
The Ascension Journey of a Mortal

In the bustling heart of Saigon, the city dazzles with its duality: opulence for the affluent and desolation for the destitute. Amidst this urban chaos, a compelling saga unfolds, capturing the essence of survival, ambition, and the relentless pursuit of hope. Meet Minh, a streetwise young man with a knack for evading trouble. Despite his unassuming appearance and history of petty theft, Minh harbors a heart full of loyalty and a dream for a better life. His life is a constant chase, not just from the authorities but from his own limitations and circumstances. "Are you good at standing still?" might as well be Minh’s mantra, for his life is anything but stationary. Minh's closest confidant and moral compass is Mr. Ly, an elderly man who, despite his advanced age and destitution, possesses a wealth of wisdom. Mr. Ly has taught Minh how to read and instilled in him the value of knowledge. Their bond is not just of necessity but of mutual respect and unspoken familial ties. Minh often reflects, "I often suspect that you are a person from another world who has come here!" This suspicion is more admiration, highlighting the stark contrast between their lives and Mr. Ly's enigmatic presence. The narrative takes a mystical turn when Minh's encounters introduce him to a realm of fantastical possibilities. The tales Mr. Ly used to tell about different kinds of spiritual bodies and their abilitiessome blessed by gods to control elements like Wind and Lightning start to feel less like stories and more like hidden truths about the world Minh inhabits. This revelation begins when he meets Luu Tich Quan, a formidable woman bound by family pride and mysterious powers. Their interaction is a dance of power and secrecy, each with their own past and future to protect. Minh's struggle intensifies as he grapples with his own latent abilities and the harsh realities of the mystical world he is slowly drawn into. "Your problem is that the bitter sea recovers too quickly, it is difficult to expand, you can only rely on external support to explore," Luu Tich Quan tells Minh, hinting at the untapped potential within him and the monumental challenges he faces. His body, described as the Longevity Body, suggests he is destined for greatness but also curses him with perpetual struggle. The stakes rise as Minh becomes entangled with the powerful Luu family, known for their mastery over ancient techniques and ruthless ambition. The conflict with the Luu family is not just physical but deeply ideological, testing Minh's principles and his resolve to protect those he loves, like little Vi, who represents his hope and future. In a particularly gripping scene, Minh faces off with Luu Toan, a proud member of the Luu family. The tension is palpable, with Luu Toan underestimating Minh's tenacity. "I really don't want to offend you, I'm just forced to," Minh says, encapsulating his reluctant heroism. This moment marks the beginning of Minh’s transformation from a street survivor to a significant player in the unfolding mystical war. The narrative's climax is both a physical and spiritual battle. Minh’s journey through ancient relics, facing mythical beasts, and deciphering cryptic prophecies leads him to a profound understanding of his purpose. The encounters with other powerful entities, like Doc Co Minh and the enigmatic Nether Demon Master, push Minh to his limits, forcing him to harness his true potential. “Don't worry, I can never die,” Minh declares, embodying the resilience that defines his character. This statement is not just bravado but a testament to his undying spirit, foreshadowing his crucial role in the larger cosmic struggle. Can Minh fully realize his potential and face the harsh challenges that lie ahead? Where will this journey take him, and what secrets will be revealed in the battle between good and evil? Stay tuned to uncover the surprises and wonders still hidden within "[The Ascension Journey of a Mortal]".

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43 Chs

Chapter 19: The Last Emperor

The two sides chased each other into an ancient relic. It seemed like there was some strong prohibition in this place that made the Six-Tailed Snake afraid to chase quickly. The Snake moved slowly and carefully.

Doc Co Minh saw that it was an ancient beast of the Nascent Soul realm but was still so scared, he also understood that this was a very dangerous place, so he should not run around.

- There are many restrictions under his feet that contain a destructive aura, even if Ung Kiep touches them, he will be seriously injured. You must follow my instructions!

Luu Tich Quan was solemn and began to mentally calculate many difficult terms in his mouth, then instructed him to move.

- The foot stepping to the left is the palace, stepping on it will create a Horizon battle, you should walk back two steps then go six steps right...

After a while of chaotic walking, the two were able to escape the pursuit of Six-Tailed Snake, but when they turned back, they still saw that it had not given up, its giant body blocking the exit, its red mouth wide open hissed fiercely.

