
The Ascension Journey of a Mortal

In the bustling heart of Saigon, the city dazzles with its duality: opulence for the affluent and desolation for the destitute. Amidst this urban chaos, a compelling saga unfolds, capturing the essence of survival, ambition, and the relentless pursuit of hope. Meet Minh, a streetwise young man with a knack for evading trouble. Despite his unassuming appearance and history of petty theft, Minh harbors a heart full of loyalty and a dream for a better life. His life is a constant chase, not just from the authorities but from his own limitations and circumstances. "Are you good at standing still?" might as well be Minh’s mantra, for his life is anything but stationary. Minh's closest confidant and moral compass is Mr. Ly, an elderly man who, despite his advanced age and destitution, possesses a wealth of wisdom. Mr. Ly has taught Minh how to read and instilled in him the value of knowledge. Their bond is not just of necessity but of mutual respect and unspoken familial ties. Minh often reflects, "I often suspect that you are a person from another world who has come here!" This suspicion is more admiration, highlighting the stark contrast between their lives and Mr. Ly's enigmatic presence. The narrative takes a mystical turn when Minh's encounters introduce him to a realm of fantastical possibilities. The tales Mr. Ly used to tell about different kinds of spiritual bodies and their abilitiessome blessed by gods to control elements like Wind and Lightning start to feel less like stories and more like hidden truths about the world Minh inhabits. This revelation begins when he meets Luu Tich Quan, a formidable woman bound by family pride and mysterious powers. Their interaction is a dance of power and secrecy, each with their own past and future to protect. Minh's struggle intensifies as he grapples with his own latent abilities and the harsh realities of the mystical world he is slowly drawn into. "Your problem is that the bitter sea recovers too quickly, it is difficult to expand, you can only rely on external support to explore," Luu Tich Quan tells Minh, hinting at the untapped potential within him and the monumental challenges he faces. His body, described as the Longevity Body, suggests he is destined for greatness but also curses him with perpetual struggle. The stakes rise as Minh becomes entangled with the powerful Luu family, known for their mastery over ancient techniques and ruthless ambition. The conflict with the Luu family is not just physical but deeply ideological, testing Minh's principles and his resolve to protect those he loves, like little Vi, who represents his hope and future. In a particularly gripping scene, Minh faces off with Luu Toan, a proud member of the Luu family. The tension is palpable, with Luu Toan underestimating Minh's tenacity. "I really don't want to offend you, I'm just forced to," Minh says, encapsulating his reluctant heroism. This moment marks the beginning of Minh’s transformation from a street survivor to a significant player in the unfolding mystical war. The narrative's climax is both a physical and spiritual battle. Minh’s journey through ancient relics, facing mythical beasts, and deciphering cryptic prophecies leads him to a profound understanding of his purpose. The encounters with other powerful entities, like Doc Co Minh and the enigmatic Nether Demon Master, push Minh to his limits, forcing him to harness his true potential. “Don't worry, I can never die,” Minh declares, embodying the resilience that defines his character. This statement is not just bravado but a testament to his undying spirit, foreshadowing his crucial role in the larger cosmic struggle. Can Minh fully realize his potential and face the harsh challenges that lie ahead? Where will this journey take him, and what secrets will be revealed in the battle between good and evil? Stay tuned to uncover the surprises and wonders still hidden within "[The Ascension Journey of a Mortal]".

Janclesio · Oriental
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43 Chs

Chapter 5: Choosing To Kill is The Opposite

In the forest, a dozen Luu family members were constantly spreading out to search.

The leader of this group of people is Luu Toan. Although his cultivation level was only in the middle stage of the Qi Condensation, everyone respected him because he had a brother at the peak of the Dao Ancestor. Among the young people of the Luu family, this person is only ranked behind Luu Binh and Luu Tich Quan, and can completely compete with the great forces in Chu Yu Empire.

- Quickly spread out and search! He's just a stupid Medic, but he hasn't been able to capture him for several days, and on the contrary, he's lost three lives.

A young woman spoke up:

- Brother Luu, although that Medicine guy is stupid, he is very fierce. From the marks on the corpses, it can be seen that their necks were bitten off by the Medicine Body. And that Medicine Body guy has a healing power that is very unimaginable, forcing him to join in, forcing him to fight back with all his might, I'm afraid there will be some losses.

Luu Toan snorted coldly:

- What is the loss worth? As long as we kill that bitch Tich Quan, brother Luu Binh will treat us well in the future. It's all worth it!

A dozen people spread out one by one. In this group, Luu Toan has the highest cultivation level, so he confidently goes alone, the rest are divided into a group of two people to search in turn.

- Naughty, bad girl Tich Quan, don't let it fall into my hands. Otherwise, when that time comes, I will definitely let you know that life is worse than death! Being able to torment the number one beauty in Chu Yu Empire, just thinking about it makes me feel so happy!

