
The Ascension Journey of a Mortal

In the bustling heart of Saigon, the city dazzles with its duality: opulence for the affluent and desolation for the destitute. Amidst this urban chaos, a compelling saga unfolds, capturing the essence of survival, ambition, and the relentless pursuit of hope. Meet Minh, a streetwise young man with a knack for evading trouble. Despite his unassuming appearance and history of petty theft, Minh harbors a heart full of loyalty and a dream for a better life. His life is a constant chase, not just from the authorities but from his own limitations and circumstances. "Are you good at standing still?" might as well be Minh’s mantra, for his life is anything but stationary. Minh's closest confidant and moral compass is Mr. Ly, an elderly man who, despite his advanced age and destitution, possesses a wealth of wisdom. Mr. Ly has taught Minh how to read and instilled in him the value of knowledge. Their bond is not just of necessity but of mutual respect and unspoken familial ties. Minh often reflects, "I often suspect that you are a person from another world who has come here!" This suspicion is more admiration, highlighting the stark contrast between their lives and Mr. Ly's enigmatic presence. The narrative takes a mystical turn when Minh's encounters introduce him to a realm of fantastical possibilities. The tales Mr. Ly used to tell about different kinds of spiritual bodies and their abilitiessome blessed by gods to control elements like Wind and Lightning start to feel less like stories and more like hidden truths about the world Minh inhabits. This revelation begins when he meets Luu Tich Quan, a formidable woman bound by family pride and mysterious powers. Their interaction is a dance of power and secrecy, each with their own past and future to protect. Minh's struggle intensifies as he grapples with his own latent abilities and the harsh realities of the mystical world he is slowly drawn into. "Your problem is that the bitter sea recovers too quickly, it is difficult to expand, you can only rely on external support to explore," Luu Tich Quan tells Minh, hinting at the untapped potential within him and the monumental challenges he faces. His body, described as the Longevity Body, suggests he is destined for greatness but also curses him with perpetual struggle. The stakes rise as Minh becomes entangled with the powerful Luu family, known for their mastery over ancient techniques and ruthless ambition. The conflict with the Luu family is not just physical but deeply ideological, testing Minh's principles and his resolve to protect those he loves, like little Vi, who represents his hope and future. In a particularly gripping scene, Minh faces off with Luu Toan, a proud member of the Luu family. The tension is palpable, with Luu Toan underestimating Minh's tenacity. "I really don't want to offend you, I'm just forced to," Minh says, encapsulating his reluctant heroism. This moment marks the beginning of Minh’s transformation from a street survivor to a significant player in the unfolding mystical war. The narrative's climax is both a physical and spiritual battle. Minh’s journey through ancient relics, facing mythical beasts, and deciphering cryptic prophecies leads him to a profound understanding of his purpose. The encounters with other powerful entities, like Doc Co Minh and the enigmatic Nether Demon Master, push Minh to his limits, forcing him to harness his true potential. “Don't worry, I can never die,” Minh declares, embodying the resilience that defines his character. This statement is not just bravado but a testament to his undying spirit, foreshadowing his crucial role in the larger cosmic struggle. Can Minh fully realize his potential and face the harsh challenges that lie ahead? Where will this journey take him, and what secrets will be revealed in the battle between good and evil? Stay tuned to uncover the surprises and wonders still hidden within "[The Ascension Journey of a Mortal]".

Janclesio · Oriental
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43 Chs

Chapter 10: The Terrifying Plan

After Doc Co Minh spoke his mind, Luu Tich Quan almost immediately jumped up.

He wanted to go out of his soul and enter the purple mist transformed by the devil, using it to fly high into the sky.

Soul Extraction is a basic magic of the spiritual practice world, almost everyone can learn it. However, few people dare to use it. The lower the cultivation level, the more dangerous it is to go out of the soul. The soul is very easily damaged, but difficult to recover. Many people while out of the soul have their souls devoured by Demonic Beasts, leaving only an empty body that gradually withers and dies.

- Even though you are an Longevity Body, your soul is just like a normal person. Is that any different from committing suicide?