- You really know so many things, even the formations are so proficient?

It's rare to hear Doc Co Minh say a kind sentence, Luu Tich Quan immediately smiled smugly:

- It was my father who went to Northern Region to bring back a book called Mai Hoa Dich, which recorded many ancient formations. In my free time, I used to research it.

- You have a really good father...

Every time he heard about this senior Luu Tong, Doc Co Minh couldn't help but sigh deeply. He also wished to have a father like that, always willing to protect him unconditionally, love and care for him. If his wish comes true, he will even agree to give up cultivating religion and live with his parents all his life.

- Don't be sad, I can help you search later when I recover my cultivation level. Your parents seem to still be alive...

- What?

Doc Co Minh was startled and asked again. The parents he longed for were actually on earth, and the parents of this body, no matter how hard he tried to force them, seemed strange and without any emotion.

Luu Tich Quan said:

- My family found you in a mortal village. They say you were sent there by your parents when you were four years old. Your parents asked the villagers to take care of you, waiting for you to come pick you up when you grow up. The token they gave to the villagers was an old piece of bronze-colored jade. Unfortunately, I searched for you forever but still couldn't find it...

Old bronze-colored jade!

These six words were like lightning striking Doc Co Minh's ears.

Before, he always thought that his soul traveled through time and brought the ancient jade to this world, but why is there now news that the ancient jade was given to him by the parents of this body?

- Is this the shape of ancient jade?

He picked up a dry branch and drew it on the ground. Luu Tich Quan nodded in surprise:

- That's right, do you keep it?

Doc Co Minh did not answer but sat down on the ground, looking dazed.

How did it all end up? Did he travel from Earth to come here to become an Eternal Being, or was he originally an Eternal Being but dreamed of becoming an Earthling? When the dream ends is when he regains his intelligence and returns to real life?

- Where is that village?

Doc Co Minh emotionally held Luu Tich Quan's hand. To confirm this suspicion, of course, we must start from that village.

Luu Tich Quan felt a sharp pain in his arm and uncomfortably pulled away:

- Hanh Hoa village, Quan Khau district, Kunlun mountain...

- You're lying, there is no Kunlun mountain in this world. How could there be such a coincidence?

Doc Co Minh's expression became fierce, he held Luu Tich Quan's hand even tighter, but in the end, she was able to free him. She didn't know how to calm him down, so she could only slap him hard.

- Who am I and where do I come from? Longevity Body is cursed to live in ignorance for the rest of his life. Is it possible that during that time of ignorance, we fantasized ourselves into an illusory world, and this illusory world was created from real places and people outside?

Doan Chi Binh, Begonia sect exists.

Tieu Nu and the True Dragon clan also exist.

Even Prince Linh Minh of the Shi Hau clan is related to the legend of Sun Wukong.

Did he create a world based on what he heard later in his delusion?

- Definitely not!

Doc Co Minh calmed down, his eyes flashing with a determined light. If you want to know the truth, the only way is to investigate until the end.

- Okay, first we have to see where this is, is there another exit?

Seeing that Luu Tich Quan was no longer crazy, he felt relieved and began to examine the ancient characters on the ruined walls of an ancient palace.

- Hey, look!

Doc Co Minh looked at Luu Tich Quan's finger and discovered a few pictures. Although hundreds of thousands of years of time had made them blurry and almost unrecognizable, one could still guess that they were drawing the Nether Demon Master and the Ten Great Kings.

The first painting depicts the famous demon leading from ancient times and modern times leading ten great generals, behind thousands of underworld soldiers fighting with another equally powerful force hidden in the rolling dark clouds.

In the second picture, although the Hell won, it had to pay a terrible price. Six of the ten Minh Vien soldiers died in battle. The Nether Demon Lord stood in front of these six graves, raised his face to the sky, and roared mournfully.

The third painting was the most severely damaged, leaving only the image of a stone stele lying alone in the dark abyss, with four ancient words engraved on it, scrawled but filled with anger. The moment they saw these four words, both Luu Tich Quan and Doc Co Minh spat out a mouthful of blood at the same time, their hearts were almost shattered, but fortunately, at this moment, a familiar warm feeling came from the depths of Doc Co Minh's soul. Resolve that terrible resentment, otherwise he and Luu Tich Quan would definitely die here.

