
The Ascension Journey of a Mortal

In the bustling heart of Saigon, the city dazzles with its duality: opulence for the affluent and desolation for the destitute. Amidst this urban chaos, a compelling saga unfolds, capturing the essence of survival, ambition, and the relentless pursuit of hope. Meet Minh, a streetwise young man with a knack for evading trouble. Despite his unassuming appearance and history of petty theft, Minh harbors a heart full of loyalty and a dream for a better life. His life is a constant chase, not just from the authorities but from his own limitations and circumstances. "Are you good at standing still?" might as well be Minh’s mantra, for his life is anything but stationary. Minh's closest confidant and moral compass is Mr. Ly, an elderly man who, despite his advanced age and destitution, possesses a wealth of wisdom. Mr. Ly has taught Minh how to read and instilled in him the value of knowledge. Their bond is not just of necessity but of mutual respect and unspoken familial ties. Minh often reflects, "I often suspect that you are a person from another world who has come here!" This suspicion is more admiration, highlighting the stark contrast between their lives and Mr. Ly's enigmatic presence. The narrative takes a mystical turn when Minh's encounters introduce him to a realm of fantastical possibilities. The tales Mr. Ly used to tell about different kinds of spiritual bodies and their abilitiessome blessed by gods to control elements like Wind and Lightning start to feel less like stories and more like hidden truths about the world Minh inhabits. This revelation begins when he meets Luu Tich Quan, a formidable woman bound by family pride and mysterious powers. Their interaction is a dance of power and secrecy, each with their own past and future to protect. Minh's struggle intensifies as he grapples with his own latent abilities and the harsh realities of the mystical world he is slowly drawn into. "Your problem is that the bitter sea recovers too quickly, it is difficult to expand, you can only rely on external support to explore," Luu Tich Quan tells Minh, hinting at the untapped potential within him and the monumental challenges he faces. His body, described as the Longevity Body, suggests he is destined for greatness but also curses him with perpetual struggle. The stakes rise as Minh becomes entangled with the powerful Luu family, known for their mastery over ancient techniques and ruthless ambition. The conflict with the Luu family is not just physical but deeply ideological, testing Minh's principles and his resolve to protect those he loves, like little Vi, who represents his hope and future. In a particularly gripping scene, Minh faces off with Luu Toan, a proud member of the Luu family. The tension is palpable, with Luu Toan underestimating Minh's tenacity. "I really don't want to offend you, I'm just forced to," Minh says, encapsulating his reluctant heroism. This moment marks the beginning of Minh’s transformation from a street survivor to a significant player in the unfolding mystical war. The narrative's climax is both a physical and spiritual battle. Minh’s journey through ancient relics, facing mythical beasts, and deciphering cryptic prophecies leads him to a profound understanding of his purpose. The encounters with other powerful entities, like Doc Co Minh and the enigmatic Nether Demon Master, push Minh to his limits, forcing him to harness his true potential. “Don't worry, I can never die,” Minh declares, embodying the resilience that defines his character. This statement is not just bravado but a testament to his undying spirit, foreshadowing his crucial role in the larger cosmic struggle. Can Minh fully realize his potential and face the harsh challenges that lie ahead? Where will this journey take him, and what secrets will be revealed in the battle between good and evil? Stay tuned to uncover the surprises and wonders still hidden within "[The Ascension Journey of a Mortal]".

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43 Chs

Chapter 23: Real and Fake

- Demon race, you dare to betray the six paths with the human race, do you know what the consequences will be?

Khuc Thuy struck with a whisk, the void was torn apart, the Great Emperor-level war made heaven and earth seem to shatter, completely unable to withstand the pressure.

Below Khuc Thuy's feet, countless humans and fairies, unable to withstand the aftershocks of his magical powers, exploded and turned into dust.

- You are truly evil! Even my own race is not spared!

If you control those aftershocks with your mind, you can control them, but clearly Khuc Thuy doesn't want to. In his eyes, other than the strong men of Ung Kiep and above, all were ants and their deaths were not regrettable.

- Heaven and earth are merciless, all things are compared to dogs. I have cultivated myself to the level of the Great Emperor, but do I still have any human kindness left in my heart?

Khuc Thuy released a giant palm seal towards Doc Co Minh, the feathers of the feather duster in his hand simultaneously shot out like octopus tentacles, constantly forcing him to retreat.

- Screw! In that case, you are a dog, your parents are dogs, and your eighteen generations of ancestors are also dogs!

The Fire Flame blade swung wildly in the air, Doc Co Minh continued to curse while fighting, causing the monks below to widen their eyes, unable to believe that these were words coming out of the mouth of a supreme King Minh.

- Diem La, you are a Great Emperor but your actions and words are so loose, today I will conquer you, Khuc Thuy!

Khuc Thuy is truly very powerful, just that Juran dusting wand alone made Doc Co Minh panic. The reason is easy to understand because even in the dream world, Khuc Thuy's fighting level is at the Emperor level, while Doc Co Minh is only Qi Condensation, when fighting, he still has to carry Tran Man Dao in his heart. Now, even though we try our best, we only succeed at the level of preserving our lives.