- Despise!

At this moment, a sound filled with contempt rang out behind Luu Toan.

- Who is?

Luu Toan turned around and saw only a young man in his twenties carrying Luu Tich Quan on his back. Who else besides that stupid Pharmacist?

- Ha ha, I didn't expect to come here and die!

Luu Toan looked up and laughed loudly, thinking to himself that it was God who helped him. Luckily there was no one around to witness it, so it wouldn't be too late to slowly kill the Medicine Body, rape Luu Tich Quan, steal the secret of Nine Turns Heavily Technique, and then take her head back to receive the reward.

Doc Co Minh seemed to read all his thoughts, curling her lips and smiling coldly:

- I thought my normal expression was shameless enough, but I didn't expect your expression now to be a hundred times more shameless than mine!

- Do you no longer look stupid like you always do?

Although Luu Toan was a bit surprised, he quickly ignored him, looked at Luu Tich Quan, and said coldly:

- Little sister, normally my family respects you very much. After all, you are a peerless genius. If you die, it will be a waste. Now that Luu Binh is in a strong position, you should stay away for a few years and then appear.

- I spit on it!

Doc Co Minh spat a wad of saliva onto the ground. He despises this kind of hypocrisy the most. Normally his face is friendly, but his eyes hide a fierce light, clearly wanting to plot against others.

Luu Tich Quan smiled:

- So why haven't you let us go yet?

Luu Toan calmly replied:

- With your current injury, keeping Nine Turns Heavily Technique in your body is very dangerous. Please give it to me to preserve, I swear I will never cultivate it. Waiting for the day when my injury heals, I will cooperate with you internally and externally to kill Luu Binh!

- Depends on you? A waste named Qi Condensation who doesn't know the height of the sky and the thickness of the earth! Doc Co Minh, use the tricks I taught you to kill him!

Luu Tich Quan smiled faintly and patted Doc Co Minh's shoulder.

- How dare you give me orders? When we're done, I'll slap your butt!

Doc Co Minh's words made Luu Tich Quan's throat choke, but she did not dare to react because she knew that this guy was a crazy person who dared to speak and act and should not challenge him.

Luu Toan did not have Doc Co Minh in his eyes at all:

- Kid, within three moves, if you're still alive, I'll call you grandpa!

Doc Co Minh gathered himself, his expression solemn. Although he is arrogant, he is not the type who doesn't know what he knows.

Luu Quan is a middle-stage monk of the Qi Condensation. The Qi Condensation can at least expand four thousand feet or more. His powerful magic power cannot be moved by someone who can only move the Qi Condensation of fifty feet.

In return, Doc Co Minh has Devil Dao and a first-class palm technique, all of which Luu Tich Quan took out from the Nine Turns Heavily Technique and taught him.

How powerful is Nine Turns Heavily Technique?

Although the ancient years have been buried in the flow of time, there are still extremely amazing names and legends passed down to this day.

Nine Heavens Major was once supreme in the human world, fighting all over the nine heavens and ten earths without an opponent, even fighting with the Lord of that era without falling into a disadvantageous position. Later, he leisurely destroyed the void and was rumored to have become an immortal.

Up to now, her inheritance has been inherited by Luu Tich Quan. Although it is extremely difficult to reach the ninth stage and the days are still long, the magic in it is enough for Luu Tich Quan to be able to show off the young genius in the world, not to mention just kill a loyal Qi Condensation.

The problem here is that Doc Co Minh has never fought with a cultivator, nor is he skilled in controlling spiritual energy.

Luu Toan began to attack, the pressure of the Qi Condensation was released, almost completely crushing Doc Co Minh.

Next, he held the seal with both hands, and a huge "Neck" word appeared in the air, shooting towards Doc Co Minh.

- Quickly use Devil Dao to dodge, that's the Neck Ancient decision, with you now you can't be tough enough to collide!

Sensing the danger, Doc Co Minh immediately used his footwork, his body suddenly retreating a hundred steps away. It cannot be said that the middle-stage monk Qi Condensation is too strong, that terrifying pressure alone is enough to crush him to death, let alone the word "Neck" floating in the air.

- Although Devil Dao is powerful, how much can it be used in the hands of a piece of waste?

The word "Neck" hit the place where Doc Co Minh had just disappeared, the ground immediately exploded, three or four ancient trees nearby also fell, the destructive power was too strong.

Luu Toan smiled coldly and continued to spit out the second-word "Neck". He believed that the Medicine Body certainly could not continue to maintain the hidden technique for too many times.

Oh! Another land exploded, Doc Co Minh was lucky to keep one life.

- Can you still run?

Looking at Doc Co Minh's messy hair, his ragged clothes, his mouth breathing heavily, and having to carry Luu Tich Quan on his shoulders to fight, it was clear that he was at the end of his strength.

- It should stop!