Luu Tich Quan kept blocking. Doc Co Minh smiled wryly:

- Do we have any other way? If I don't succeed in getting the U stone for you, I myself will fall into danger. My cultivation level is not as high as Luu Binh and Kim Thien Chi, but they definitely cannot be as desperate as me... I will go first and take the lead!

He did not dare to boast that he was the smartest person in the world. Other geniuses must have discovered some secrets in the sky. However, they regret their lives, will explore carefully before daring to act, and sometimes when they see a little danger, they will immediately retreat. Doc Co Minh's advantage is that he is not afraid of heaven or earth, daring to bet his own life.

Luu Tich Quan was silent and looked at him for a long time:

- Sorry, I'm also helpless!

Doc Co Minh shook his head:

- I can't blame you, this is also my creation. In the near future, I will still need you to protect my body...

Then he raised his face to the sky and shouted:

- If fate had arranged for me to enter this world and create a legendary legend, I would definitely not die here! Doc Co Minh can't die!

His eyes were full of blood veins, he let Luu Tich Quan down, then sat cross-legged and came out of his soul into the purple mist created by a demon he had just killed. Sure enough, his soul was gradually lifted higher by the purple mist, instantly disappearing from Luu Tich Quan's sight.

- Perhaps fate has determined that in this life I must be stuck in the same place with you, to live together, to die together...

Luu Tich Quan sighed, looked at Doc Co Minh's body, whose eyes were closed, an incomprehensible feeling arose in his heart.

"Dare to ask how high the blue sky is?

Is it as high as my heart?"

Doc Co Minh once read this sentence in a fairy tale series. At that time, he didn't really understand and just quickly glanced at it, but now when he gradually reached "Heaven", he could fully feel the heroic spirit of these two sentences.

As a child, every time he raised his head to look at the vast sky above, he suddenly saw that he was just a speck of dust, worth nothing.

As he grew older, his mind also changed. He knew that "Sky" was after all just a part of the atmosphere. There was also a vast universe outside. He no longer felt like "Heaven" was something that could not be touched again.

At the moment when he was about to reach "Heaven", a wild ambition arose in his heart.

He wants to punch "Heaven" with a punch!

- If I can beat God, I will be satisfied even if I die!

Doc Co Minh laughed happily, actually controlling the mist to form a fist, smashing the moon into the dark sky.

Oh! The sky suddenly split open, forming a giant black hole that sucked all the surrounding purple mist inside. Doc Co Minh turned pale and quickly dodged, but there was no time left.

- You bastard, you dare to disrespect God, you killed me!

A cloud of purple mist not far from Doc Co Minh suddenly made a cursing sound.

- Is there anyone coming up?

Sure enough, he was not the only one who discovered the secret of the secret realm. At least there is one more mysterious person ahead.

Because they used their soul to enter the purple mist, no one knew the other person's appearance, even their voice was loud and hard to hear.

- Damm it, I curse you to be suppressed in this life and go to the septic tank for ten thousand years...

He was very angry because he was sucked into the black hole in the sky. It was originally possible to approach safely but was destroyed by that crazy guy, and now it is in an incredibly dangerous situation.

Both were simultaneously sucked into the hole in the sky. A moment later, countless purple mists were dispatched here, quickly repairing the hole, and the sky was intact again as if nothing unusual had ever happened.

In another corner of the secret realm, the Demon Face Army wearing a mask walked in a deserted forest. Every step you take, you handily defeat a peak of the Demon of the Qi Condensation. The moment a change occurred in the sky, he shook his head and sighed:

- Another person who didn't know whether he was alive or dead jumped up...

Quite a distance away, Aether Fern of Loi Phong Holy Land also looked thoughtful:

- All our predecessors conjectured that the secret realm was created by a giant formation, and the sky was the weakest location of the formation. But who would dare to go up there to check? With that terrifying commotion, someone must have been unable to restrain themselves from taking a risk, their souls must have been crushed into tens of thousands of pieces.

- Doc Co Minh!