"U Minh Chi's Tomb"!

The last painting depicts a King Minh with a fierce face, just a glance is enough to make people scared to the core, the demonic force in his hand condenses into the shape of a double short sword head thrust straight forward.

His opponents were five white-shirted strongmen with the same aura as the Ten Great Kings.

Luu Tich Quan and Doc Co Minh could only see this far, the paintings behind were completely destroyed, it was impossible to see clearly what was being depicted.

- It seems that all Nine Turns Heavily Technique have died, even the Nether Demon Lord is still lost, only one Minh Vuong remains. This person is unmatched in terror, single-handedly fighting five strong men of the same level. Even though I don't know if I can win, it's still amazing!

Luu Tich Quan analyzed.

Doc Co Minh suddenly remembered the mysterious coffin in the sky of the first secret realm, thinking about his conjectures. Finally realized that the person lying in the coffin was the last Minh Vuong.

- He did not die but killed all the strong enemies, then used the last bit of magic power to seal the Hell Gioi, creating a formation to collect essence in the hope of resurrecting after hundreds of thousands of years, and at the same time searching for Passing on the descendants to the nine lost King Minh and Demon Lords.

- Who exactly is this King Minh that is so terrifying?

Luu Tich Quan tried to search his memory, and finally said in surprise:

- This must be Minh Vuong, the biological brother of the Nether Demon Master. Only he has such an extremely terrifying appearance. I didn't realize it just now because the painting didn't depict the two weapons Kriten and Jian Sword, the six-world-shattering Emperor of Minh Vuong. Legend has it that King Minh's natural talent is one level higher than that of Nether Demon Lord. It's just that the opportunity is not enough, and the enemy plans to harm him, causing his cultivation to be unable to break through for the rest of his life, forever stopping in the Great Emperor.

- The underworld is destroyed, only King Minh Vuong is still alive, this means that the paintings here are all created by his own hands. Does he want future generations to know what happened during that taboo period in ancient times?

Doc Co Minh had another guess.

- You have to go deep into this palace to know what King Minh Dong left behind!

The two looked at the ruined road leading into the palace, intuitively telling them that inside was hiding something extremely terrifying, it could be an ancient secret, it could also be ancient. The beast is comparable to the sleeping Great Emperor, but we cannot rule out the possibility that the inheritance of King Minh is buried here.

Just when they were wondering whether they should enter or not, from outside the ruins suddenly came a deafening sound, the great perfection of AncestorSoul's aura spread throughout the world, and there was the mournful hiss of the Six-Tailed Snake mixed in there.

- Harsh beast, because of you, Hua Do, I had to spend my only life-protecting talisman. When I take over the inheritance of King Minh and come back, I will collect your flesh and blood and bones!

- It's Hua Do of Begonia sect!

Doc Co Minh's mouth curled into a cold smile. This guy once joined hands with Kim Thien Chi and Prince Linh Minh to try to kill him. Fortunately, at that time, there were Tieu Mich Nhi, Ly Mat, and a powerful Begonia sect to stop them, otherwise, the consequences would be unpredictable.

- Wait for Hua Do to come here so we can stop and kill him!

Previously, if he had encountered Hua Do, Doc Co Minh would have had to run away. But now his cultivation base has broken through and jumped straight into the Qi Condensation of thirty-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine feet, even stronger than Hua Do by three thousand feet.

After waiting for a long time, I finally saw Hua Do appear. As he walked, he laughed loudly, looking pleased:

- I, True Great Dao, spent 100,000 years continuously collecting information about King Minh, and spent another 200,000 years waiting for the forbidden area to open, penetrating inside to investigate where he hid his inheritance. . Finally, it's time to reap the fruits of our lives! The world only knows that Immortal King Minh's realm is inferior to U Minh Demon Lord but does not know that he was considered by the Great God Ba Luan to be the most talented in ancient times. If Vuong Minh Vuong had not been plotted by the immortals, his achievements would have even surpassed that of Ba Luan Dai Than, becoming the greatest powerhouse. As soon as the Spirit Gathering comes out, no one in heaven and earth dares to compete!