

{A/N : Hello ladies and gentlemen. About the previous chapter... well what can I say? It is what it is, with all honesty. I tried... maybe not enough. Although I am actually happy, even knowing that you guys didn't like it or enjoy it, you spoke kind words. I truly do appreciate it. I really do. One thing though, I will say this once now and later when I will make an auxiliary chapter, further explaining what I am going to talk about. The power scaling isn't fully developed at all. And to be honest, power scaling in general is bs, in anime, in movies, in shows... and etc. Mostly because of the so called "plot armor".

The thing is, this is my story, throughout writing the story and going with flow, the power scale will always be inconsistent. The Nephilim was powerful, Dracula had 100 years, and Dracula before those 100 years, wasn't the MC. Now when the MC became what he asked for, a lot of the powers came out. Because of knowing what he is. Confusing, I know. The point is, there could be an Angel, Nephilim, or a Demi-god, who is stronger than a minor Deity, but not full blown Celestial(like Odin).

Same goes for Dracula. Dracula technically is a Demi-god. His mothers blood was although a blessing to him because his father's blood enhanced it even further. So he is more of a vampire than an Aesir. Both of his bloods are coexisting. Because of that "unity", it is more of a curse than a blessing. It is difficult for him to reach higher grounds. But, more rewarding. I hope that explained some of your questions? Anyways, I hope you all have an amazing week!}

[Vlad POV, Elder Council's Castle]

I stand up from the bed, looking at my still injured arms. 'How can this happen...?' I think to myself.

[Unfortunately sir, I am unable to know the reason behind your current predicament. The most obvious theory, is the that the lightning you conjured, is from a place that is not natural, a place you haven't fully connected to. That is my theory Sir.] says Archibald.

I say "That may be the case-" and I pause, as I notice I am in a whole different place, there is luscious greenery all around me. Tall trees, full of life and color, so many flowers around me, and flowing rivers and beds of lakes. Distant hills and tall mountains.

"Amazing..." I say.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" says someone behind me. I turn quickly around and see Odin.

"Hundreds of thousands of years ago, long before I was born. This dimension was torn to pieces by war. Until my father, Borr, won the war in this dimension, and left it as it is. Till it became what you see today." says Odin.

I nod, still bewildered by what I am seeing. "Let me look at your arms." Odin says, as he gets closer to me, and holds both my hands.

"Do you know why this happened?" I ask, and he replies by saying "Do you know why your father uses Mjolnir?"

I shake my head, and he says "Because it helps him focus his power, concentrate it and control it. Lightning is chaotic, unnatural and disruptive. You could say it is practically untamable. That is why even mages rarely use lightning magic."

As he finishes saying that, a power rushes from Odin's hands to both of my arms, completely healing them.

Clinching my fists, feeling refreshed as I have gained back what I thought I have lost. I look at him and say "Thank you.", he nods and says "In the last millennium, only a handful of mages were able to fully master lightning magic."

Looking at him, surprised at the last part he mentioned. "Shouldn't it not injure me this much, even though I am Thor's son?"

"Yes... and no. Your father, for thousands of years practiced his control over lightning, millenniums of training, wielding Mjolnir, controlling his lightning, making a true connection with thunder and lightning, studying and understanding it. Now, he is able to manipulate lightning to his will... to a great degree at that." he says.

"I would recommend restraining yourself from tapping into pure lightning, that is something you should stay far away from... for now. Instead concentrate on practicing lightning magic." he continues.

"What is the difference?" I ask, and he replies by saying "The power you tapped into, the same power your father taps into, is the Law of Lightning. The highest and purest form of it, if you weren't who you were, and tapped into that power somehow, which is impossible. Your whole body would have shriveled and turned to dust from the overwhelming power."

I gulp, thinking about if this happened, instead of just my arms being damaged. Odin then continues by saying "Magic... is just magic, it is the usage of the energy abundant everywhere, or the energy within oneself, or even both, and then to make magic, make spells."

