
The Ascension Journey of a Mortal

In the bustling heart of Saigon, the city dazzles with its duality: opulence for the affluent and desolation for the destitute. Amidst this urban chaos, a compelling saga unfolds, capturing the essence of survival, ambition, and the relentless pursuit of hope. Meet Minh, a streetwise young man with a knack for evading trouble. Despite his unassuming appearance and history of petty theft, Minh harbors a heart full of loyalty and a dream for a better life. His life is a constant chase, not just from the authorities but from his own limitations and circumstances. "Are you good at standing still?" might as well be Minh’s mantra, for his life is anything but stationary. Minh's closest confidant and moral compass is Mr. Ly, an elderly man who, despite his advanced age and destitution, possesses a wealth of wisdom. Mr. Ly has taught Minh how to read and instilled in him the value of knowledge. Their bond is not just of necessity but of mutual respect and unspoken familial ties. Minh often reflects, "I often suspect that you are a person from another world who has come here!" This suspicion is more admiration, highlighting the stark contrast between their lives and Mr. Ly's enigmatic presence. The narrative takes a mystical turn when Minh's encounters introduce him to a realm of fantastical possibilities. The tales Mr. Ly used to tell about different kinds of spiritual bodies and their abilitiessome blessed by gods to control elements like Wind and Lightning start to feel less like stories and more like hidden truths about the world Minh inhabits. This revelation begins when he meets Luu Tich Quan, a formidable woman bound by family pride and mysterious powers. Their interaction is a dance of power and secrecy, each with their own past and future to protect. Minh's struggle intensifies as he grapples with his own latent abilities and the harsh realities of the mystical world he is slowly drawn into. "Your problem is that the bitter sea recovers too quickly, it is difficult to expand, you can only rely on external support to explore," Luu Tich Quan tells Minh, hinting at the untapped potential within him and the monumental challenges he faces. His body, described as the Longevity Body, suggests he is destined for greatness but also curses him with perpetual struggle. The stakes rise as Minh becomes entangled with the powerful Luu family, known for their mastery over ancient techniques and ruthless ambition. The conflict with the Luu family is not just physical but deeply ideological, testing Minh's principles and his resolve to protect those he loves, like little Vi, who represents his hope and future. In a particularly gripping scene, Minh faces off with Luu Toan, a proud member of the Luu family. The tension is palpable, with Luu Toan underestimating Minh's tenacity. "I really don't want to offend you, I'm just forced to," Minh says, encapsulating his reluctant heroism. This moment marks the beginning of Minh’s transformation from a street survivor to a significant player in the unfolding mystical war. The narrative's climax is both a physical and spiritual battle. Minh’s journey through ancient relics, facing mythical beasts, and deciphering cryptic prophecies leads him to a profound understanding of his purpose. The encounters with other powerful entities, like Doc Co Minh and the enigmatic Nether Demon Master, push Minh to his limits, forcing him to harness his true potential. “Don't worry, I can never die,” Minh declares, embodying the resilience that defines his character. This statement is not just bravado but a testament to his undying spirit, foreshadowing his crucial role in the larger cosmic struggle. Can Minh fully realize his potential and face the harsh challenges that lie ahead? Where will this journey take him, and what secrets will be revealed in the battle between good and evil? Stay tuned to uncover the surprises and wonders still hidden within "[The Ascension Journey of a Mortal]".

Janclesio · Oriental
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43 Chs

Chapter 14: Celestial Battle

Doc Co Minh was extremely calm, his heart had already planned, his eyes followed Luu Binh's figure.

Luu Tich Quan was not so calm, the magic talisman was pushed to the limit, ready for the jade stones to melt together.

- Ha ha, Luu Binh, do you really want to Doc Co Minh take all the keys and jump into the ghost realm, so that you have less enemies and can easily monopolize the inheritance of the Nether Demon Master?

A deep voice rang out, Doan Chi Binh rushed out to block Doc Co Minh and Luu Tich Quan.

Seeing this scene, Luu Binh shouted loudly, spiritual energy surging throughout the sky and earth to press down:

- Because of you, you still dare to stop me? Call Tu Ma young master of the Begonia sect, come here, maybe I can even take a look at him!

- Arrogant, Luu Binh, do you think you are invincible in the world?

A young man with the back of a tiger and the shoulders of a bear, with a shaggy beard, a chubby face, and a long scream, joined forces with Doan Chi Binh to defend.

Luu Binh is indeed brave, even though he had to fight two peak late-stage Dao Ancestor alone, he still did not lose at all. But it must be said again and again, Doan Chi Binh and Trieu Thang of the Nine Tiansham sect are also very powerful. The two sides fought each other to the point of landslides.