- This rotten Taoist with a chicken feather broom is really difficult to deal with...

Doc Co Minh remained silent, the more he fought, the more he fell into a losing position. If a monk with the level of the Qi Condensation could defeat an emperor-level monk, the world would truly turn upside down.

Tran Man Dao trembled and said:

- Minh Vuong let me go, so I can deal with him wholeheartedly. I understand King Minh's heart, Man Dao died without resentment or regret!

Doc Co Minh sighed without answering, his left hand hugged Tran Man Dao's waist even tighter:

- Diem La, surrender your life!

Khuc Thuy rode the clouds and rushed forward, a green gourd suddenly appeared, emitting a powerful suction force that wanted to suck Doc Co Minh inside.

- This time it's over, I didn't expect Brahma of the fairy world to be so powerful...

Doc Co Minh's face was solemn, he used all his spiritual power to barely escape the gourd but was immediately hit by a whisk, not even having time to use his magical powers.

Just when he thought he had to bury his life here, Mong Tieu Pham's voice suddenly appeared from afar:

- Who dares to bully my little brother Diem La!

Doc Co Minh's face was as black as coal, he didn't understand when he became this guy's little brother. But in terms of position among the Ten Great King Minh, Giang Tam The is truly one step above Diem La.

- Giang Tam The, you came at the right time. Today I want to personally capture the two King Minh and bring them back to the fairy world as military status!

- So let's see if you have this skill! Four Faces and Eight Rats!

Mong Tieu Pham screamed loudly, eight arms suddenly sprouted from his sides, and three more heads appeared on his neck, with a strange shape but an extremely powerful aura.

This is the true body of King Giang Tam The Minh. Legend has it that he used this posture to step on Dai Tu Tai Thien's head with his right foot and his left foot on Thien Phi O Ma's body. Both are two extremely famous Great Emperors the voice of the two-world demon. Although he did not kill him, his strength was completely overwhelming, worthy of the title of king among the Great Emperor.

Having Mong Tieu Pham join the fight made Doc Co Minh breathe easier. He began testing all kinds of attacks and magical powers on Khuc Thuy.

The path of Yama is the path of fire and the path of time. Among them, the path of fire has reached great success, while the path of time has only just reached small completion. Every time Doc Co Minh used fire, it caused the whole place to be engulfed in fire karma, countless soldiers of the fairy world were burned in this fire. Although the path of time is only small, its power cannot be underestimated. Each slash of the blade takes away years from the enemy. Even as powerful as Khuc Thuy, it's still a bit unbearable.

- I'll burn your feather broom to the ground!

Doc Co Minh screamed loudly, and the fire karma covered Khuc Thuy's dustpan, burning it until only a bare white bone remained. Khuc Thuy changed color and tried to take the bone back, but Mong Tieu Pham clung to him and wouldn't let go.

- Ha ha, you're the Brahma of the fairy world but you're so stingy, you used dog bones to add a few chicken feathers to make the Emperor Treasure...

- Diem La, as a Great Emperor, you have such a vulgar tongue, don't you know any shame?

Khuc Thuy started to lose his temper a bit.

- What is shame? Can you eat it? The rotten Taoist attacks!

Doc Co Minh laughed, his left hand holding Tran Man Dao in his arms, his right hand holding the Hoa Diem knife to slash Tue Nguyet down, depriving Khuc Thuy of ten thousand years of life.

- Although your strength is strong, your combat experience is far inferior to mine. Since when has the Hell become so weak?

Despite suffering constant losses, Khuc Thuy still easily overturned the boat in the ditch and turned back to counterattack, causing the two men to spit out blood.

- Damn, it's true that being injured in the secret realm will also affect the soul!

They both discovered that their previous guess was correct.

- Today, Khuc Thuy, I will single-handedly destroy the two great King Minh of the Hell!

Khuc Thuy's hair was messy. Although he struggled extremely, he was still about to win in the end.

- Huh!

At the time of the toughest battle, a "Huh" suddenly echoed in the air.

- Death Seal!

Sat Tieu Thien appeared in cold black clothes. In this secret realm, his identity is Quan Do Loi, the leader of the Ten Great King Minh, almost as terrifying as Real Estate.

Khuc Thuy changed color and shouted loudly:

- Quan Do Loi, you even come here as a half-step World Lord to besiege me? Shameless!

Sat Tieu Thien didn't say a word, he continuously made hand seals to beat Khuc Thuy and spit out nine mouthfuls of blood. Obviously, if the three King Minh join forces to fight a Brahma, even if there is a difference in combat experience, it can be bridged.

- You rotten Taoist, Doc Co Minh, I'm holding a beauty with one hand, just using the other hand is enough to kill you!

Hearing that, Tran Man Dao was nestled in Doc Co Minh's arms, her cheeks turned pink. For some reason, being next to him made her feel extremely warm.

- Diem La, you are too shameless, you three clearly surrounded me!