"Well... lesson learned I guess." I say, and Odin nods, grins, points at me and says "Indeed, this should be a very important lesson. A lesson to not go crazy with power, not to be arrogant, ignorant, or quick to anger, and fall into rage." I nod, smiling wearily and he continues "Now go, you have much to do. And remember, think before using your powers, always make sure your in control."

"One more thing, as I have said, don't get too arrogant, just because you killed a weak Nephilim." Odin says, I look at him seriously and he continues "The Nephilim's parent was most definitely a weak Angel, the lowest of their ranks."

I nod and say "Understood.", he grins and vanishes, as well as the scene we were in, as I am back in the room I was previously in.

[Vlad POV, one hour later]

I am currently in a hidden dungeon within the castle that the Elder Council reside in.

Walking towards a table, there lies the body of the Nephilim I defeated. He was strong, but not powerful. Sure, if I have not used my transformation, that outcome might have been different... no, I would have still won.

My transformation was the key to killing him quickly, swiftly, and easily. Though it gives massive boost in physical strength and the dark arts, it takes a toll on me.

Waving my hand and casting a spell to stop the blood from spilling out of his body if cut it. I start to dissect the body. I removed most of the important organs such as the brain, heart, liver and etc... I took a glass jar and filled 8 liters of blood. Which makes sense, with his giant body and him being a Nephilim.

They were mixed, the blood was red and a light shade of gold. Further examining this phenomena I discovered that he has certain veins which contain "golden blood". Upon further studying the golden blood, it contains no gold... surprisingly. It just looks golden, though this so called golden blood is filled with a lot of power.

I decided to use blood manipulation to separate the red and golden blood. 5.7 liters of red blood and the golden blood is around 2.3, enough for further research.

Putting his organs in jars and some bones in jars to, I teleport them into my spatial inventory, as well as the blood.

I touch his shoulder with my right hand and use blood transcendency, whatever blood is left leaves his pores and enters through my hand as I take all his powers though the blood.

My form starts to shift and change, I start growing to about 195 cm and a little bulkier. My magic becomes a bit more potent. I am now able to use some of his abilities, which all rely on Light Magic, even though I can only use Light Magic to a degree. Most of what I gained are physical abilities/techniques.

Looking at the dried up corpse, I touch what is left of his head with my right hand, as it glows a dark eerie green color and use the ability devour on him. It is a necromantic ability that consumes/devours beings, taking their energy/life force. As I am doing that, his body slowly starts to disappear. Finishing, I walk towards a dusty mirror on my left. I snap my fingers and the dust in the whole area disappears, I look upon myself in the mirror. My body and looks have changed to a degree. Even though, I am still recognizable. {A/N : Here is his new looks.}

Liking what I see, I grin and teleport to the meeting room, where Henriksen, Esmeralda, and Dragan are waiting. Volrais and Jotmonn, are back at the Caligo Forest. As for the souls in the battlefield, they are all still trapped in the dome, and the army is still patrolling there.

"Lord?" says Esmeralda and I look at her, she continues smiling "You've changed..." the rest nod and I reply "Ah... yes, indeed I did."

I look back and stare down the window, that is behind my chair, the one in the middle.

I look back and say "Tell them to come in." Hendriksen nods, goes to open the door and I just look back at the window, starting outside.

The elders come in. Meredith, Remus, Helena, Brendan and... Zelgrath.

I turn around and look at each one of them and say "It is good to see you." I sit at the chair and motion for them to sit. Remus sits to my left and Meredith to my right.

Meredith looks at me with a sad, but happy look and says "I am glad you are back... where have you been all this time? I have been worried.", Indeed she would. Meredith was like a mother to my mother. When they came to Zarza looking for me, I was still young and so she treated me like her son. Always worried, always do this and that, don't do this and that, and so on. You get the point.

