls of blood.

The Fourth Prince then pounced towards Jui Ge with a stab which he dodged and swung his sword to retaliate, the Fourth Prince thrust his right-hand sword at his pelvic region as he used the sword on the left to block Jui Ge's swing. The clashing of swords could be heard as they exchanged ten blows in rapid session. Each blow was very taxing on Jui Ge as he kept being pushed back.

Lu Mu managed to join the fight after stabilising himself. He believed that the two of them could hold a bit longer should they join forces once more. In other circumstances, he would have been right, but unfortunately, the situation didn't turn out to be the way he had wished for. They both tried their best but they were still battered and beaten Black and blue.

The cheers from the spectators were like nails being hit into their hearts by a jackhammer. It made the blows received ten times more painful. After exchanging about six blows they could barely lift their arms to parry their opponent's swings and thrusts and chops, kicks and blows.

The Fourth Prince was using them to familiarise himself with his newfound street. As their exchange continued, a few people could guess what was going on. Afterwards, the whole stadium was in an uproar as laughter which can not be controlled rocked most of the spectators. This Fourth Prince was indeed vicious, using his opponent for target practice.

Finally, the Fourth Prince imbued his sword intent into his blow as he hit Jui Ge and Lu Mu both in the torso, they were thrown backwards and both landed on their knees. As they struggle to stand up; the Fourth Prince cackled with lightning and both Jui Ge and Lu Mu were lit up as lightning struck them from above. They both fell off the stage charred Black.

There was loud applause as all the spectators stood up to give the Fourth Prince a standing ovation. Indeed this worked miracles was something else what a spectacular ending to their battle. Everyone felt those two deserved it as they had allowed themselves to be used as puppets. Their prospects are indeed bleak after this showing.

After a long and hard struggle, the Fourth Prince had worked another miracle. Two against one yet emerged victorious and created a few legends along the way. From this forth his name ZI LONGXIE shall reverberate throughout the Divine Domain and in the annals of history for generations to come. The youngest Xantian Martial Force realm cultivator and the youngest who called upon lightning to defeat his opponent. Indeed a legend has been born, how far would he go?