A random dude goes to a Fantasy world, as the one and only, Dracula! Well, kind of... A/N : My second novel. This is just a try, might fail, might succeed, who knows. I sometimes get creative and sometimes just straight up lazy, so expect some strange and inconsistent chapters, that is if I run out of "creative" ideas. P.S. Chapters upload or update or whatever aren't really "scheduled", when I feel like it I'll upload. One more thing, you will see minor, almost no grammatical mistakes. Although, some minor spelling mistakes will most likely be there.
{A/N : Hey ladies and gentlemen, I apologies for this late chapter release. I have been kind of sick after releasing the last chapter and then, I was just straight up tired, mentally tired. Well anyways here is a new chapter. I have a lot of things planned to be honest, we haven't even finished the first arc, and I still have many ideas for the second and third arc already. Anyways, hope you all have a great day and an amazing week.}
[Vlad POV]
I am currently with Jurius, Remus, and Brendan. We are walking through the Caligo forest, towards the time-portal that Odin gave me. 'Wonder if he saw my battle...' I think to myself.
"Tell me Jurius. In one of your letters you told me you have brought many to our side within the Holy Church... how many... and how good are they?" I ask Jurius curiously. The thing about Jurius is he is special... He was born with great potential in magic. Rare in humans, but not uncommon. I met him around 60 years ago.
Yes 60... Alchemy is a wonderful thing. Jurius is a man of knowledge, intellect, and cunning. He is a very fascinating person. He stumbled about 60 years ago on the Caligo Forest. Searching for treasures and glory... That failed, he got heavily injured. Luckily for him I was walking through the forest to the direction where he was. He Immediately put two and two together after seeing me and how I spoke to him.
He amazed me by how fearless he was and how he was trying to play me... even knowing it won't work. All that just to survive... anyways, so I trained him, helped him reach his potential and even beyond. He is very proficient in illusion and light magic, as well as fire magic. A very good combo if I may say so.
"Currently in total of all who are with us, are about 5000. It is not at all a large number considering how big and how old the Holy Church is. Although, 17 of them are very influential people within the Holy Church... As for how good they are. Well... that is hard to say. About 2000 I am sure are very capable, especially the 17 I previously mentioned." says Jurius, grinning proudly.
I smile and say "A job well done."
Soon we reach the portal and we stop. We are waiting for them to come out of the portal. Yesterday me, Hendriksen, and Remus have designed sketches of armor and weapons for the Vampire Knights, Vanguards, and the Assassins. As well as making the perfect alloy. Meredith, Esmeralda, and Volrais also helped with the best enchantments we can put before they went on their mission.
And one by one they come out, all 25,000 of them. As well as, Hendriksen, Jotmonn, Dragan and the ten Colonels. {A/N : Decided to change they're rankings to Colonels, they each command around 2,000 Soldiers. The Colonels each answer directly to Dragan, as he is The General. Later I will make it so there is Captains, under the Colonels.}
The aura these 25,000 have is beyond what they previously had. The knights auras are that of a protector, a sword ready to kill anyone who dares go against the empire, a shield to protect the empire. The vanguards are that of a vicious bear ready to break through anything, ready to take all the damage from the forefront. Lastly, the assassins, they are calm, calm yet they are bloodthirsty and full of killing intent, ready to slit anyone's throat if they find them a threat or nuisance to the Emperor or the empire.
I walk towards Hendriksen, Jotmonn, and Dragan. Stopping, I smile and say "You have done well my friends.", they do a light bow with their head.
Scratching his head, Dragan says "They were an annoying bunch in the beginning, whining and blabbering about how they will do this and that once their done with this hell."
We all chuckle and I say "Well no matter what, you have done well." I then turn to Hendriksen and say "There is a base for the assassins near the Traj Kingdom, Esmeralda and Meredith know where it is, tell the assassins to settle there and ask Esmeralda and Meredith if they need some within the countries of the Victorum Confederation..." he nods and I continue "As for the rest post them appropriately around our territories, where there is a base." I finish and he nods.
"One more thing... the 1,000 vamps are ready... Tomorrow Esmeralda and Meredith will be here, so tomorrow you go and train them... train them more than you've trained anyone." I say to Dragan, Remus and Hendriksen and they all nod.
Hendriksen and Remus leave with the army, as they all vanish into blackish-reddish shadows. I look towards to Jurius and say "If there is nothing else Jurius, you may leave... I believe you have work to do.", he smiles, bows and walks away. I look towards Brendan and Remus, and tell them the same.
I gesture for Dragan to follow me towards the entrance of the mountain.
As we walk I say "Dragan, I have and idea... it is a crazy idea, but one with many amazing opportunities and possibilities for our people." he nods confusingly and asks curiously "What is it Lord?"
"I want you to choose about 1,000 to 5,000 of the young vampires within the empire, ones who are willing to volunteer for an experiment... you will say to them that it is a very high risk one but if they survive, it will be very rewarding, and they will benefit themselves, families, the empire and most importantly me, the Emperor." I say in a serious tone.
Dragan grins and says "This must be something very important and ingenious... can I ask what it is?"
We have already reached inside the fortress and are now going into the cave, as I enter and pause, looking at the amazing scenery, I nod and continue walking.
"Hmm... ingenious? Maybe. They will be something like the vanguards and you, a combination. The vanguards have great physical strength and endurance. You... you are a super-vampire... They will be mutated to the greatest degree, the outcome hopefully will be a new species of vampires, one that is physically superior." I say, grinning at the thought of vampires that are walking and living tanks... or mountains. My objective is to make a new species of vampire that have supernatural endurance, defense, stamina, strength and... probably dexterity. Just pure physical power.
We stop in front of a Gazebo in the middle of a lake. It is situated on a very small island, and the only way to it is a little bridge. We sit down and I look at Dragan as he is contemplating with a surprised face.
As he is contemplating, a maid appears, a vampire maid, with a trolley. She bows towards me and bows lightly towards Dragan, she then puts two cups for us and pours us some blood, then stands at my side waiting for my order.
These are the maids that Meredith has been training for a long time. She told me after the war that she sent some to the castle to take care of the place. They are completely loyal.
Dragan takes the cup, drinks it all, puts it down and says "This will be a great boost to our forces... if this experiment succeeds."
I take the cup and drink little sip from the blood, put down the cup and say "Not just our forces, but to our empire, our people. A new and powerful sub-species of vampires. I am sure it will work." I pause, looking at him seriously and say "Dragan...", he looks at me questioningly and I continue "Do you want to become an Elder? I need more people like you... and I need them stronger. You will most likely be physically stronger than all of the other Elder Vampires..."
He looks happy and surprised. He stands up, walks to me and kneels as he says "It will be an honor to receive so much more... a gift far greater than I deserve."
I wave for him to stand up and say "Come now Dragan, you are a friend and a general within our yet to be unannounced empire. You are a great and important factor. You have an important role, you deserve this more than you think so." as I finish, he bows and says "I thank you Lord Dracula... no, Emperor, for this wonderful gift that I am to receive."
I smile, stand up and put my hands on his shoulder and say "Good... very good." and I start to change him into an Elder, a Super Elder.