At this moment, Luu Hoang suddenly appeared from afar, making Luu Binh happy.

- Come quickly and help!

- Luu Binh come here quickly!

The monks were completely horrified when they discovered that Luu Hoang did not want to fight, but more like he was calling for help.

Behind him, there was a young man with starry eyes and sword eyebrows chasing closely, his sword shadow covering the sky covering Luu Hong!

- Did I see wrongly, the monk Qi Condensation actually chased and killed the peak of the Dao Ancestor realm?

Everyone swallowed a mouthful of saliva. Previously, when they heard that Crimson had killed the late-stage Dao Ancestor Realm at the peak of the Nine Tiansham Sect, everyone was half-believing and half-skeptical, but now seeing the heaven-defying scene before their eyes, they also began to believe it.

- Oh man! Seventy-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine zhang sea!

- This kind of miserable sea, as long as it doesn't die prematurely, it will definitely become an emperor in the future!

- Even Crimson is not as sure as him!

- Who is he, why is his face so strange?

Doc Co Minh looked at the young man, smiled, and nodded. If it wasn't Mong Tieu Pham, who else would come in here?

- I once heard that Senior Luu Tong used the strength of one person to defeat the previous generation's ten thousand thousand arrogances, it was shocking and terrifying. Nowadays, the Luu family is full of people who rely on others to oppress the weak, which is truly shameless!

Mong Tieu Pham swung his sword and slashed at Luu Hoang. The Qi Condensation of seventy-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine meters emitted a dazzling golden color, making him look like a reincarnated god of war.

But Luu Hoang suffered endlessly. When he was in the Qi Condensation, he was able to open up to 26,000 meters. And from the time he broke through the Dao Ancestor Realm until now, he has been able to refine eleven strands of Yuan Qi, no matter how he said, he is a generation of genius. But now he was beaten by the evil young man behind him until he had no strength to fight back.

The sword shadow flickered, the golden sea shook the world, Mong Tieu Pham fought all the way to kill Luu Hoang all the way to Luu Binh.

This was a Dao Ancestor level match, so Vuong That and Truong Giac could not participate, but they began to target Doc Co Minh and Luu Tich Quan.

Doc Co Minh understood that the situation was not in his favor, so he took all the keys and brought them to the edge of the abyss, and shouted loudly:

- Whoever stops those two guys, I will share the key with that person!

Young Master Tinh Minh laughed loudly and indeed rushed forward to block Vuong That's head.

- Brother Vuong, we've heard about it for a long time, let's try it!

- You want to find a way to die!

Not far away, Aether Fern of Phong Loi holy land, even though he had the key, also attacked Truong Giac. These two people have not liked each other for a long time, and now they have an excuse to fight.

As for the few geniuses who had the key, Prince Linh Minh, Thach Hau clan, Hua Du Chan Dai Dao, and Kim Thien Chi Kim Si clan, they began to think about which side to help.

Kim Thien Chi says:

- Kill the Longevity Body, otherwise, too many people will enter the second level, our chances will decrease!

Hua Do smiled:

- Only a Qi Condensation of less than twenty thousand meters can cause a battle of this magnitude, it is truly admirable!

Prince Linh Minh agreed with Kim Thien Chi's thoughts:

- Kill the Longevity Body, then join forces with Luu Binh to attack and kill that mysterious person with the Qi Condensation of bitterness. If he doesn't die, it will be a big disaster!

Seventy-nine thousand nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine meters of Qi Condensation! Just thinking about it gives me goosebumps!

This is the ultimate heavenly arrogance that is even stronger than the Lightning Destroyer of Phong Loi Holy Land!

- Kill!

Kim Thien Chi, Prince Linh Minh, and Hua Do rushed to Doc Co Minh at the same time. All three scapegoats appeared ready to fight Luu Tich Quan.

- How now?

Luu Tich Quan gasped, she was extremely weak, she could only barely move the talisman.

Doc Co Minh looked at the surrounding monks, then held all the keys in front of the abyss and raised his voice:

- Do you still want to sit on the mountain and fight tigers? If no one comes forward, I'll throw them all down!

This time, not only those who were silently observing, but even the fiercely fighting geniuses like Young Master Tinh Minh above also said angrily:

- If you dare to throw it down, no one will be able to save you!

Kim Thien Chi, Hua Do, and Prince Linh Minh came very close with Thao Thien's murderous aura.

- Damn it, you three are planning to cut everyone's way into the secret world! I risk my life!