Luu Toan's face turned serious, the third word "Neck" appeared. Another explosion rang out, he laughed loudly, believing that the Medicine Body was dead.

- Laugh at you bitch! Three moves later, I'm still alive. Call me grandpa!

- Stupid language, go away!

Luu Toan was completely mad. Although Neck Ancient is not a top-level technique, it is still very famous. It was enough to make Luu Toan proud in the Qi Condensation clan in his family, but now he could beat a Qi Condensation fifty times without being able to die.

- It's not that the Neck Ancient is weak, it's that Devil Dao is too strange!

Luu Toan continuously attacked more than ten times, hitting rocks and soil flying into the sky. More than fifty ancient trees were flattened, but Doc Co Minh still leisurely dodged.

- You've fought so much, now it should be my turn!

Suddenly, a long scream rang out behind Luu Toan. Taking advantage of his carelessness, Doc Co Minh sneaked up behind him without realizing it.

- Penetrate the Heart!

Luu Toan only felt a stream of cold, soft but poisonous spiritual energy penetrating his heart, making him unable to help but spit out a mouthful of fresh blood.

- Bastard son, die!

Even though he was seriously injured, Luu Toan still managed to turn around and deliver a heavy punch to Doc Co Minh's chest.

Doc Co Minh fell backward, his chest bone crushed. Even though you are a Longevity Body, in this situation of continuous fighting, it is very difficult to recover too quickly.

Luu Toan was completely angry. He waved his hand, and a blue sword rushed out from the ocean and slashed at Doc Co Minh. He did not want to continue entangling himself any longer, determined to quickly finish off the enemy.

- Why can you still use the secret technique? How powerful is your spiritual power?

Being seriously injured and having to control the flying sword continuously, Luu Toan was about to be unable to bear it. But the most hateful thing was that the Medicine Body was too strong, continuously using Devil Dao non-stop, causing him to drain his strength.

- If you say it, it will scare you to death!

Oh! This time Doc Co Minh was successful, a palm hit Luu Toan directly in the chest, causing his heart to shatter into a hundred pieces, causing him to die on the spot.

Even so, Doc Co Minh also collapsed. It's not like he can restore spiritual power continuously without paying a price. Through this battle, he discovered that every time his spiritual energy ran out, the Qi Condensation would withdraw a part of his blood's essence to replenish it.

This is very important. Blood essence is reduced, and the ability to recover from injuries also slows down. Even now, after the end of the battle, the wound on his chest still exists, blood oozing out crimson all over the hem of his shirt.

- Well, it seems like my Qi Condensation can expand a little more.

Doc Co Minh happily said loudly as she checked her body.

Luu Tich Quan thought for a moment and then replied:

- Your problem is that the bitter sea recovers too quickly, it is difficult to expand, you can only rely on external support to explore. But taking too many medicinal pills is not good, it will leave trouble in the future, and it will also make your magic power not strong enough. Fighting continuously, reducing blood essence, will have the same effect!

Doc Co Minh nodded, then tried feeding. Sure enough, the speed of exploring the Qi Condensation is much faster than before. In an instant, it reached one hundred and fifty feet.

- One fierce battle is three times more effective than taking medicine! Hmm, from now on, I absolutely can't take drugs anymore!

He stood up. Although he could still practice, he felt that other members of the Luu family had begun to chase him.

The person who appeared was the young girl who advised Luu Toan to be cautious. Seeing Luu Toan collapsed on the ground, she expressed disbelief.

- You are a mortal, how can you kill Big Brother Toan?

- What does he think? Today I will kill all of you!

Doc Co Minh said coldly. His figure flashed, and in just a split second, he beat this young girl to death.

Luu Tich Quan could not help but be silent:

- Your actions are so fierce, not at all like someone who has just struggled to cultivate the Pseudo Immortal world...

- I have no practical experience, but my stomach is full of fairy tales. Isn't this your world without laws and restrictions? It's completely a big fish swallowing a small fish. If I don't kill them, I will almost turn into a pool of blood on the ground!

He was originally not as young as he looks now, on earth he was twenty-six years old. He spent almost all his life in the slums. One is to hit others, the other is to be beaten by others. Of course, there is still a third option, which is to run away.

He ran away, not necessarily because he couldn't fight back, but because he couldn't hurt his opponent too seriously, the police would immediately arrest him.

But coming to this world, he has one more choice. He can kill back!

- Remember, you are not chasing and killing me. But I chase and kill you, using you to achieve myself...

After three hours, more than a dozen people in the Luu family's pursuit group were killed by him.

Fighting for a while brings great results. His is Qi Condensation increased to eight hundred zhang in one go, his progress made others speechless.

It is not difficult to understand that his spiritual energy intake speed is comparable to that of the pseudo Immortal. Once he is no longer suppressed by the immortal recovery ability of the Longevity Body, he will naturally move forward.