At the place where Doc Co Minh was sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed, Luu Tich Quan shouted his name in panic. The change just now occurred right at the location where he flew up, so it was definitely related.

- Breathing is normal, it's probably okay!

After checking his physical condition, Luu Tich Quan dared to breathe a sigh of relief.

No one knows that Doc Co Minh is scared to death at this moment.

The black hole just now was truly too violent, sucking in the souls of both him and that mysterious person. Fortunately, at this moment, from his soul, a piece of ancient bronze-colored jade suddenly flew out to cover the front, protecting him and the mysterious person from safely falling into the black hole.

- What kind of ancient jade is this? Unexpectedly, it will help us survive the disaster...

The mysterious person spoke tremblingly.

The copper-colored piece of ancient jade was still hovering in front of Doc Co Minh, creating a safe barrier that covered both of them.

Looking at this piece of ancient jade, he couldn't help but remember Mr. Ly. I had long guessed that he was a god, but I didn't expect this piece of ancient jade to actually follow me here. So that dream is clearly true, where is the black horse capable of crossing the stars? If we find it, will it be possible to return to Earth?

- When I attain enlightenment and become Emperor, stepping on the earth under my feet, I will definitely return to earth...

He wasn't too worried about Little Vi, Mr. Ly was a god, he certainly wouldn't let the baby suffer.

Next to him, the mysterious person began to shed his purple mist, revealing the appearance of a young man with sword eyes and star eyebrows. Although he is not too handsome, he has a very special kind of generous temperament.

- Dear Mong Tieu Pham, may I ask about your brother's noble character?

- It's your fault, Doc Co Minh!

Doc Co Minh also showed his true appearance, but his expression was a bit unhappy.

Mong Tieu Pham coughed, understanding what he was upset about, smiled bitterly and said:

- Just now I was so angry and cursed, I hope Doc Co Minh will forgive...

Doc Co Minh waved his hand without replying and began to observe the surrounding situation.

When he saw everything clearly, both he and Mong Tieu Pham couldn't help but look scared.

What kind of "Sky" is this? It's clearly a large grave.

Lying suspended in the air far away was a black coffin emitting a terrifying aura, around it were suspended thousands of tiny, fist-sized planets glowing brightly. These planets revolve around the coffin continuously, constantly providing it with essence. In the distance, there are also countless keys scattered everywhere, waiting for the purple mist to descend into the secret realm below.

Mong Tieu Pham swallowed his saliva:

- Could that coffin belong to the Nether Demon Master? This formation seems to simulate three thousand stars revolving around the sun, or maybe three thousand great paths revolving around the U Minh ghost path...

- It turns out that being sucked up here is not only the purple mist but also the essence of the dead monks.

Doc Co Minh nodded and added.

Most of the people participating in seeking luck in the forbidden land of U Minh are young strong men with excellent physical strength. Just imagine how many of these one hundred forty-seven thousand years have fallen in the forbidden land Lan Ha, and then turned into essence to nourish that black coffin?

What is the intention of this formation? Maybe...

Mong Tieu Pham was solemn, but Doc Co Minh also had a serious expression.

- Want to help the U Minh Demon Master come back to life! Or it can also be understood in another way. The Nether Demon Master is about to fall and has created a secret inheritance realm to lure geniuses from all over the human world to enter and collect blood essence to wait for the new day.

The black coffin suddenly emitted a terrifying aura, causing both of their minds to tremble. The void seemed to crumble under this aura. In the end, it was still the powerful copper-colored piece of ancient jade, it emitted a gentle light to protect the two people, not being suppressed by that terrifying aura.

- What is this magic weapon that can resist the Demon Lord's aura?

Mong Tieu Pham is even more afraid of the ancient jade piece floating high above.

Doc Co Minh sighed:

- I do not know. Having arrived here, is it possible to return empty-handed?

Currently, the Demon Master's aura is filling this space, seemingly trying to protect the formation from being destroyed. If Mong Tieu Pham and Doc Co Minh dare to step out of the ancient jade's protection, they will definitely be crushed and their souls will be broken into thousands of pieces.