In the end, the Ly Mat family was afraid that the trip to the Forbidden Land would be meaningless, so they rushed to join the battle.

Experts from the Nine Miracculous Sect, the Thai Hoang Giao, the Tieu family, and other medium forces also participated in this chaotic battle.

Unexpectedly, the battlefield was divided into two main factions, one faction was determined to kill Doc Co Minh, the other faction was determined to protect him.

- Among those who came forward, only Mong Tieu Pham, Doan Chi Binh, Aether Fern, and Trieu Thang had no hostility towards me. Although the rest showed their faces, their eyes when looking at me were like looking at a medicinal pill!

Doc Co Minh clutched the keys in his hand, her demeanor became cold.

Luu Tich Quan sighed:

- The Longevity Body truly has great appeal. Even our Luu family had to seal the news after we captured you, for fear that other forces would find out.

Not only are the monks of the Qi Condensation or the Dao Ancestor Realm interested in the Longevity Body, but there are also the old monsters of Ung Kiep who are sleeping soundly. The Longevity body has enough vitality to help them increase their lifespan by several hundred years, prolonging the prosperity of the family to wait for the next generation of Ung Kiep.

Doc Co Minh handed the key to Luu Tich Quan, instructing her to stay here.

- Do you want to fight?

- That's right, there are some people who make me feel disgusted!

As he finished speaking, he used Devil Dao and rushed straight to the battlefield of Vuong That and Young Master Tinh Minh.

There is no one among the great forces who are not powerful and their tricks are unparalleled. Both Vuong That and Young Master Tinh Minh are still very young, but they have a lot of fighting experience, plus they have a few Dao Bao in their hands, and they don't die easily.

- Longevity Body, you still haven't left after eating one stick?

Vuong That roared in anger when he saw Doc Co Minh participating in the battle.

The phantom galaxy sparkling with stars surrounded Doc Co Minh's body, his momentum rose to its peak, he began to attack like a weapon towards Vuong That.

Young Master Tinh Minh transmitted the sound:

- No need to be afraid of the Immortal Strike, I will use another Ramie to block it. Hurry and kill him!

Doc Co Minh smiled coldly, that young master Tinh Minh was not a kind person. His eyes were always filled with venom, clearly coveting his Longevity Body. However, for now, it would be good to cooperate with him to kill Vuong That.

In just a few hundred moves, Vuong That couldn't stand it anymore, he was beaten by Doc Co Minh's Penetrating Palm, his internal organs were crushed, and black blood flowed out from his seven organs, which looked very scary. The guy shouted:

- I still have six talented and talented brothers. If you kill me, from now on, you will be hunted throughout the entire Southern Wilderness!

- Don't worry, if those six guys dare to provoke me, I will send them down to the Hoang Ha River to be your friends!

What Doc Co Minh hates most is being threatened. This is considered a bad habit of his. If the other person doesn't say anything, that's fine, but if he dares to threaten him, his crazy blood will immediately rise, and he must do it at all costs.

- Aah ah ah, I don't want to die!

The sound of Vuong That echoed throughout the battlefield, causing everyone to get goosebumps and look back in unison.

I only saw the image of Doc Co Minh coldly striking Vuong That's head, then turning around to attack Young Master Tinh Minh who was planning to sneak attack.

After the Young Master Tinh Minh cooperated in killing someone, he suddenly turned around and intended to control Doc Co Minh to threaten Luu Tich Quan into handing over the key.

- I already knew you had this idea!

Doc Co Minh picked up Dam Tien and attacked young master Tinh Minh. Although there was still Vuong That's resentment in this nine-segmented whip, it was quickly erased by him using his spiritual sense.

- The Qi Condensation is less than 20,000 meters long but has fighting power equal to mine? How confusing!

Young master Tinh Minh fought and realized that Doc Co Minh was not easy to swallow. He is a twenty-six thousand zhang Qi Condensation, a little stronger than Vuong That, but still feels like he cannot defeat Doc Co Minh.

- Nine Turns Heavily Technique is truly famous!

The more he fought Young Master Tinh Minh, the more terrified he became when he saw that his magical powers, no matter how strong their destructive power, were absorbed by the silver galaxy, which then helped Doc Co Minh's momentum increase rapidly.

Just now, if he hadn't been hit by Ramie, causing Yangjiun to disintegrate, Doc Co Minh would definitely not have suffered a loss to Vuong That. Now he has successfully won the Immortal Strike, becoming stronger and stronger, fully capable of fighting fairly with Young Master Tinh Minh.