"Recovering... and getting stronger." I say smilingly.

She smiles and says "We are glad you are back... and that you helped us. Our army would have been annihilated and we" she motions to the council and continues "would have most likely died if they have used that artifact, summoning that Nephilim." she poses and puts her left hand on my right and says "You have indeed become stronger and smarter. I can see that."

"We are happy that you are back." Remus says with a smile as Brendan nods and Helena... ah yes.

"I am happy you are back Vlad..." says Helena. 'She, has umm... has a crush on me....' I think to myself.

I nod, and then look towards Zelgrath, who is sweating profusely, wonder why...

"Zelgrath..." I say and he straightens up and says "Lord Dracula?"

"I was thinking if I haven't seen you there with the rest... I will go on a little hunt for a vampire. I haven't went in a hunt in a long time... Ha, those were the good old days." I say, grinning and he keeps sweating.

He scratches his head and says "Well... thankfully I was there.... ha ha... ha...", he laughs wearily in the end.

I nod grinning as the rest chuckle and Helena has a smug look... she has somewhat of a history with Zelgrath.

"Vlad we dare not ask this before but... Hendriksen and Esmeralda, they are-" speaks Remus and I reply quickly "Yes. They are Vampire Lords. I turned them." They look surprised and shocked, all of them.

"How..." asks Meredith and I say "My power, Vampire Lordship."

"What?! I thought that was a myth to scare the hunters and those holy fanatics!?" shouts Zelgrath, as the rest nod.

"Really... you have Demons, Angels, Nephilims, Celestials, and etcetera here and there, and you think this is a myth." I say nonchalantly and give them a look that says "seriously?".

"Who would have thought..." says Remus as he sits back and sighs heavily.

"What now?" Helena asks and continues "Some escaped... especially the kings."

"Now we wait for our friend to arrive..." I say and they all look confused as I feel my pocket shift from an artifact, snapping my fingers a man appears from the shadows.

"CHURCH BASTARD?!" Zelgrath and Brendan shout, standing up and getting ready to kill the man.

"All say hi to Jurius, a representative and executive of the Holy Church's main branch... and my spy." I say that as all of them look shocked. As Brendan and Zelgrath sit back down, stunned.

Remus sighs and says "I always forget to not be surprised from you and expect anything..." and all nod.

"You think I was just sitting around lazily for a hundred years? No, I went out here and there., occasionally." I say, grinning.

"So tell me Jurius, what is happening?" I speak out and Jurius bows and says "The kingdoms of the Victorum Confederation are in chaos. There is no order or law. The people are in fear. They don't have enough soldiers to protect their borders. The news is spreading fast of their defeat."

I nod and say "Thank you Jurius... what about you. Won't they be suspicious." he replies by saying "No. I faked my death. A group of vampires has infiltrated the Abalon Kingdom and killed the representative of the Holy Church. That is the gossip they believe in."

"Good. In a week we will march upon their lands, after we have settled everything." I say and all of them nod. "I want you to rebuild as much of this land as you can. I am sure the vampires who were hiding will come out, seeking a place. So welcome them."

I dismiss all of them expect the trio who were with me, as well as Remus and Meredith. I ask "Where are the Werewolves... why weren't they here?"

"They scattered once more... into tribes." says Remus and I ask "What about my friend... Lucian? Where is he?"

Meredith sighs and says "We don't know... after you disappeared, he too disappeared." nodding, I say "After hearing of me, I am sure he will appear."

"In a couple of days I want all members of the Elder Council here. It is time you've become stronger." I say, looking at Remus and Meredith, and they nod.

[Unknown POV]

In a fortress, situated between the elven kingdom of Mh'Tirion and the dwarven kingdom of Gol Daruhl. The queen of Mh'Tirion, the king of Gol Daruhl, the king of Echelux and the Minister of Lorke are preparing to head towards said fortress, to speak about the battle that just shifted the powers on Zarza.