Khuc Thuy's anger and anger spat out another mouthful of blood. Mong Tieu Pham was surprised:

- The elaborate cursing was so profound that it seriously injured a Great Emperor.

- The ancients used his stick to beat his back, while Diem La used Khuc Thuy's dog bone to beat his own back!

His hand grabbed the white bone of the destroyed bamboo whisk and slammed it on Khuc Thuy's back, causing Doc Co Minh to laugh again.

- Diem La, fuck...

Even the highly virtuous Brahma could not help but curse out loud in anger. But Khuc Thuy was so stunned that he almost fainted when he saw Doc Co Minh retreating, pointing straight at him and saying:

- You are too shameless, I respected your old age and took you in hand, treating you with courtesy, but you don't know how to be shameless and still curse my mother?

- I hate...

Khuc Thuy raised his face to the sky and roared, he was so frustrated that he wanted to commit suicide. But after calming down, he turned into a stream of white smoke and ran away. Even the three King Minh could not hold back with all their strength.

Doc Co Minh looked at Sat Tieu Thien and nodded and said:

- Thanks!

Sat Tieu Thien's face was still cold as ice, his expression was indifferent, as if nothing in this world could make him feel interesting.

- Don't thank me! The Great Emperors of ancient times were too powerful. If we fight alone, we will die. Only by joining forces can we use the Great Emperor in our dreams as a whetstone to test our magical powers!

Mong Tieu Pham excitedly said:

- Brother Sat's idea is very good, so for now let's join forces to fight the Emperor. After the matter is over, divide it up and compete for fair inheritance...

Sat Tieu Thien glanced at Tran Man Dao who was being held by Doc Co Minh:

- This is a dream, you are just as attached to it as Hua Do, it really disappoints me.

Being stared at by the leader of the Ten Great King Minh, Tran Man Dao lowered her head in fear, but Doc Co Minh's arm holding her waist suddenly squeezed her hard, forcing her to raise her head again.

- How can you compare that? Hua Do is infatuated with lust, while I hold a beauty in my arms, step on the earth, and have a heroic demeanor that no one can compare to...

Sat Tieu Thien didn't say anything again, so he remained silent, turned around, and flew straight to the forbidden area for the fairies, intending to find the Great Emperor to fight.

Mong Tieu Pham and Doc Co Minh also quickly followed.

The three of them fought against the Great Emperor for seven days, and their combat experience improved a lot.

Mong Tieu Pham's righteous energy is strong, his sword energy is everywhere.

Sat Tieu Thien was cold and silent, his hands continuously making powerful and unparalleled seals.

As for Doc Co Minh, he held the beauty in his arms, his gestures were wild and extravagant, his Fire Flame blade swept across the forbidden area of ​​the fairies.

- At the end, I didn't expect the three of us working together to kill a Brahma!

Mong Tieu Pham was extremely excited. They were just Qi Condensation juniors. Even though they had few enemies, their achievements were already amazing.

- Goodbye, the next time we meet again we will be mortal enemies!

Sat Tieu Thien coldly left. This person almost never shows any emotions, making the other person's heart feel cold.

- Brother Doc Co, I'm going back to seclusion, in a few days it will be time to worship the Ghost Lord, see you later!

They all left, leaving only Doc Co Minh and Tran Man Dao behind.

Letting go of Tran Man Dao, he raised his hand to his mouth and coughed:

- Okay, everyone broke up, you and I should break up too!

Tran Man Dao was stunned, her eyes were red:

- Does Minh Vuong not need Man Dao anymore?

Doc Co Minh sighed:

- If you don't step on your own, how can you become a strong person? Being with me only makes you dependent, from now on you are free. I took you to fight against the Great Emperor Immortals because I wanted you to erase your inferiority complex and not let my heart go to waste...

- Minh Vuong...

Tran Man Dao looked at him for a long time, tears flowing out, and finally said:

- The six realms are extremely dangerous, the path to practice is full of thorns. One day, Man Dao dies and sinks into samsara without meeting Minh Vuong one last time...

Doc Co Minh smiled, suddenly picked up Tran Man Dao's soft hand, and turned her palm over.

- This is?

Looking at the red flower mark in his palm gradually appearing, Tran Man Dao asked in surprise.

- This is the Azalea flower in my hometown. I really like this flower because it symbolizes memories. If I really have the chance to meet again, just by seeing this flower mark I will immediately recognize you...

Although Doc Co Minh said so, he felt a little uncomfortable in his heart. This was clearly a dream, but he was so absorbed in it, saying goodbye to an illusory character, but deep down he felt a sense of loss and sadness.

- Thank you, Minh Vuong, if I accidentally fall into reincarnation, I will still come find you in my next life...

For the first time, a radiant smile appeared on Tran Man Dao's lips. Next, she turned away, and shortly after completely disappeared from Doc Co Minh's sight.

He stood still in mid-air, looking dazed.

- Is it fake? But why are emotions real?

There is no answer, perhaps only by waiting for this mysterious scene to end and finding Thao Thiet to inquire will we know the details.